Edificato nel XVIII secolo in Piazza Fortebraccio (già Piazza Grimana), in prossimità dell’Arco Etrusco (poderosa costruzione monumentale della cinta muraria più settentrionale dell’antica Perusia), Palazzo Gallenga Stuart fu per lungo tempo dimora gentilizia della famiglia Antinori.
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Il Palazzo è un tipico esempio di architettura barocca. La facciata, caratterizzata da blocchi di grandi finestre, cornicioni in mattoni e pilastri, venne realizzata da Pietro Carattoli tra il 1748 e il 1758, su progetto dell’architetto romano Francesco Bianchi. A piano terra le lesene sono doriche; al primo piano sono ioniche ed al secondo sono corinzie: una sorta di richiamo ai tre periodi architettonici greci. Le lesene del secondo piano sorreggono la balaustra sporgente, che gira intorno all’attico. Di notevole pregio architettonico sono il vestibolo con stucchi e busti del ’700 e lo scalone principale. Al piano nobile di Palazzo Gallenga Stuart è possibile ammirare alcune sale con pareti affrescate e arredi dell’epoca.
Nel 1720 un giovanissimo Carlo Goldoni esordì come attore eseguendo la sua prima recita - nelle adiacenze dell’odierna Sala Goldoniana - raccogliendo i primi successi.
All’interno dell’Aula Magna è conservato un ciclo d’affreschi realizzato dal pittore futurista perugino Gerardo Dottori negli anni Trenta, denominato L’apoteosi di Roma.
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Nel 1875 il Palazzo venne acquistato da Romeo Gallenga Stuart e assunse l’attuale nome. Nel 1926 il Conte Gallenga Stuart cedette il palazzo al Comune di Perugia, e dal 1927 divenne sede dell’Università per Stranieri di Perugia. Nel 1931 un facoltoso studente statunitense, Frederick Thorne Rider, poi divenuto cittadino onorario di Perugia, elargì un’ingente donazione all’Università, che consentì di realizzare la facciata posteriore e una nuova ala del palazzo.
Fondata nel 1926 e dal 1992 riconosciuta come Istituto Statale a ordinamento speciale, l’Università per Stranieri è la più antica e prestigiosa istituzione italiana impegnata nell’attività di insegnamento, ricerca e diffusione della lingua e della civiltà d’Italia in tutte le loro espressioni. Si occupa, inoltre, della formazione e aggiornamento dei docenti che insegnano l’italiano come lingua straniera. Organizza corsi di alta cultura e specializzazione.
>>Se hai deciso di vedere Perugia e di visitare Palazzo Gallenga Stuart ti consigliamo di contattare ora gli agriturismi nelle sue vicinanze >> clicca questo link.
Built in the eighteenth century in Fortebraccio Square, Palace Gallenga Stuart is a typical example of baroque architecture. Since 1927 hosts the headquarters of the University for Foreigners of Perugia. Built in the eighteenth century in Square Fortebraccio, near of the ‘Etruscan Arch, Palace Gallenga Stuart was long aristocratic residence of the Antinori family.
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The Palace is a typical example of baroque architecture. The facade, characterized by blocks with large windows, brick cornices and pilasters, Carattoli was made by Peter and by the Roman architect Francesco Bianchi between 1748 and 1758 of the project. On the ground floor are the pilasters in Doric style, on the first floor are ionic and on the second floor are Corinthian: a clear reference to the three Greek architectural periods. The pilasters on the second floor supporting the projecting balustrade, which revolves around the attic. The hall with stucco busts of the eighteenth century and principal staircase are of considerable architectural merit. On the main floor of Palazzo Gallenga Stuart you can admire some of the rooms with frescoed walls and furnishings era.
In 1720 a young Carlo Goldoni performed here – in the vicinity of today’s room Goldoniana – his first performance, picking up his first successes. Inside the Great Hall is a cycle of frescoes realized by the Futurist painter Gerardo Chartered Thirty years, called The apotheosis of Rome.
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In 1875 the Palace was bought by Romeo Gallenga Stuart and assumed its present name. In 1926 Count Gallenga Stuart gave the palace to the city of Perugia, and in 1927 became home to the University for Foreigners of Perugia. In 1931 a wealthy U.S. student, Frederick Thorne Rider, which later became an honorary citizen of Perugia, bestowed a considerable donation to the University, which made it possible to carry out the rear facade and a new wing of the building. The University for Foreigners is the oldest and most prestigious Italian institution engaged in teaching, research and dissemination of the language and civilization of Italy in all their expressions.
>>If you’ve decided to see Perugia and to visit the Palace Gallenga you should contact Stuart now houses in its vicinity >>click this link.
Built in the eighteenth century in Fortebraccio Square, Palace Gallenga Stuart is a typical example of baroque architecture. Since 1927 hosts the headquarters of the University for Foreigners of Perugia. Built in the eighteenth century in Square Fortebraccio, near of the ‘Etruscan Arch, Palace Gallenga Stuart was long aristocratic residence of the Antinori family.
>>Do you want to visit Gallenga Stuart Palace? Contact now the best farmhouse in Perugia and discover their offers!
The Palace is a typical example of baroque architecture. The facade, characterized by blocks with large windows, brick cornices and pilasters, Carattoli was made by Peter and by the Roman architect Francesco Bianchi between 1748 and 1758 of the project. On the ground floor are the pilasters in Doric style, on the first floor are ionic and on the second floor are Corinthian: a clear reference to the three Greek architectural periods. The pilasters on the second floor supporting the projecting balustrade, which revolves around the attic. The hall with stucco busts of the eighteenth century and principal staircase are of considerable architectural merit. On the main floor of Palazzo Gallenga Stuart you can admire some of the rooms with frescoed walls and furnishings era.
