Carsulae, antico municipio romano sorto lungo il tracciato della via Flaminia, fu abbandonata in tempi remoti in seguito ad un serio smottamento di terreno che ha reso necessario spostare la sede dell’importante strada consolare.
>>Vuoi vedere il sito archeologico di Carsulae? Consulta ora le offerte dei migliori agriturismi ed hotel nelle vicinanze.
Questa interessante zona archeologica, posta tra Terni e Sangemini, non è stata ancora del tutto riportata alla luce. Sono comunque già visibili la zona del Foro con i resti della basilica e di due templi gemelli, il teatro e l’anfiteatro, entrambi abbastanza ben conservati. Infine il bellissimo arco di San Damiano oltre il quale sono dei monumenti sepolcrali molto interessanti Proprio a fianco del Foro è stata costruita, con i materiali archeologici reperiti nella zona, la bella chiesa medioevale di San Damiano.
>> Ci sono offerte in scadenza per hotel nella zone di Carsulae! Clicca e consultale subito.
Sito archeologico di Carsulae – Centro visite e Documentazione “U. Ciotti” località Carsoli, 8 – 05100 Terni – Tel 0744 334133
Aprile-Settembre, tutti i giorni 8.30-19.30
Ottobre-Marzo, tutti i giorni 8.30-17.30
Società che gestisce i Servizi
ACT – Arte e Cultura Terni
Informazioni e prenotazioni
Centro Visita e Documentazione “U. Ciotti”
Tel/fax 0744 334133
Ricostruzione virtuale della città
Prezzi dei biglietti
a) biglietto intero sito archeologico di Carsulae: € 5,00
b) biglietto ridotto tipo A del sito archeologico di Carsulae: € 3,50
c) biglietto ridotto tipo B del sito archeologico di Carsulae: € 2,50
d) biglietto integrato (Carsulae, area museale ed espositiva “CAOS – Centro Arti Opificio Siri”, mostra permanente di paleontologia e anfiteatro romano di Terni) intero: € 7,00
e) biglietto integrato (Carsulae, area museale ed espositiva “CAOS – Centro Arti Opificio Siri”, mostra permanente di paleontologia e anfiteatro romano di Terni) ridotto di tipo A: € 5,00
f) biglietto integrato (Carsulae, area museale ed espositiva “CAOS – Centro Arti Opificio Siri”, mostra permanente di paleontologia e anfiteatro romano di Terni) ridotto di tipo B: € 3,50
Riduzioni e gratuità
– Hanno diritto al biglietto ridotto tipo A (sito archeologico di Carsulae e biglietto integrato) i cittadini dell’Unione Europea di età compresa tra i 18 ed i 25 anni, i docenti con incarico a tempo indeterminato nelle scuole statali ed i gruppi turistici composti da almeno 15 persone
– Hanno diritto al biglietto ridotto di tipo B (sito archeologico di Carsulae e biglietto integrato) i cittadini dell’Unione Europea che non abbiano compiuto il diciottesimo, i gruppi di studenti delle scuole italiane e degli altri stati dell’UE accompagnati dagli insegnanti, docenti o studenti delle facoltà di architettura, conservazione dei beni culturali, scienze della formazione, lettere e filosofia (corsi di laurea in lettere con indirizzo archeologico o storico-artistico) e delle accademie di belle arti, tutti gli altri soggetti o categorie di soggetti previsti dalla normativa statale vigente.
– Hanno diritto al biglietto gratuito i cittadini residenti nel comune di Terni e nel comune di San Gemini, i disabili ed i loro accompagnatori, gli accompagnatori turistici, le guide e gli interpreti turistici nell’esercizio dell’attività professionale, il personale del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali ed i partecipanti alle attività didattiche organizzate dal Comune.
>>Se hai deciso di vedere Carsulae ti consigliamo di contattare ora gli agriturismi nelle sue vicinanze >> clicca questo link.
Carsulae, an ancient Roman town erected along the course of the Flaminia Road, was abbandoned long-ago because of serious landslides which had rendered it necessary to move the seat of this important consular road.
Not all of this interesting archeological area which is situated between Terni and Sangemini has been brought to light. However, the Forum area with the ruins of the basilica and of the Twin Temples, the Theater and the Amphitheater, both of which are quite well-preserved, are visible; also the very beautiful arch of St. Damian, and further on, very interesting sepulchral monuments. Right next to the Forum the beautiful medieval church of St. Damian was built by using the archeological materials found within this area.
