Uno dei complessi più suggestivi della città di Terni è l’Anfiteatro Fausto, il principale reperto archeologico di età romana ancora visibile.
A differenza degli altri anfiteatri presenti nella regione, solitamente costruiti al margine o addirittura fuori dalle mura, quello di Terni occupava anticamente un’area interna alle mura ma periferica rispetto all’abitato di Interamna Nahars, in prossimità della porta (scomparsa ma da ubicarsi all’altezza di Piazza Briccialdi) attraverso la quale la Flaminia, giungendo da Narni, entrava in città.
>>Vuoi visitare l’Anfiteatro Fausto? Contatta ora i migliori agriturismi di Terni e scopri le offerte!
L’anfiteatro romano fu eretto probabilmente intorno ai primi decenni del I secolo d.C. per ordine di Fausto Liberale, come si evince dalle sue caratteristiche tecniche e stilistiche: il reticolato policromo delle mura, non presente prima dell’età augustea, e la cavea, non più scavata nel terreno, come nella seconda metà del I secolo a.C.
L’edificio è oggi noto con il nome di Anfiteatro Fausto per via del ritrovamento nei suoi pressi di un’iscrizione in marmo, che ricorda la dedica del 32 d.C. di un monumento in onore della Provvidenza dell’Imperatore Tiberio. Questa precisa anche la data di fondazione della città, il 672 a.C.. Autore della dedica è Fausto Titio Liberale, membro di un collegio che curava il culto imperiale. Attualmente, l’originale dell’iscrizione è esposto al Museo Civico Archeologico di Terni.
Nonostante la sovrapposizione di strutture di epoche successive, come la Chiesa del Carmine ed il Palazzo Vescovile, che si fondano sulle murature antiche, la caratteristica forma ellittica (asse maggiore m. 97,50, asse minore m. 73) è chiaramente visibile in tutto il suo perimetro.
Il materiale utilizzato è essenzialmente costituito dalla pietra sponga delle Marmore, una roccia sedimentaria locale molto diffusa nell’edilizia; la tecnica utilizzata è quella dell’opus vittatum (paramento di blocchetti di pietra disposti in filari orizzontali simili). Della struttura originaria sono ancora visibili parti di opus reticulatum in blocchetti bicolori, mentre non resta alcuna traccia delle gradinate della cavea e delle scale per accedere a questa e al piano superiore.
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Esaurita la sua funzione di edificio per spettacoli, con la decadenza dell’impero romano, e dopo un periodo di abbandono durante il quale le sue strutture dovettero essere oggetto di un sistematico intervento di spoliazione per il recupero di materiale da costruzione, il monumento, a partire dall’età medievale venne interessato da una consistente occupazione di tipo residenziale e religioso, ampiamente documentata da fonti documentarie e resti materiali.
Questo stratificarsi di trasformazioni edilizie, oltre a garantire almeno in parte la conservazione del monumento lo ha trasformato in un vero e proprio “archivio tridimensionale” delle vicende urbane, civili e religiose di un quartiere storicamente importante come il Duomo, all’interno del quale viene a trovarsi.
L’amministrazione comunale di Temi vista l’importanza del sito decise di acquisirne la proprietà alla metà degli anni settanta.
>>Se hai deciso di vedere Terni e di visitare l’Anfiteatro Fausto ti consigliamo di contattare ora gli agriturismi nelle sue vicinanze >> clicca questo link
One of the most beautiful complex in the city of Terni is the Fausto Amphitheatre, the main archaeological find of Roman still visible.
>> Do you want to visit Fausto Amphitheatre? Contact now the best farmhouse in Terni and discover their offers!
The Roman amphitheater was built probably around the first decades of the first century AD for orders of Fausto Liberal, as evidenced by its technical and stylistic.
Of the original structure are still visible parts of opus reticulatum in two-tone blocks, while there remains no trace of the steps of the auditorium and stairs to access this and upstairs. Despite the overlap of structures from later periods, such as the Church of the Carmine and the Bishop’s Palace, which are based on the ancient walls, the characteristic elliptical (major axis m. 97.50, minor axis m. 73) is clearly visibile throughout its perimeter.
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Exhausted its function building for shows, with the decline of the Roman Empire, and after a period of neglect during which its facilities had to be the subject of a systematic intervention of dispossession for the recovery of building materials, the monument was interested by a substantial occupation of residential and religious, as widely documented by documentary sources and material remains. This stratification of building transformations, as well as to ensure at least partial preservation of the monument turned it into a real “three-dimensional archive” of urban affairs, civil and religious neighborhood of a historically important as the Duomo, inside of which is to find.
