Nell’incantevole cornice dei Giardini del Frontone di Borgo XX Giugno di Perugia torna, per il secondo anno consecutivo, il PGCity Festival, festival musicale reggae ed elettronico.

PGCity Festival ’12 si svilupperà su due giornate, 15 e 16 Giugno 2012.
Si parte il 15 con una maratona reggae lunga quasi 6 ore: dopo l’apertura dei cancelli, ore 18:00, i concerti inizieranno alle 19:00 e sul palco si alterneranno alcuni dei migliori interpreti nazionali ed internazionali del genere come Sud Sound System, Radici nel Cemento, Lu Tony Man ed Anthony B, quest’ultimo direttamente da Kingston, Jamaica.

Sabato 16 Giugno 2012 invece sarà electro-night con Frost, Rethink Play Showcase e, soprattutto, i Subsonica che, oltre a festeggiare i 15 anni dall’uscita del loro primo album omonimo, apriranno il loro tour estivo proprio da Perugia.

Costo del biglietto: 15 € + 3 € di prevendita. Disponibili presso, Caffè Morlacchi (PG), Musicamusica (PG) e Piccadilly Box Office (Collestrada, PG).
Inoltre va sottolineato come PgCity Festival sostenga l’attività della Fondazione ANT Italia Onlus in Umbria, e parte del ricavato andrà a sostegno dei progetti di prevenzione oncologica della fondazione.

In the enchanting setting of the Giardini del Frontone di Borgo XX Giugno in Perugia back, for the second consecutive year, the PGCity Festival, reggae and electro music festival.

PGCity Festival ’12 will be developed over two days, June 15th and 16th, 2012.
It starts on June 15th with a 6 hours Reggae Marathon: after the opening of the gates, at 18:00, the concerts will begin at 19:00 and will take turns on stage some of the best national and international performers of the genre such as Sud Sound System, Radici nel Cemento, Lu Tony Man and Anthony B, the latter directly from Kingston, Jamaica.

Saturday, June 16th, 2012 will be electro-night with Frost, Rethink Play Showcase and, especially, Subsonica who, in addition to celebrating the 15 years since their first of the same name album, will open their summer tour right from Perugia.

Ticket price: 15 € + 3 € presale. Available at, Caffè Morlacchi (PG), Musicamusica (PG) and Piccadilly Box Office (Collestrada, PG).
It should also be emphasized that PgCity Festival supports the activities of ANT Italia Onlus Foundation in Umbria, and part of the money raised will go to support cancer prevention projects of the foundation.

In the enchanting setting of the Giardini del Frontone di Borgo XX Giugno in Perugia back, for the second consecutive year, the PGCity Festival, reggae and electro music festival.

PGCity Festival ’12 will be developed over two days, June 15th and 16th, 2012.
It starts on June 15th with a 6 hours Reggae Marathon: after the opening of the gates, at 18:00, the concerts will begin at 19:00 and will take turns on stage some of the best national and international performers of the genre such as Sud Sound System, Radici nel Cemento, Lu Tony Man and Anthony B, the latter directly from Kingston, Jamaica.

Saturday, June 16th, 2012 will be electro-night with Frost, Rethink Play Showcase and, especially, Subsonica who, in addition to celebrating the 15 years since their first of the same name album, will open their summer tour right from Perugia.

Ticket price: 15 € + 3 € presale. Available at, Caffè Morlacchi (PG), Musicamusica (PG) and Piccadilly Box Office (Collestrada, PG).
It should also be emphasized that PgCity Festival supports the activities of ANT Italia Onlus Foundation in Umbria, and part of the money raised will go to support cancer prevention projects of the foundation.

In the enchanting setting of the Giardini del Frontone di Borgo XX Giugno in Perugia back, for the second consecutive year, the PGCity Festival, reggae and electro music festival.

PGCity Festival ’12 will be developed over two days, June 15th and 16th, 2012.
It starts on June 15th with a 6 hours Reggae Marathon: after the opening of the gates, at 18:00, the concerts will begin at 19:00 and will take turns on stage some of the best national and international performers of the genre such as Sud Sound System, Radici nel Cemento, Lu Tony Man and Anthony B, the latter directly from Kingston, Jamaica.

Saturday, June 16th, 2012 will be electro-night with Frost, Rethink Play Showcase and, especially, Subsonica who, in addition to celebrating the 15 years since their first of the same name album, will open their summer tour right from Perugia.

Ticket price: 15 € + 3 € presale. Available at, Caffè Morlacchi (PG), Musicamusica (PG) and Piccadilly Box Office (Collestrada, PG).
It should also be emphasized that PgCity Festival supports the activities of ANT Italia Onlus Foundation in Umbria, and part of the money raised will go to support cancer prevention projects of the foundation.

In the enchanting setting of the Giardini del Frontone di Borgo XX Giugno in Perugia back, for the second consecutive year, the PGCity Festival, reggae and electro music festival.

PGCity Festival ’12 will be developed over two days, June 15th and 16th, 2012.
It starts on June 15th with a 6 hours Reggae Marathon: after the opening of the gates, at 18:00, the concerts will begin at 19:00 and will take turns on stage some of the best national and international performers of the genre such as Sud Sound SystemRadici nel CementoLu Tony Man and Anthony B, the latter directly from Kingston, Jamaica.

Saturday, June 16th, 2012 will be electro-night with Frost, Rethink Play Showcase and, especially, Subsonica who, in addition to celebrating the 15 years since their first of the same name album, will open their summer tour right from Perugia.

Ticket price: 15 € + 3 € presale. Available at, Caffè Morlacchi (PG), Musicamusica (PG) and Piccadilly Box Office (Collestrada, PG).
It should also be emphasized that PgCity Festival supports the activities of ANT Italia Onlus Foundation in Umbria, and part of the money raised will go to support cancer prevention projects of the foundation.