L’Umbria e soprattutto Assisi sono profondamente legate alla vita di San Francesco, patrono d’Italia, cui proprio la città umbra diede i natali. Assisi è caratterizzata da una particolare atmosfera di spiritualità, oltre che dalla bellezza del borgo e della Basilica consacrata al santo.
Ci sono però altri luoghi legati alla vita di San Francesco altrettanto degni di nota, dove ritrovare e dedicarsi al proprio benessere interiore, alla meditazione, all’armonia con il mondo che ci circonda: uno di questi è il magnifico Eremo delle Carceri.
In questo sito alla porte di Assisi, San Francesco e i suoi seguaci si ritrovavano proprio per pregare e meditare, circondati dal silenzio e dalla spiritualità della natura.

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San Francesco e l’Eremo delle Carceri
L’Eremo delle Carceri sorge a 4 chilometri circa dal centro di Assisi, a 791 metri di altitudine sulle pendici del Monte Subasio. Il luogo si trova in prossimità di alcune grotte naturali, frequentate da eremiti già in antica età paleocristiana, situate all’interno di uno splendido bosco di lecci secolari dove ancora oggi i pellegrini si ritirano in contemplazione.
In origine, l’Eremo fu donato dal comune di Assisi ai monaci benedettini, i quali a loro volta lo cedettero a San Francesco d’Assisi per farne un luogo dove chiudersi in meditazione. Lo stesso appellativo “delle Carceri” deriva dal modo di dire “se carcerare” che un tempo indicava quella forma di segregazione volontaria grazie alla quale, nel silenzio e nella preghiera, ci si rivolgeva e si accoglieva Dio dentro di sé.
Nel 1400, grazie all’opera di San Bernardino, l’antica e primitiva cappella preesistente così come un piccolo convento sono stati inglobati nella Chiesa di Santa Maria delle Carceri. Oggi il Santuario ospita cinque frati minori, che custodiscono il luogo e accolgono i tanti pellegrini che giungono qui per pregare o visitare il sito.

Visitare l’Eremo delle Carceri
Provenendo da Assisi, per giungere all’Eremo occorre percorrere la strada che risale il Monte Subasio, proseguendo per un acciottolato fino ad una volta in muratura. Una volta oltrepassata, si trova allora il Chiostrino dei Frati, una terrazza di forma triangolare che si affaccia a strapiombo proprio sul fosso delle Carceri.
Alle estremità del Chiostro si trovano le porte che conducono al refettorio e alla Chiesa di Santa Maria delle Carceri; al piano superiore del refettorio, vi sono le celle dei frati.
Dal convento è possibile scendere una ripida scalinata che conduce alla Grotta di San Francesco, all’interno di un bosco di faggi. Dal sentiero antistante si dipanano le grotte dei primi compagni di Francesco: Leone, Antonio da Stroncone, Bernardo di Quintavalle, Egidio, Silvestro e Andra da Spello.