The City of topics given the importance of the website decided to acquire the property in the mid-seventies.
>>If you’ve decided to see and Terni to visit the Fausto Amphitheatre you should contact now houses in its vicinity >>click this link
One of the most beautiful complex in the city of Terni is the Fausto Amphitheatre, the main archaeological find of Roman still visible.
>> Do you want to visit Fausto Amphitheatre? Contact now the best farmhouse in Terni and discover their offers!
The Roman amphitheater was built probably around the first decades of the first century AD for orders of Fausto Liberal, as evidenced by its technical and stylistic.
Of the original structure are still visible parts of opus reticulatum in two-tone blocks, while there remains no trace of the steps of the auditorium and stairs to access this and upstairs. Despite the overlap of structures from later periods, such as the Church of the Carmine and the Bishop’s Palace, which are based on the ancient walls, the characteristic elliptical (major axis m. 97.50, minor axis m. 73) is clearly visibile throughout its perimeter.
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Exhausted its function building for shows, with the decline of the Roman Empire, and after a period of neglect during which its facilities had to be the subject of a systematic intervention of dispossession for the recovery of building materials, the monument was interested by a substantial occupation of residential and religious, as widely documented by documentary sources and material remains. This stratification of building transformations, as well as to ensure at least partial preservation of the monument turned it into a real “three-dimensional archive” of urban affairs, civil and religious neighborhood of a historically important as the Duomo, inside of which is to find.
The City of topics given the importance of the website decided to acquire the property in the mid-seventies.
>>If you’ve decided to see and Terni to visit the Fausto Amphitheatre you should contact now houses in its vicinity >>click this link
One of the most beautiful complex in the city of Terni is the Fausto Amphitheatre, the main archaeological find of Roman still visible.
>> Do you want to visit Fausto Amphitheatre? Contact now the best farmhouse in Terni and discover their offers!
The Roman amphitheater was built probably around the first decades of the first century AD for orders of Fausto Liberal, as evidenced by its technical and stylistic.
Of the original structure are still visible parts of opus reticulatum in two-tone blocks, while there remains no trace of the steps of the auditorium and stairs to access this and upstairs. Despite the overlap of structures from later periods, such as the Church of the Carmine and the Bishop’s Palace, which are based on the ancient walls, the characteristic elliptical (major axis m. 97.50, minor axis m. 73) is clearly visibile throughout its perimeter.
>> There are offers in deadline! Click and consult list of the best hotels in Terni!
Exhausted its function building for shows, with the decline of the Roman Empire, and after a period of neglect during which its facilities had to be the subject of a systematic intervention of dispossession for the recovery of building materials, the monument was interested by a substantial occupation of residential and religious, as widely documented by documentary sources and material remains. This stratification of building transformations, as well as to ensure at least partial preservation of the monument turned it into a real “three-dimensional archive” of urban affairs, civil and religious neighborhood of a historically important as the Duomo, inside of which is to find.
The City of topics given the importance of the website decided to acquire the property in the mid-seventies.
>>If you’ve decided to see and Terni to visit the Fausto Amphitheatre you should contact now houses in its vicinity >>click this link
One of the most beautiful complex in the city of Terni is the Fausto Amphitheatre, the main archaeological find of Roman still visible.
>> Do you want to visit Fausto Amphitheatre? Contact now the best farmhouse in Terni and discover their offers!
The Roman amphitheater was built probably around the first decades of the first century AD for orders of Fausto Liberal, as evidenced by its technical and stylistic.
Of the original structure are still visible parts of opus reticulatum in two-tone blocks, while there remains no trace of the steps of the auditorium and stairs to access this and upstairs. Despite the overlap of structures from later periods, such as the Church of the Carmine and the Bishop’s Palace, which are based on the ancient walls, the characteristic elliptical (major axis m. 97.50, minor axis m. 73) is clearly visibile throughout its perimeter.
>> There are offers in deadline! Click and consult list of the best hotels in Terni!
Exhausted its function building for shows, with the decline of the Roman Empire, and after a period of neglect during which its facilities had to be the subject of a systematic intervention of dispossession for the recovery of building materials, the monument was interested by a substantial occupation of residential and religious, as widely documented by documentary sources and material remains. This stratification of building transformations, as well as to ensure at least partial preservation of the monument turned it into a real “three-dimensional archive” of urban affairs, civil and religious neighborhood of a historically important as the Duomo, inside of which is to find.
The City of topics given the importance of the website decided to acquire the property in the mid-seventies.
>>If you’ve decided to see and Terni to visit the Fausto Amphitheatre you should contact now houses in its vicinity >>click this link
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