Sant’Antonio abate (Coma, Qumans, Egitto 250/251 – deserto della Tebaide 17 gennaio 356/357), è il protettore degli animali domestici, del bestiame, del lavoro del contadino ed affini e/o derivati (come macellai, fornai, pizzicagnoli, salumieri, tosatori, canestrai, ecc.), del fuoco, delle malattie della pelle (ad esempio l’herpes zoster, il “fuoco di sant’Antonio”) e dei becchini. Ritenuto inoltre il primo degli abati e fondatore e precursore dell’ascetismo monastico cristiano, tanto che san Benedetto si ispirerà a lui nel VI secolo per la creazione del monachesimo occidentale. E, quindi, considerato anche il protettore degli eremiti e dei monaci.
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Detto anche sant’Antonio il Grande, sant’Antonio d’Egitto, sant’Antonio del Fuoco, sant’Antonio del Deserto, sant’Antonio l’Anacoreta e sant’Antuono (quest’ultimo usato nell’Italia Meridionale per non confonderlo con sant’Antonio da Padova, ndr), è uno dei santi più amati e venerati nei borghi della Valnerina, dove lo si festeggia, come in tutta Italia, il 17 Gennaio di ogni anno:
- a Cascia la Festa di S. Antonio Abate è inserita all’interno del contenitore di eventi “Tradizione, che Passione!”. Tre giorni di festa con due sante messe, l’asta delle agnelle e la Rassegna Interregionale delle “Pasquarelle”, uno dei più antichi e più importanti eventi di musica popolare della Valnerina;
- a Norcia, presso il Monastero di Sant’Antonio delle monache benedettine, santa messa e benedizione del bestiame, del sale e del grano. A seguire sfilata dei pastori per la città ed asta delle agnelle. Per info: Comune di Norcia, tel. (+39) 0743 824911;
- a Monteleone di Spoleto i legnaioli, dopo aver fatto benedire i loro animali da soma come asini, muli e cavalli, lasciano al Parroco il loro carico di legna, che servirà a scaldare la canonica durante il lungo periodo invernale;
- a Preci i festeggiamenti avvengono durante il pomeriggio, al centro Caritas. Messa ore 15:00, a seguire benedizione degli animali e rinfresco nel piazzale antistante il centro Caritas;
- a Scheggino, dopo la Messa, sul Sagrato della Chiesa di San Nicola o nella Piazza principale, il Parroco del paese benedice tutti gli animali che vengono accompagnati dai rispettivi proprietari. Segue generalmente un piccolo rinfresco od aperitivo offerto a tutti i presenti dai Santesi (organizzatori della manifestazione) nell’Aretta di Sant’Antonio. Segue un pranzo in un ristorante locale dove tradizionalmente partecipano solo uomini, ed in quell’occasione c’è l’elezione dei Santesi che hanno il compito di organizzare la Festa dell’anno successivo. Per maggiori info: Comune di Scheggino, tel. (+39) 0743 613232.
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Saint Anthony the Abbot (Coma, Qumans 250/251 – desert of the Thebaid January 17th, 356/357) is the patron Saint of the pets, livestock, of the farmer and related and/or derivatives work (such as butchers, bakers, grocers, basket makers, shearers, etc.), fire, skin diseases (eg herpes zoster, the “fuoco di sant’Antonio) and of the gravediggers. Also considered the first of the abbots and founder and pioneer of the Christian monastic asceticism, so that St. Benedict will be guided by him in the sixth century for the creation of the Western monasticism. And, therefore, considered to be the protector of the hermits and monks.
