Simbolo della rinascita del territorio dopo il sisma del ’97, porta la firma dell’architetto Massimiliano Fuksas il nuovo monumento sacro inaugurato in via del Roccolo a Foligno nella primavera del 2009 e voluto dalla Conferenza Episcopale Italiana. La Chiesa di San Paolo non lascia indifferente il visitatore per la particolarità della sua architettura, per le connotazioni moderne del suo stile, per la sua innovatività.
La struttura nasce dalla combinazione di due parallelepipedi che insieme si uniscono a formare un unico cubo. I due volumi sono uno dentro l’altro. Un parallelepipedo esterno largo 22.50, lungo 30 e alto 26 mt, realizzato in calcestruzzo armato a vista e uno interno, sospeso a 3 mt da terra e dalle pareti del volume esterno, quest’ ultimo realizzato in acciaio e cemento leggero. Per le funzioni complementari poi è stato realizzato un terzo parallelepipedo posizionato accanto al corpo centrale della chiesa.
La luce, entra dall’alto a illuminare l’intero spazio e al centro, dov’è posizionato l’altare, tramite tre finestre orizzontali, rettangolari. La luce è protagonista e interprete attiva del movimento, oltre che ovvio simbolo universale della sacralità.
Alla chiesa si accede percorrendo in pendenza rampa e sagrato, a un metro e mezzo dal manto stradale e attraversando non un portale ma una vetrata, che taglia orrizzontalmente tutta la costruzione.
Per la realizzazione dell’opera l’architetto si è ispirato alla concezione verticale della chiesa, in coerenza con la celebrazione liturgica della messa e l’intento è stato quello di ridefinire il concetto di legame tra cielo e terra attraverso lo slancio verso l’alto.
Symbol of the rebirth of the area after the earthquake of’97, bears the signature of architect Massimiliano Fuksas the new sacred monument inaugurated in Roccolo streer at Foligno in the spring of 2009 and wanted by the Italian Episcopal Conference. The Church of San Paolo that doesn’t leave indifferent the visitors to the particularity of its architecture, for the connotations of its modern style, for its innovativeness.
The structure comes from a combination of two parallelepipeds that are joined together to form a single cube.
The two volumes are one inside the other. A parallelepiped outside off large 22.50, long 30 and high 26 meters, made of reinforced concrete on demand and an internal, suspended 3 meters above ground and walls of the external volume, this made of lightweight steel and cement. To complement the functions then realized it was third parallelepiped positioned next to the central body of the church.
The light enters from above to illuminate the entire space and the center, where is located the altar, with three horizontal windows. The light is active interpreter and protagonist of the movement, as well as obvious universal symbol of sacredness.
You enter in the church through the ramp and sloping churchyard, on a meter and a half by road and throught not a portal but a glass wall, which cuts horizontally across the building.
For the achievement of the architect was inspired by the vertical design of the church, in keeping with the liturgical celebration of the Mass and the intention was to redefine the concept of a link between heaven and earth through the momentum upward.
Symbol of the rebirth of the area after the earthquake of’97, bears the signature of architect Massimiliano Fuksas the new sacred monument inaugurated in Roccolo streer at Foligno in the spring of 2009 and wanted by the Italian Episcopal Conference. The Church of San Paolo that doesn’t leave indifferent the visitors to the particularity of its architecture, for the connotations of its modern style, for its innovativeness.
The structure comes from a combination of two parallelepipeds that are joined together to form a single cube.
The two volumes are one inside the other. A parallelepiped outside off large 22.50, long 30 and high 26 meters, made of reinforced concrete on demand and an internal, suspended 3 meters above ground and walls of the external volume, this made of lightweight steel and cement. To complement the functions then realized it was third parallelepiped positioned next to the central body of the church.
The light enters from above to illuminate the entire space and the center, where is located the altar, with three horizontal windows. The light is active interpreter and protagonist of the movement, as well as obvious universal symbol of sacredness.
You enter in the church through the ramp and sloping churchyard, on a meter and a half by road and throught not a portal but a glass wall, which cuts horizontally across the building.
For the achievement of the architect was inspired by the vertical design of the church, in keeping with the liturgical celebration of the Mass and the intention was to redefine the concept of a link between heaven and earth through the momentum upward.
Symbol of the rebirth of the area after the earthquake of’97, bears the signature of architect Massimiliano Fuksas the new sacred monument inaugurated in Roccolo streer at Foligno in the spring of 2009 and wanted by the Italian Episcopal Conference. The Church of San Paolo that doesn’t leave indifferent the visitors to the particularity of its architecture, for the connotations of its modern style, for its innovativeness.
The structure comes from a combination of two parallelepipeds that are joined together to form a single cube.
The two volumes are one inside the other. A parallelepiped outside off large 22.50, long 30 and high 26 meters, made of reinforced concrete on demand and an internal, suspended 3 meters above ground and walls of the external volume, this made of lightweight steel and cement. To complement the functions then realized it was third parallelepiped positioned next to the central body of the church.
The light enters from above to illuminate the entire space and the center, where is located the altar, with three horizontal windows. The light is active interpreter and protagonist of the movement, as well as obvious universal symbol of sacredness.
You enter in the church through the ramp and sloping churchyard, on a meter and a half by road and throught not a portal but a glass wall, which cuts horizontally across the building.
For the achievement of the architect was inspired by the vertical design of the church, in keeping with the liturgical celebration of the Mass and the intention was to redefine the concept of a link between heaven and earth through the momentum upward.
Symbol of the rebirth of the area after the earthquake of’97, bears the signature of architect Massimiliano Fuksas the new sacred monument inaugurated in Roccolo streer at Foligno in the spring of 2009 and wanted by the Italian Episcopal Conference. The Church of San Paolo that doesn’t leave indifferent the visitors to the particularity of its architecture, for the connotations of its modern style, for its innovativeness.
The structure comes from a combination of two parallelepipeds that are joined together to form a single cube.
The two volumes are one inside the other. A parallelepiped outside off large 22.50, long 30 and high 26 meters, made of reinforced concrete on demand and an internal, suspended 3 meters above ground and walls of the external volume, this made of lightweight steel and cement. To complement the functions then realized it was third parallelepiped positioned next to the central body of the church.
The light enters from above to illuminate the entire space and the center, where is located the altar, with three horizontal windows. The light is active interpreter and protagonist of the movement, as well as obvious universal symbol of sacredness.
You enter in the church through the ramp and sloping churchyard, on a meter and a half by road and throught not a portal but a glass wall, which cuts horizontally across the building.
For the achievement of the architect was inspired by the vertical design of the church, in keeping with the liturgical celebration of the Mass and the intention was to redefine the concept of a link between heaven and earth through the momentum upward.
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