Santa Fermina (o Santa Firmina, è equivalente) è il Santo Patrono dei Naviganti, di Amelia e di Civitavecchia. Ad Amelia la si festeggia il 24 Novembre di ogni anno.

Fermina nacque a Roma nel nel 272 d.C., figlia di Calpurnio Pisone, prefetto della Città Eterna. Convertitasi al cristianesimo giovanissima, a 15 anni dovette fuggire per scampare alla persecuzione dei cristiani da parte degli imperatori Diocleziano e Massimiano. Si imbarcò lungo il Tevere per arrivare a Centumcellae (l’odierna Civitavecchia). Durante la navigazione si imbatté in una violentissima tempesta, e leggenda vuole che fu lei, inginocchiandosi e pregando Dio, a calmarla. I marinai che assistettero al prodigio la dichiarano subito santa, protettrice dei naviganti. E Patrona di Civitavecchia.

A Centumcellae rimase due anni in una grotta, che porta il suo nome (dove oggi sorge Forte Michelangelo), e predicò il Vangelo nel porto.
Rimessasi in viaggio, arrivò ad Amelia (TR), precisamente in località Luchiano, dove fu sorpresa dalla persecuzione e martirizzata. La sua fede fu così incrollabile che convertì uno dei suo carnefici, Olimpiade, che diventerà anche lui Patrono di Amelia. Morì il 24 Novembre del 304, ed i suoi resti vennero prima seppelliti in gran segreto dai cristiani di Amelia, poi ritrovati nell’870 e deposti nella Cattedrale tra i colli amerini. Il 28 Aprile del 1647 il Vescovo di Amelia donò alcune reliquie alla Chiesa Cattedrale di Civitavecchia, e da allora nel porto laziale viene festeggiata questo giorno ogni anno.

Ancora oggi, grazie a Fermina, Amelia e Civitavecchia sono gemellate, ed ogni anno, tramite le staffette podistiche di S. Fermina, di 107 Km, Amelia – Civitavecchia (28 Aprile) e Civitavecchia – Amelia (24 Novembre), si “scambiano” la fiaccola che accenderà i ceri votivi.

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Saint Fermina (or Saint Firmina, is equivalent) is the Patron Saint of the Sailors, Amelia and Civitavecchia. In Amelia is celebrated on November 24th each year.

Fermina was born in Rome in the 272 AD, daughter of Calpurnio Pisone, prefect of the Eternal City. Converted to Christianity in her early age, at 15 years old she had to flee to escape the persecution of Christians by the Emperors Diocleziano and Massimiano. She sailed along the Tiber to arrive at Centumcellae (modern Civitavecchia). While browsing the ship encountered a violent storm, and legend has it that she was, kneeling and praying to God, to calm it down. The sailors who witnessed the miracle state immediately she was a Saint, protector of sailors. And Patron Saint of Civitavecchia.

A Centumcellae remained two years in a cave, that bears his name (where now stands Forte Michelangelo), and preached the Gospel in the port.
Once she get back on the road, arrived at Amelia (TR), precisely in Luchiano, where she was surprised by persecution and was martyred. His faith was so unshakable that converted one of his executioners, Olimpiade, which will also become himself Patron Saint of Amelia. She died November 24th, 304, and his remains were first buried in secret by the Christians of Amelia, then gathered in 870 and placed in the Cathedral on the Amerini hills. On April 28th, 1647 the Bishop of Amelia donated some relics to the Cathedral Church of Civitavecchia, and since then in the Lazio port is celebrated this day every year.

Even today, thanks to Firmina, Amelia and Civitavecchia are twinned and every year, through the S. Fermina’s relay races, 107 km, Amelia – Civitavecchia (April 28th) and Civitavecchia – Amelia (November 24th) will “exchange” the torch that lit the votive candles.

For the programme of the 2012 Feast of St. Fermina click here.


Saint Fermina (or Saint Firmina, is equivalent) is the Patron Saint of the Sailors, Amelia and Civitavecchia. In Amelia is celebrated on November 24th each year.

Fermina was born in Rome in the 272 AD, daughter of Calpurnio Pisone, prefect of the Eternal City. Converted to Christianity in her early age, at 15 years old she had to flee to escape the persecution of Christians by the Emperors Diocleziano and Massimiano. She sailed along the Tiber to arrive at Centumcellae (modern Civitavecchia). While browsing the ship encountered a violent storm, and legend has it that she was, kneeling and praying to God, to calm it down. The sailors who witnessed the miracle state immediately she was a Saintprotector of sailors. And Patron Saint of Civitavecchia.

