Secondo la tradizione una notte del 1216 d.C. San Francesco fu visitato durante la preghiera nella Porziuncola dal Cristo e dalla Madre Santissima; ad essi il Santo rivolse la richiesta che ad ogni persona, pentita e confessata, che avesse visitato quella chiesa fossero rimesse completamente tutte le colpe.
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Da quell’anno, dopo aver ricevuto il permesso direttamente dal Pontefice Onorio III, il 2 Agosto si celebra a Santa Maria degli Angeli la Festa del Perdono. Il Catechismo cattolico stabilisce oggi che, per ricevere l’indulgenza plenaria per sé stessi o per un defunto, siano necessarie una confessione sacramentale per essere in grazia del Signore nella settimana precedente o seguente il 2 Agosto, una partecipazione alla Messa ed alla Comunione eucaristica, la visita della Porziuncola con la professione della fede del Credo, la recita del Padre Nostro, di una preghiera indicata dal Pontefice ed una preghiera per il Pontefice stesso.
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According to the tradition, during a night of 1216 after Christ, San Francesco received the visit during a prayer inside the Porziuncola of the Christ and of the Saint Mother; to them the Saint asked that to each person, repented and confessed, that would have visited this church all the faults should have been completely forgiven.
From this year on, after having received the authorisation directly from the Pontificate Onorio III, on August 2nd takes place in Santa Maria degli Angeli the Celebration of the Pardon. The catholic Catechism establishes nowadays that, in order to receive the plenary indulgence for oneself or a dead person, it is necessary to make a sacramental confession in order to be in the Pardon of the Christ during the week preceding or following August 2nd, to participate to the Mass and to the Eucharistic Communion, to visit the Porziuncola with the profession of faith of the Credo, the reading of “Our Father”, of a prayer dedicated to the Pontificate and a prayer for the Pope himself.
According to the tradition, during a night of 1216 after Christ, San Francesco received the visit during a prayer inside the Porziuncola of the Christ and of the Saint Mother; to them the Saint asked that to each person, repented and confessed, that would have visited this church all the faults should have been completely forgiven.
From this year on, after having received the authorisation directly from the Pontificate Onorio III, on August 2nd takes place in Santa Maria degli Angeli the Celebration of the Pardon. The catholic Catechism establishes nowadays that, in order to receive the plenary indulgence for oneself or a dead person, it is necessary to make a sacramental confession in order to be in the Pardon of the Christ during the week preceding or following August 2nd, to participate to the Mass and to the Eucharistic Communion, to visit the Porziuncola with the profession of faith of the Credo, the reading of “Our Father”, of a prayer dedicated to the Pontificate and a prayer for the Pope himself.
According to the tradition, during a night of 1216 after Christ, San Francesco received the visit during a prayer inside the Porziuncola of the Christ and of the Saint Mother; to them the Saint asked that to each person, repented and confessed, that would have visited this church all the faults should have been completely forgiven.
From this year on, after having received the authorisation directly from the Pontificate Onorio III, on August 2nd takes place in Santa Maria degli Angeli the Celebration of the Pardon. The catholic Catechism establishes nowadays that, in order to receive the plenary indulgence for oneself or a dead person, it is necessary to make a sacramental confession in order to be in the Pardon of the Christ during the week preceding or following August 2nd, to participate to the Mass and to the Eucharistic Communion, to visit the Porziuncola with the profession of faith of the Credo, the reading of “Our Father”, of a prayer dedicated to the Pontificate and a prayer for the Pope himself.
According to the tradition, during a night of 1216 after Christ, San Francesco received the visit during a prayer inside the Porziuncola of the Christ and of the Saint Mother; to them the Saint asked that to each person, repented and confessed, that would have visited this church all the faults should have been completely forgiven.
From this year on, after having received the authorisation directly from the Pontificate Onorio III, on August 2nd takes place in Santa Maria degli Angeli the Celebration of the Pardon. The catholic Catechism establishes nowadays that, in order to receive the plenary indulgence for oneself or a dead person, it is necessary to make a sacramental confession in order to be in the Pardon of the Christ during the week preceding or following August 2nd, to participate to the Mass and to the Eucharistic Communion, to visit the Porziuncola with the profession of faith of the Credo, the reading of “Our Father”, of a prayer dedicated to the Pontificate and a prayer for the Pope himself.
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