Also called as Anthony the Great, Antony the Great, Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony of Egypt, Anthony of the Desert, Anthony the Anchorite, Anthony of Thebes, Abba Antonius, Father of All Monks and Sant’Antuono (the latter used in Southern Italy for not confuse him with St. Anthony of Padua, ed), is one of the most beloved and revered saints in the borghi of the Valnerina, where it is celebrated, as in Italy, on January 17th of each year:
- in Cascia , the Feast of St. Antonio Abate is inserted inside of the event “Tradizione, che Passione!”. Three days of celebrations with two Masses, the “asta delle agnelle” (auction of the ewe lambs) and the “Pasquarelle” Interregional Season, one of the oldest and most important event of popular music of the entire Valnerina;
- in Norcia, at the Monastery of St. Anthony of the Benedictine nuns, Mass and blessing of the cattle, of the salt and of the wheat. Following the shepherds parade through the city and auction of the ewe lambs) .Info: Municipality of Norcia, tel. (+39) 0743 824911;
- in Monteleone di Spoleto (PG) the woodcutters, after bless their pack animals like donkeys, mules and horses, leave to the parish priest their load of wood, that will be used to heat the rectory during the long winter months;
- in Preci the celebrations take place during the afternoon, at the Caritas center. Mass at 15:00, followed by blessing of the animals and refreshment in the square in front of the Caritas center;
- in Scheggino, after the Mass, in the San Nicola’s churchyard or in the main square, the priest blesses all the animals that are accompanied by their respective owners. Generally follows a refreshment or drink offered to all the bystanders by the Santesi (organizers of the event) in the Aretta of St. Anthony. Following a lunch at a local restaurant where traditionally participate only men, and on that occasion there is the election of the Santesi who have the task of organizing the festival of the following year. For more info: Municipality of Scheggino, tel. (+39) 0743 613232.
Fabrizio Galeazzi
Saint Anthony the Abbot (Coma, Qumans 250/251 – desert of the Thebaid January 17th, 356/357) is the patron Saint of the pets, livestock, of the farmer and related and/or derivatives work (such as butchers, bakers, grocers, basket makers, shearers, etc.), fire, skin diseases (eg herpes zoster, the “fuoco di sant’Antonio) and of the gravediggers. Also considered the first of the abbots and founder and pioneer of the Christian monastic asceticism, so that St. Benedict will be guided by him in the sixth century for the creation of the Western monasticism. And, therefore, considered to be the protector of the hermits and monks.
Also called as Anthony the Great, Antony the Great, Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony of Egypt, Anthony of the Desert, Anthony the Anchorite, Anthony of Thebes, Abba Antonius, Father of All Monks and Sant’Antuono (the latter used in Southern Italy for not confuse him with St. Anthony of Padua, ed), is one of the most beloved and revered saints in the borghi of the Valnerina, where it is celebrated, as in Italy, on January 17th of each year:
- in Cascia , the Feast of St. Antonio Abate is inserted inside of the event “Tradition, what a Passion!”. Three days of celebrations with two Masses, the “asta delle agnelle” (auction of the ewe lambs) and the “Pasquarelle” Interregional Season, one of the oldest and most important event of popular music of the entire Valnerina;
- in Norcia, at the Monastery of St. Anthony of the Benedictine nuns, Mass and blessing of the cattle, of the salt and of the wheat. Following the shepherds parade through the city and auction of the ewe lambs) .Info: Municipality of Norcia, tel. (+39) 0743 824911;
- in Monteleone di Spoleto (PG) the woodcutters, after bless their pack animals like donkeys, mules and horses, leave to the parish priest their load of wood, that will be used to heat the rectory during the long winter months;
- in Preci the celebrations take place during the afternoon, at the Caritas center. Mass at 15:00, followed by blessing of the animals and refreshment in the square in front of the Caritas center;
- in Scheggino, after the Mass, in the San Nicola’s churchyard or in the main square, the priest blesses all the animals that are accompanied by their respective owners. Generally follows a refreshment or drink offered to all the bystanders by the Santesi (organizers of the event) in the Aretta of St. Anthony. Following a lunch at a local restaurant where traditionally participate only men, and on that occasion there is the election of the Santesi who have the task of organizing the festival of the following year. For more info: Municipality of Scheggino, tel. (+39) 0743 613232.
Fabrizio Galeazzi
Saint Anthony the Abbot (Coma, Qumans 250/251 – desert of the Thebaid January 17th, 356/357) is the patron Saint of the pets, livestock, of the farmer and related and/or derivatives work (such as butchers, bakers, grocers, basket makers, shearers, etc.), fire, skin diseases (eg herpes zoster, the “fuoco di sant’Antonio) and of the gravediggers. Also considered the first of the abbots and founder and pioneer of the Christian monastic asceticism, so that St. Benedict will be guided by him in the sixth century for the creation of the Western monasticism. And, therefore, considered to be the protector of the hermits and monks.