Archaeological site of Carsulae – Survey and Documentation Center “U. Ciotti” locations Carsoli, 8 – 05100 Terni – Tel 0744 334133
April to September, daily 8:30 to 19:30
October to March, daily 8:30 to 17:30
Company that manages the Services
ACT – Arts and Culture Terni
Information and bookings
Visit and Documentation Centre “U. Ciotti ”
Tel / fax 0744 334133
Ticket prices
a) archaeological site of Carsulae ticket: € 5.00
b) reduced ticket type of archaeological site Carsulae: € 3.50
c) reduced ticket type B of the archaeological site of Carsulae: € 2.50
d) integrated ticket (Carsulae, museum and exhibition area “CHAOS – Factory Arts Centre Siri”, permanent exhibition of paleontology and the Roman amphitheater of Terni) Full price: € 7.00
e) integrated ticket (Carsulae, museum and exhibition area “CHAOS – Factory Arts Centre Siri”, permanent exhibition of paleontology and the Roman amphitheater of Terni) reduced type A: € 5.00
f) integrated ticket (Carsulae, museum and exhibition area “CHAOS – Factory Arts Centre Siri”, permanent exhibition of paleontology and the Roman amphitheater of Terni) reduced Type B: € 3.50
Discounts and free
– They are entitled to reduced ticket type A (archaeological site of Carsulae ticketing and integrated) EU citizens aged between 18 and 25 years, teachers with permanent contracts in state schools and tourist groups composed of 15 people
– They are entitled to reduced ticket type B (the archaeological site of Carsulae and integrated ticket) European Union citizens who have not be eighteen, groups of students in Italian schools and other EU were accompanied by teachers, lecturers or students of the faculties of architecture, preservation of cultural, educational sciences, literature and philosophy courses (Bachelor of Arts with an archaeological or historical-artistic) and academies of fine arts, all other persons or classes of persons provided by state law.
– They are entitled to free ticket citizens residing in the town of Terni in the municipality of San Gemini, the disabled and their carers, the tour guides, tour guides and interpreters in the conduct of professional staff of the Ministry Heritage and Culture and the participants in the educational activities organized by the Municipality.
Carsulae, an ancient Roman town erected along the course of the Flaminia Road, was abbandoned long-ago because of serious landslides which had rendered it necessary to move the seat of this important consular road.
Not all of this interesting archeological area which is situated between Terni and Sangemini has been brought to light. However, the Forum area with the ruins of the basilica and of the Twin Temples, the Theater and the Amphitheater, both of which are quite well-preserved, are visible; also the very beautiful arch of St. Damian, and further on, very interesting sepulchral monuments. Right next to the Forum the beautiful medieval church of St. Damian was built by using the archeological materials found within this area.
Archaeological site of Carsulae – Survey and Documentation Center locations Carsoli, 8 – 05100 Terni – Tel 0744 334133
April to September, daily 8:30 to 19:30
October to March, daily 8:30 to 17:30
Company that manages the Services
ACT – Arts and Culture Terni
Informations and bookings
Visit and Documentation Centre “U. Ciotti ”
Tel / fax 0744 334133
Ticket prices
a) archaeological site of Carsulae ticket: € 5.00
b) reduced ticket type of archaeological site Carsulae: € 3.50
c) reduced ticket type B of the archaeological site of Carsulae: € 2.50
d) integrated ticket (Carsulae, museum and exhibition area “CHAOS – Factory Arts Centre Siri”, permanent exhibition of paleontology and the Roman amphitheater of Terni) Full price: € 7.00
e) integrated ticket (Carsulae, museum and exhibition area “CHAOS – Factory Arts Centre Siri”, permanent exhibition of paleontology and the Roman amphitheater of Terni) reduced type A: € 5.00
f) integrated ticket (Carsulae, museum and exhibition area “CHAOS – Factory Arts Centre Siri”, permanent exhibition of paleontology and the Roman amphitheater of Terni) reduced Type B: € 3.50
Discounts and free
– They are entitled to reduced ticket type A (archaeological site of Carsulae ticketing and integrated) EU citizens aged between 18 and 25 years, teachers with permanent contracts in state schools and tourist groups composed of 15 people
– They are entitled to reduced ticket type B (the archaeological site of Carsulae and integrated ticket) European Union citizens who have not be eighteen, groups of students in Italian schools and other EU were accompanied by teachers, lecturers or students of the faculties of architecture, preservation of cultural, educational sciences, literature and philosophy courses (Bachelor of Arts with an archaeological or historical-artistic) and academies of fine arts, all other persons or classes of persons provided by state law.
– They are entitled to free ticket citizens residing in the town of Terni in the municipality of San Gemini, the disabled and their carers, the tour guides, tour guides and interpreters in the conduct of professional staff of the Ministry Heritage and Culture and the participants in the educational activities organized by the Municipality.
Carsulae, an ancient Roman town erected along the course of the Flaminia Road, was abbandoned long-ago because of serious landslides which had rendered it necessary to move the seat of this important consular road.
Not all of this interesting archeological area which is situated between Terni and Sangemini has been brought to light. However, the Forum area with the ruins of the basilica and of the Twin Temples, the Theater and the Amphitheater, both of which are quite well-preserved, are visible; also the very beautiful arch of St. Damian, and further on, very interesting sepulchral monuments. Right next to the Forum the beautiful medieval church of St. Damian was built by using the archeological materials found within this area.