Umbrian region and in particular Assisi are deeply related to the life of Saint Francis, patron of Italy, who was born here. Assisi is characterized by a special atmosphere of spirituality, in addiction to the beauty of the historical center and the Cathedral dedicated to Saint Francis.
There are also other places linked to his life and not to be missed, where visitors can find again their own mind wellness and an armony with the surrounding world: one of these places is the magnificent Eremo delle Carceri (literally, Jails Hermitage).
Saint Francis and his disciples came here to pray and meditate, immersed into the silence and the spirituality of the nature.
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Saint Francis and the Eremo delle Carceri
The Eremo delle Carceri (Jails Hermitage) is located at 4 kilometers from the center of Assisi, at 791 meters of height above sea level on the slopes of Subasio Mount. It is near to some natural caves frequented by hermits in the early Christian age, in a beautiful oak trees forest where many pilgrims still come to retire theirselves in contemplation.
Originally, the administration of Assisi gave the site to the Monks of Saint Benedict; then, they gave it to Saint Francis to let him of coming here and meditate. The so called “jail” hermitage comes from the italian “se carcerare”, in English “put yourself in jail”meaning isolate yourself and, thanks to this form of segregation, find God in the silence and the pray.
In 1400, because of the works of Saint Bernardine of Siena, the ancient and primitive pre-existing chapel and a small convent were included in the Church of Saint Marie of Jail.
Visiting the Eremo delle Carceri
To reach the Eremo delle Carceri (Jail Hermitage) coming from Assisi, you have to take the road that goes up the Subasio Mount, continuing for up to a cobblestone masonry. Above it, you will find the Chiostrino dei Frati (Cloister of the Monks), a triagular terrace overlooking the so-called “Fosso delle Carceri” (Moat of Jails).
At the end of the cloister there are some doors leading to the dining hall of the friars and to the Church of Saint Marie of Jails; at the upper floor of the refectory are situated the friars’ rooms, called cells.
Going down along a steep flight of steps from the monastery, you will reach the cave of Saint Francis, immersed in a forest of holm oaks. From the path in front of it, you will reach also the caves of his first disciples: Leone, Antonio from Stroncone, Bernardo of Quintavalle, Egidio, Silvestro and Andrea from Spello.
Near Assisi there is the Eremo delle Carceri (Carceri Hermitage), the place where St. Francis of Assisi and his followers retreated to pray and meditate. Located 4 miles from downtown, 791 meters above sea level on the slopes of Mount Subasio, the Carceri Hermitage is located near some natural caves frequented by hermits already in the early Christian, in a beautiful forest of oak trees where pilgrims still retire in contemplation.
It was donated by the City of Assisi to the Benedictines which gave it to Saint Francis to “jail himself” in meditation. In 1400, St. Bernardine of Siena built the church of Santa Maria delle Carceri, which incorporated a primitive pre-existing chapel to St. Francis, and a small convent .
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>> Do you want to discover Assisi’s spiritual places? Check it out now of the best farmhouses in Assisi.
To find Eremo delle Carceri if you are coming from Assisi take the road that goes up the mountain Subasio, continuing for up to once a cobblestone masonry, above which lies the cloister of the monks, a triangular terrace overlooking Fosso delle Carceri. At the end of the cloister there are doors leading to the dining hall of the friars and the church of Santa Maria delle Carceri . On the upper floor of the refectory are situated on the monks’ cells . Going down a steep flight of steps from the monastery we reach a beech forest and the cave of St. Francis. From the path in front of this depart the other caves of the early companions of Francis Leo, Anthony Stroud , Bernard of Quintavalle, Egidio, Sylvester and Andrew of Spello.
If you’ve decided to visit Assisi and discover St. Francis’ places you should contact now farmhouses near Assisi >> click this link.
Near Assisi there is the Eremo delle Carceri (Carceri Hermitage), the place where St. Francis of Assisi and his followers retreated to pray and meditate. Located 4 miles from downtown, 791 meters above sea level on the slopes of Mount Subasio, the Carceri Hermitage is located near some natural caves frequented by hermits already in the early Christian, in a beautiful forest of oak trees where pilgrims still retire in contemplation.
It was donated by the City of Assisi to the Benedictines which gave it to Saint Francis to “jail himself” in meditation. In 1400, St. Bernardine of Siena built the church of Santa Maria delle Carceri, which incorporated a primitive pre-existing chapel to St. Francis, and a small convent .
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>> Do you want to discover Assisi’s spiritual places? Check it out now of the best farmhouses in Assisi.
To find Eremo delle Carceri if you are coming from Assisi take the road that goes up the mountain Subasio, continuing for up to once a cobblestone masonry, above which lies the cloister of the monks, a triangular terrace overlooking Fosso delle Carceri. At the end of the cloister there are doors leading to the dining hall of the friars and the church of Santa Maria delle Carceri . On the upper floor of the refectory are situated on the monks’ cells . Going down a steep flight of steps from the monastery we reach a beech forest and the cave of St. Francis. From the path in front of this depart the other caves of the early companions of Francis Leo, Anthony Stroud , Bernard of Quintavalle, Egidio, Sylvester and Andrew of Spello.
If you’ve decided to visit Assisi and discover St. Francis’ places you should contact now farmhouses near Assisi >> click this link.
Near Assisi there is the Eremo delle Carceri (Carceri Hermitage), the place where St. Francis of Assisi and his followers retreated to pray and meditate. Located 4 miles from downtown, 791 meters above sea level on the slopes of Mount Subasio, the Carceri Hermitage is located near some natural caves frequented by hermits already in the early Christian, in a beautiful forest of oak trees where pilgrims still retire in contemplation.
It was donated by the City of Assisi to the Benedictines which gave it to Saint Francis to “jail himself” in meditation. In 1400, St. Bernardine of Siena built the church of Santa Maria delle Carceri, which incorporated a primitive pre-existing chapel to St. Francis, and a small convent .
>> Do you want to visit Assisi? Check it out now of the best hotels in Assisi Italy
>> Do you want to discover Assisi’s spiritual places? Check it out now of the best farmhouses in Assisi.
To find Eremo delle Carceri if you are coming from Assisi take the road that goes up the mountain Subasio, continuing for up to once a cobblestone masonry, above which lies the cloister of the monks, a triangular terrace overlooking Fosso delle Carceri. At the end of the cloister there are doors leading to the dining hall of the friars and the church of Santa Maria delle Carceri . On the upper floor of the refectory are situated on the monks’ cells . Going down a steep flight of steps from the monastery we reach a beech forest and the cave of St. Francis. From the path in front of this depart the other caves of the early companions of Francis Leo, Anthony Stroud , Bernard of Quintavalle, Egidio, Sylvester and Andrew of Spello.
If you’ve decided to visit Assisi and discover St. Francis’ places you should contact now farmhouses near Assisi >> click this link.
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