Also called as Anthony the Great, Antony the Great, Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony of Egypt, Anthony of the Desert, Anthony the Anchorite, Anthony of Thebes, Abba Antonius, Father of All Monks and Sant’Antuono (the latter used in Southern Italy for not confuse him with St. Anthony of Padua, ed), is one of the most beloved and revered saints in the borghi of the Valnerina, where it is celebrated, as in Italy, on January 17th of each year:
- in Cascia , the Feast of St. Antonio Abate is inserted inside of the event “Tradition, what a Passion!”. Three days of celebrations with two Masses, the “asta delle agnelle” (auction of the ewe lambs) and the “Pasquarelle” Interregional Season, one of the oldest and most important event of popular music of the entire Valnerina;
- in Norcia, at the Monastery of St. Anthony of the Benedictine nuns, Mass and blessing of the cattle, of the salt and of the wheat. Following the shepherds parade through the city and auction of the ewe lambs) .Info: Municipality of Norcia, tel. (+39) 0743 824911;
- in Monteleone di Spoleto (PG) the woodcutters, after bless their pack animals like donkeys, mules and horses, leave to the parish priest their load of wood, that will be used to heat the rectory during the long winter months;
- in Preci the celebrations take place during the afternoon, at the Caritas center. Mass at 15:00, followed by blessing of the animals and refreshment in the square in front of the Caritas center;
- in Scheggino, after the Mass, in the San Nicola’s churchyard or in the main square, the priest blesses all the animals that are accompanied by their respective owners. Generally follows a refreshment or drink offered to all the bystanders by the Santesi (organizers of the event) in the Aretta of St. Anthony. Following a lunch at a local restaurant where traditionally participate only men, and on that occasion there is the election of the Santesi who have the task of organizing the festival of the following year. For more info: Municipality of Scheggino, tel. (+39) 0743 613232.
Fabrizio Galeazzi
Saint Anthony the Abbot (Coma, Qumans 250/251 – desert of the Thebaid January 17th, 356/357) is the patron Saint of the pets, livestock, of the farmer and related and/or derivatives work (such as butchers, bakers, grocers, basket makers, shearers, etc.), fire, skin diseases (eg herpes zoster, the “fuoco di sant’Antonio) and of the gravediggers. Also considered the first of the abbots and founder and pioneer of the Christian monastic asceticism, so that St. Benedict will be guided by him in the sixth century for the creation of the Western monasticism. And, therefore, considered to be the protector of the hermits and monks.
Also called as Anthony the Great, Antony the Great, Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony of Egypt, Anthony of the Desert, Anthony the Anchorite, Anthony of Thebes, Abba Antonius, Father of All Monks and Sant’Antuono (the latter used in Southern Italy for not confuse him with St. Anthony of Padua, ed), is one of the most beloved and revered saints in the borghi of the Valnerina, where it is celebrated, as in Italy, on January 17th of each year:
- in Cascia , the Feast of St. Antonio Abate is inserted inside of the event “Tradition, what a Passion!”. Three days of celebrations with two Masses, the “asta delle agnelle” (auction of the ewe lambs) and the “Pasquarelle” Interregional Season, one of the oldest and most important event of popular music of the entire Valnerina;
- in Norcia, at the Monastery of St. Anthony of the Benedictine nuns, Mass and blessing of the cattle, of the salt and of the wheat. Following the shepherds parade through the city and auction of the ewe lambs) .Info: Municipality of Norcia, tel. (+39) 0743 824911;
- in Monteleone di Spoleto (PG) the woodcutters, after bless their pack animals like donkeys, mules and horses, leave to the parish priest their load of wood, that will be used to heat the rectory during the long winter months;
- in Preci the celebrations take place during the afternoon, at the Caritas center. Mass at 15:00, followed by blessing of the animals and refreshment in the square in front of the Caritas center;
- in Scheggino, after the Mass, in the San Nicola’s churchyard or in the main square, the priest blesses all the animals that are accompanied by their respective owners. Generally follows a refreshment or drink offered to all the bystanders by the Santesi (organizers of the event) in the Aretta of St. Anthony. Following a lunch at a local restaurant where traditionally participate only men, and on that occasion there is the election of the Santesi who have the task of organizing the festival of the following year. For more info: Municipality of Scheggino, tel. (+39) 0743 613232.
Fabrizio Galeazzi
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