Archaeological site of Carsulae- Survey and Documentation Center locations Carsoli, 8 – 05100 Terni – Tel 0744 334133
April to September, daily 8:30 to 19:30
October to March, daily 8:30 to 17:30
Company that manages the Services
ACT – Arts and Culture Terni
Informations and bookings
Visit and Documentation Centre “U. Ciotti ”
Tel / fax 0744 334133
Ticket prices
a) archaeological site of Carsulae ticket: € 5.00
b) reduced ticket type of archaeological site Carsulae: € 3.50
c) reduced ticket type B of the archaeological site of Carsulae: € 2.50
d) integrated ticket (Carsulae, museum and exhibition area “CHAOS – Factory Arts Centre Siri”, permanent exhibition of paleontology and the Roman amphitheater of Terni) Full price: € 7.00
e) integrated ticket (Carsulae, museum and exhibition area “CHAOS – Factory Arts Centre Siri”, permanent exhibition of paleontology and the Roman amphitheater of Terni) reduced type A: € 5.00
f) integrated ticket (Carsulae, museum and exhibition area “CHAOS – Factory Arts Centre Siri”, permanent exhibition of paleontology and the Roman amphitheater of Terni) reduced Type B: € 3.50
Discounts and free
– They are entitled to reduced ticket type A (archaeological site of Carsulae ticketing and integrated) EU citizens aged between 18 and 25 years, teachers with permanent contracts in state schools and tourist groups composed of 15 people
– They are entitled to reduced ticket type B (the archaeological site of Carsulae and integrated ticket) European Union citizens who have not be eighteen, groups of students in Italian schools and other EU were accompanied by teachers, lecturers or students of the faculties of architecture, preservation of cultural, educational sciences, literature and philosophy courses (Bachelor of Arts with an archaeological or historical-artistic) and academies of fine arts, all other persons or classes of persons provided by state law.
– They are entitled to free ticket citizens residing in the town of Terni in the municipality of San Gemini, the disabled and their carers, the tour guides, tour guides and interpreters in the conduct of professional staff of the Ministry Heritage and Culture and the participants in the educational activities organized by the Municipality.
Carsulae, antique municipalité romaine située le long de la via Flaminia, fût abandonnée il y a très longtemps suite à un sérieux éboulement de terrain qui imposa de déplacer le siège de l’importante route.
Cette zone archéologique intéressante, située entre Terni et Sangemini, n’a pas encore été entièrement fouillée. Cependant, sont déjà visibles la zone du Forum avec les restes de la basilique et de deux temples jumeaux, le théâtre et l’amphithéâtre, tous les deux assez bien conservés.
Enfin, il faut aussi citer le très bel arc de San Damiano, en plus duquel on trouve également deux monuments funéraires très intéressants. Juste à côté du Forum a été construite, avec des matériaux archéoloiques retrouvés sur le site, la belle église médiévale de San Damiano.
Site archéologique de Carsulae – Centre d’Etude et de Documentation “U. Ciotti” Carsoli lieux, 8 – 05100 Terni
Tél: 0744.334133
Avril à Septembre, tous les jours 8 heures 30-19h30
Octobre-Mars, tous les jours 8 heures 30-17h30
Société qui gère les services
LOI – Arts et culture Terni
Informations et réservations
Visitez Centre de Documentation et “U. Ciotti ”
Tél / fax 0744 334133
Les prix des billets
a) un site archéologique du billet Carsulae: 5,00 €
b) le type de billet réduit de Carsulae site archéologique: 3,50 €
c) B réduit le type de billet du site archéologique de Carsulae: 2,50 €
d) un billet intégré (Carsulae, musée et espace d’exposition “CHAOS – Arts Factory Centre Siri” prix, exposition permanente de la paléontologie et l’amphithéâtre romain de Terni) complet: 7,00 €
e) un billet intégré (Carsulae, musée et espace d’exposition “CHAOS – Arts Factory Centre Siri”, exposition permanente de la paléontologie et l’amphithéâtre romain de Terni) a réduit de type A: 5,00 €
f) intégré de billetterie (Carsulae, musée et espace d’exposition “CHAOS – Arts Factory Centre Siri”, exposition permanente de la paléontologie et l’amphithéâtre romain de Terni) a réduit de type B: 3,50 €
Réductions et libres
– Ils ont droit à un type de billet réduit (A citoyens site archéologique de Carsulae billetterie et intégrée) de l’UE âgés entre 18 et 25 ans, les enseignants ayant des contrats permanents dans les écoles publiques et les groupes touristiques composés de 15 personnes
– Ils ont droit à la réduction type de billet B (le site archéologique de Carsulae et intégré de billetterie) Les citoyens européens qui n’ont pas dix-huit ans, des groupes d’élèves dans les écoles italiennes et d’autres l’UE ont été accompagnés par des enseignants, des professeurs ou des étudiants des facultés d’architecture, la préservation de la culture, des sciences de l’éducation, de la littérature et de philosophie (baccalauréat ès arts avec un intérêt archéologique ou historique et artistique) et les académies des beaux-arts, tous les d’autres personnes ou catégories de personnes prévues par la loi de l’État.
– Ils ont le droit aux citoyens de billets gratuits résidant dans la ville de Terni, dans la municipalité de San Gemini, les personnes handicapées et de leurs aidants, les guides touristiques, des guides et des interprètes dans la conduite du personnel professionnel du Ministère patrimoine et culture et les participants aux activités éducatives organisées par la municipalité.
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