Il Palazzo Ducale di Gubbio fronteggia il Duomo e rappresenta l’unico esempio di arte e architettura rinascimentale della cittadina, conosciuta principalmente per il suo stile gotico medievale dominante.
Costruito dopo il 1470 in seguito alla venuta di Federico di Montefeltro, è dichiaratamente espressione di un modello di vita che si ispira alla civiltà umanistica.
E’ possibile visitare gli ambienti del palazzo con biglietto d’ingresso al Museo civico allestito al suo interno. Si accede attraverso il cortile d’Onore e la visita include una sezione permanente e degli spazi dedicati a mostre temporanee.
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Storia e curiosità del Palazzo Ducale di Gubbio
Laurana lavorò sotto Federico dal 1467 al 1472 cosicché il monogramma FD (Federicus Dux), che può essere letto in vari punti del palazzo, è posteriore al 1474, quando Montefeltro fu nominato Duca, sembra suggerire che il palazzo fu costruito quando l’architetto dalmata era già alla corte di Napoli.
Si può pensare, tuttavia, che Francesco di Giorgio Martini, l’altro grande architetto che lavorò per Federico e la cui presenza a Gubbio in quel periodo era certa, mise in pratica e completò il progetto già impostato e abbozzato da Laurana.
Molto interessante è il cortile interno che ricorda, con dimensioni ridotte, i palazzi ed i cortili di Urbino; sicuramente quando l’edificio fu consegnato doveva essere splendido per gli ornamenti e gli accessori rinascimentali.
Lo “studiolo” del duca, oggi al Metropilitan Museum di New York, era di pannelli lignei riccamente intarsiati e copriva le pareti sino a m. 2,68; oggi si possono ancora osservare le bellissime tarsie del portone, il soffitto a cassettoni, il camino in pietra serena e le formelle in laterizio delle tettoie del palazzo. Il Palazzo oggi e di proprietà della Sovrintendenza dei beni culturali ed è adibito a museo e luogo di mostre.
Piccoli ornamenti che solleticheranno il vostro interesse sono sicuramente i due armadi lignei secenteschi, oppure alcuni dettagli come i battenti di portone intarsiati ed abbelliti con stemmi dei Montefeltro che si notano pure su raffinate ante di finestre, oppure la serie di angeli musicanti.
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The Palazzo Ducale was built after 1470 following the arrival of Federico da Montefeltro and is the expression of a lifestyle ispired from the humanistic civilizaion.
L. Laurana, worked on it under the power of Federico between 1467 and 1472. Therefore, the initials FD (Federicus Dux), which can be read in several parts of the building , date after the 1474, when Montefeltro was named duke, and this would confirm that the palace was built when the architect was already working at the Naples Court.
However, it is possible that Francesco di Giorgio Martini, the other master architect woking for Federico at that time, completed the project and the design conceived by Laurana.
Very interisting the inner yard hall which remind a bit, although in smaller scale, the palaces and yards of Urbino; without any doubt, once finished, the palace was marvelous also in the ornaments.
The study of the duke, today at the Metropilitan Museum of New York, was of wood panels well inlaid and covered the walls up to a hight of m.2,68; today it is possble to admire the beautiful inlays of the door, the square-cell ceiling, the marble fireplace and the tiled roof.
The palace today is a museum and exhibition area and belongs to the italian agency for architectural and archeological patrimony.
The Palazzo Ducale was built after 1470 following the arrival of Federico da Montefeltro and is the expression of a lifestyle ispired from the humanistic civilizaion.
L. Laurana, worked on it under the power of Federico between 1467 and 1472. Therefore, the initials FD (Federicus Dux), which can be read in several parts of the building , date after the 1474, when Montefeltro was named duke, and this would confirm that the palace was built when the architect was already working at the Naples Court.
However, it is possible that Francesco di Giorgio Martini, the other master architect woking for Federico at that time, completed the project and the design conceived by Laurana.
Very interisting the inner yard hall which remind a bit, although in smaller scale, the palaces and yards of Urbino; without any doubt, once finished, the palace was marvelous also in the ornaments.
The study of the duke, today at the Metropilitan Museum of New York, was of wood panels well inlaid and covered the walls up to a hight of m.2,68; today it is possble to admire the beautiful inlays of the door, the square-cell ceiling, the marble fireplace and the tiled roof.
The palace today is a museum and exhibition area and belongs to the italian agency for architectural and archeological patrimony.
The Palazzo Ducale was built after 1470 following the arrival of Federico da Montefeltro and is the expression of a lifestyle ispired from the humanistic civilizaion.
L. Laurana, worked on it under the power of Federico between 1467 and 1472. Therefore, the initials FD (Federicus Dux), which can be read in several parts of the building , date after the 1474, when Montefeltro was named duke, and this would confirm that the palace was built when the architect was already working at the Naples Court.
However, it is possible that Francesco di Giorgio Martini, the other master architect woking for Federico at that time, completed the project and the design conceived by Laurana.
Very interisting the inner yard hall which remind a bit, although in smaller scale, the palaces and yards of Urbino; without any doubt, once finished, the palace was marvelous also in the ornaments.
The study of the duke, today at the Metropilitan Museum of New York, was of wood panels well inlaid and covered the walls up to a hight of m.2,68; today it is possble to admire the beautiful inlays of the door, the square-cell ceiling, the marble fireplace and the tiled roof.
The palace today is a museum and exhibition area and belongs to the italian agency for architectural and archeological patrimony.
The Palazzo Ducale was built after 1470 following the arrival of Federico da Montefeltro and is the expression of a lifestyle ispired from the humanistic civilizaion.
L. Laurana, worked on it under the power of Federico between 1467 and 1472. Therefore, the initials FD (Federicus Dux), which can be read in several parts of the building , date after the 1474, when Montefeltro was named duke, and this would confirm that the palace was built when the architect was already working at the Naples Court.
However, it is possible that Francesco di Giorgio Martini, the other master architect woking for Federico at that time, completed the project and the design conceived by Laurana.
Very interisting the inner yard hall which remind a bit, although in smaller scale, the palaces and yards of Urbino; without any doubt, once finished, the palace was marvelous also in the ornaments.
The study of the duke, today at the Metropilitan Museum of New York, was of wood panels well inlaid and covered the walls up to a hight of m.2,68; today it is possble to admire the beautiful inlays of the door, the square-cell ceiling, the marble fireplace and the tiled roof.
The palace today is a museum and exhibition area and belongs to the italian agency for architectural and archeological patrimony.
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