In 1720 a young Carlo Goldoni performed here – in the vicinity of today’s room Goldoniana – his first performance, picking up his first successes. Inside the Great Hall is a cycle of frescoes realized by the Futurist painter Gerardo Chartered Thirty years, called The apotheosis of Rome.
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In 1875 the Palace was bought by Romeo Gallenga Stuart and assumed its present name. In 1926 Count Gallenga Stuart gave the palace to the city of Perugia, and in 1927 became home to the University for Foreigners of Perugia. In 1931 a wealthy U.S. student, Frederick Thorne Rider, which later became an honorary citizen of Perugia, bestowed a considerable donation to the University, which made it possible to carry out the rear facade and a new wing of the building. The University for Foreigners is the oldest and most prestigious Italian institution engaged in teaching, research and dissemination of the language and civilization of Italy in all their expressions.
>>If you’ve decided to see Perugia and to visit the Palace Gallenga you should contact Stuart now houses in its vicinity >>click this link.
Built in the eighteenth century in Fortebraccio Square, Palace Gallenga Stuart is a typical example of baroque architecture. Since 1927 hosts the headquarters of the University for Foreigners of Perugia. Built in the eighteenth century in Square Fortebraccio, near of the ‘Etruscan Arch, Palace Gallenga Stuart was long aristocratic residence of the Antinori family.
>>Do you want to visit Gallenga Stuart Palace? Contact now the best farmhouse in Perugia and discover their offers!
The Palace is a typical example of baroque architecture. The facade, characterized by blocks with large windows, brick cornices and pilasters, Carattoli was made by Peter and by the Roman architect Francesco Bianchi between 1748 and 1758 of the project. On the ground floor are the pilasters in Doric style, on the first floor are ionic and on the second floor are Corinthian: a clear reference to the three Greek architectural periods. The pilasters on the second floor supporting the projecting balustrade, which revolves around the attic. The hall with stucco busts of the eighteenth century and principal staircase are of considerable architectural merit. On the main floor of Palazzo Gallenga Stuart you can admire some of the rooms with frescoed walls and furnishings era.
In 1720 a young Carlo Goldoni performed here – in the vicinity of today’s room Goldoniana – his first performance, picking up his first successes. Inside the Great Hall is a cycle of frescoes realized by the Futurist painter Gerardo Chartered Thirty years, called The apotheosis of Rome.
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In 1875 the Palace was bought by Romeo Gallenga Stuart and assumed its present name. In 1926 Count Gallenga Stuart gave the palace to the city of Perugia, and in 1927 became home to the University for Foreigners of Perugia. In 1931 a wealthy U.S. student, Frederick Thorne Rider, which later became an honorary citizen of Perugia, bestowed a considerable donation to the University, which made it possible to carry out the rear facade and a new wing of the building. The University for Foreigners is the oldest and most prestigious Italian institution engaged in teaching, research and dissemination of the language and civilization of Italy in all their expressions.
>>If you’ve decided to see Perugia and to visit the Palace Gallenga you should contact Stuart now houses in its vicinity >>click this link.
Built in the eighteenth century in Fortebraccio Square, Palace Gallenga Stuart is a typical example of baroque architecture. Since 1927 hosts the headquarters of the University for Foreigners of Perugia. Built in the eighteenth century in Square Fortebraccio, near of the ‘Etruscan Arch, Palace Gallenga Stuart was long aristocratic residence of the Antinori family.
>>Do you want to visit Gallenga Stuart Palace? Contact now the best farmhouse in Perugia and discover their offers!
The Palace is a typical example of baroque architecture. The facade, characterized by blocks with large windows, brick cornices and pilasters, Carattoli was made by Peter and by the Roman architect Francesco Bianchi between 1748 and 1758 of the project. On the ground floor are the pilasters in Doric style, on the first floor are ionic and on the second floor are Corinthian: a clear reference to the three Greek architectural periods. The pilasters on the second floor supporting the projecting balustrade, which revolves around the attic. The hall with stucco busts of the eighteenth century and principal staircase are of considerable architectural merit. On the main floor of Palazzo Gallenga Stuart you can admire some of the rooms with frescoed walls and furnishings era.
In 1720 a young Carlo Goldoni performed here – in the vicinity of today’s room Goldoniana – his first performance, picking up his first successes. Inside the Great Hall is a cycle of frescoes realized by the Futurist painter Gerardo Chartered Thirty years, called The apotheosis of Rome.
>>There are offers in deadline! Click and consult list of the best hotels in Perugia!
In 1875 the Palace was bought by Romeo Gallenga Stuart and assumed its present name. In 1926 Count Gallenga Stuart gave the palace to the city of Perugia, and in 1927 became home to the University for Foreigners of Perugia. In 1931 a wealthy U.S. student, Frederick Thorne Rider, which later became an honorary citizen of Perugia, bestowed a considerable donation to the University, which made it possible to carry out the rear facade and a new wing of the building. The University for Foreigners is the oldest and most prestigious Italian institution engaged in teaching, research and dissemination of the language and civilization of Italy in all their expressions.
>>If you’ve decided to see Perugia and to visit the Palace Gallenga you should contact Stuart now houses in its vicinity >>click this link.
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