A Centumcellae remained two years in a cave, that bears his name (where now stands Forte Michelangelo), and preached the Gospel in the port.
Once she get back on the road, arrived at Amelia (TR), precisely in Luchiano, where she was surprised by persecution and was martyred. His faith was so unshakable that converted one of his executioners, Olimpiade, which will also become himself Patron Saint of Amelia. She died November 24th, 304, and his remains were first buried in secret by the Christians of Amelia, then gathered in 870 and placed in the Cathedral on the Amerini hills. On April 28th, 1647 the Bishop of Amelia donated some relics to the Cathedral Church of Civitavecchia, and since then in the Lazio port is celebrated this day every year.

Even today, thanks to Firmina, Amelia and Civitavecchia are twinned and every year, through the S. Fermina’s relay races, 107 km, Amelia – Civitavecchia (April 28th) and Civitavecchia – Amelia (November 24th) will “exchange” the torch that lit the votive candles.

For the programme of the 2012 Feast of St. Fermina click here.


Saint Fermina (or Saint Firmina, is equivalent) is the Patron Saint of the Sailors, Amelia and Civitavecchia. In Amelia is celebrated on November 24th each year.

Fermina was born in Rome in the 272 AD, daughter of Calpurnio Pisone, prefect of the Eternal City. Converted to Christianity in her early age, at 15 years old she had to flee to escape the persecution of Christians by the Emperors Diocleziano and Massimiano. She sailed along the Tiber to arrive at Centumcellae (modern Civitavecchia). While browsing the ship encountered a violent storm, and legend has it that she was, kneeling and praying to God, to calm it down. The sailors who witnessed the miracle state immediately she was a Saintprotector of sailors. And Patron Saint of Civitavecchia.

A Centumcellae remained two years in a cave, that bears his name (where now stands Forte Michelangelo), and preached the Gospel in the port.
Once she get back on the road, arrived at Amelia (TR), precisely in Luchiano, where she was surprised by persecution and was martyred. His faith was so unshakable that converted one of his executioners, Olimpiade, which will also become himself Patron Saint of Amelia. She died November 24th, 304, and his remains were first buried in secret by the Christians of Amelia, then gathered in 870 and placed in the Cathedral on the Amerini hills. On April 28th, 1647 the Bishop of Amelia donated some relics to the Cathedral Church of Civitavecchia, and since then in the Lazio port is celebrated this day every year.

Even today, thanks to Firmina, Amelia and Civitavecchia are twinned and every year, through the S. Fermina’s relay races, 107 km, Amelia – Civitavecchia (April 28th) and Civitavecchia – Amelia (November 24th) will “exchange” the torch that lit the votive candles.

For the programme of the 2012 Feast of St. Fermina click here.


Saint Fermina (or Saint Firmina, is equivalent) is the Patron Saint of the Sailors, Amelia and Civitavecchia. In Amelia is celebrated on November 24th each year.

Fermina was born in Rome in the 272 AD, daughter of Calpurnio Pisone, prefect of the Eternal City. Converted to Christianity in her early age, at 15 years old she had to flee to escape the persecution of Christians by the Emperors Diocleziano and Massimiano. She sailed along the Tiber to arrive at Centumcellae (modern Civitavecchia). While browsing the ship encountered a violent storm, and legend has it that she was, kneeling and praying to God, to calm it down. The sailors who witnessed the miracle state immediately she was a Saintprotector of sailors. And Patron Saint of Civitavecchia.

A Centumcellae remained two years in a cave, that bears his name (where now stands Forte Michelangelo), and preached the Gospel in the port.
Once she get back on the road, arrived at Amelia (TR), precisely in Luchiano, where she was surprised by persecution and was martyred. His faith was so unshakable that converted one of his executioners, Olimpiade, which will also become himself Patron Saint of Amelia. She died November 24th, 304, and his remains were first buried in secret by the Christians of Amelia, then gathered in 870 and placed in the Cathedral on the Amerini hills. On April 28th, 1647 the Bishop of Amelia donated some relics to the Cathedral Church of Civitavecchia, and since then in the Lazio port is celebrated this day every year.

Even today, thanks to Firmina, Amelia and Civitavecchia are twinned and every year, through the S. Fermina’s relay races, 107 km, Amelia – Civitavecchia (April 28th) and Civitavecchia – Amelia (November 24th) will “exchange” the torch that lit the votive candles.

For the programme of the 2012 Feast of St. Fermina click here.