Il Centro Termale è composto da strutture eleganti e raffinate, curate nei minimi dettagli, aperte tutto l’anno, per accogliere il cliente in un ambiente rilassante e confortevole. Le terme sono circondate da un grande parco con laghetto, al centro del quale c’è un isolotto su cui troverete il ristorante.
Il percorso termale coperto, aperto tutto l’anno, comprende: 3 piscine termali interne con temperatura dell’acqua che varia dai 34 ai 37°C, complete di getti d’acqua, idromassaggi, cascate, ricavate in ambienti esclusivi e raffinati, la sauna ed il bagno turco. L’area relax è dotata di numerosi lettini a disposizione degli ospiti. Nel periodo estivo è possibile usufruire delle 3 piscine esterne, ricavate nell’ampio parco, con temperatura dell’acqua che varia dai 30 ai 37°C, anche queste con giochi d’acqua, idromassaggi, cascate e getti d’acqua. Intorno alle piscine esterne sono situati ampi spazi erbosi, dotati di ombrelloni e sdraio, per chi ama rilassarsi sotto il sole dopo i bagni rigeneranti nelle acque solfuree delle piscine. Disponibile anche un’area giochi per bambini di tutte le età!
>>Vuoi visitare le Terme Francescane? Contatta ora i migliori hotel di Spello e scopri le offerte!
Le Terme Francescane di Spello sono alimentate da un’acqua mediominerale sulfurea proveniente dalla fonte di San Felice e hanno una composizione chimica tipica delle acque solfuree, bicarbonato calciche, alcalino-terrose, impiegate da secoli per la cura delle seguenti patologie:
– apparato respiratorio e otorinolaringoiatriche
– dermatologiche, inestetismi della pelle, cellulite
– sistema cardiovascolare
– sistema muscolare
– apparato scheletrico
…e si possono effettuare i seguenti trattamenti:
– Idromassaggio
– Fisioterapia
– Fanghi
– Trattamenti estetici
– Percorso vascolare (Kneipp)
– Cure idroponiche
– Balneoterapia
– Insufflazioni endotimpaniche
– Irrigazioni vaginali
– Aerosol
– Inalazioni
– Docce
Vengono inoltre praticati massaggi e trattamenti di estetica. Numerosi i programmi benessere a disposizione per qualsiasi esigenza di piacere per il proprio corpo in armonia.
>>Se hai deciso di visitare Spello e di rilassarti presso le terme francescane ti consigliamo di contattare ora gli agriturismi nelle sue vicinanze >> clicca questo link
In the heart of Umbria, near Assisi you will find the Franciscan Baths in Spello, an ideal place to spend moments of absolute tranquility in contact with nature. The spa park is open all year round and fed by springs of sulfur water, used for centuries for the treatment of various diseases thanks to the numerous indoor and outdoor pools (summer season), the spa and the terapeutic treatments area.
>> Do you want to visit the Franciscan Baths? Contact now the best b&b in Spello and discover their offers!
The Franciscan Baths in Spello are powered by mediomineral cold water (13.5 ° C) from the source of San Felice and have a chemical composition typical of sulphurous waters, calcium bicarbonate, alkaline-earth.
This water was used for centuries for therapeutic purposes and it’s still used for the treatments of many pathologies as: ear, nose, throat, respiratory, cardiovascular, gynecological, rheumatic and dermatologic diseases.
Currently at Franciscan Baths these types of treatments are provided: APPARATUS – OTHORINOLARYNGOLOGIST SPA: INHALATIONS used for treatment of the upper airways. AEROSOL used for treatment of airway deeper. ENDOTYMPANIC INSUFFLATION used for the care of deafness. HUMAGE consist of the diffusion of substances emanating from the sulphurous water. NASAL DOUCHE OR MICRONIZED NASAL DOUCHE: cleansing with mucosal decongestion action. BALNEOTHERAPY SPA: It operates for the treatment of ailments of arthro-rheumatic diseases and how the activation system of circulation. It is practiced in swimming pools or individual pools. HYDROMASSAGES: They’re indicated both as diseases of musculoskeletal system as chronic inflammatory rheumatism, articular rheumatism, motor rehabilitation and diseases of the circulatory system as syndromes post phlebitic varices and artereoterapie obliterans. SHOWER: They’re used as stimulators of the circulatory system for the treatment of diseases dermatologic and in the aesthetic medicine (aestheticisms, cellulitis, etc.) PATHS VASCULAR: from which they benefit the disease characterized by reduction of arterial flow and slowing of venous circulation. DERMATOLOGICAL TREATMENTS SPA: They using the action of sulphurous water for the treatment of diseases of the dermis such as psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, acne etc. DRINKING CURE SPA: take this type of water as a drink helps the digestive processes and has a protective action against liver.
>>If you’ve decided to visit Spello and to visit the Franciscan Baths, you should contact now farmhouses in its vicinity >>click this link
In the heart of Umbria, near Assisi you will find the Franciscan Baths in Spello, an ideal place to spend moments of absolute tranquility in contact with nature. The spa park is open all year round and fed by springs of sulfur water, used for centuries for the treatment of various diseases thanks to the numerous indoor and outdoor pools (summer season), the spa and the terapeutic treatments area.
>> Do you want to visit the Franciscan Baths? Contact now the best b&b in Spello and discover their offers!
The Franciscan Baths in Spello are powered by mediomineral cold water (13.5 ° C) from the source of San Felice and have a chemical composition typical of sulphurous waters, calcium bicarbonate, alkaline-earth.
This water was used for centuries for therapeutic purposes and it’s still used for the treatments of many pathologies as: ear, nose, throat, respiratory, cardiovascular, gynecological, rheumatic and dermatologic diseases.
Currently at Franciscan Baths these types of treatments are provided: APPARATUS – OTHORINOLARYNGOLOGIST SPA: INHALATIONS used for treatment of the upper airways. AEROSOL used for treatment of airway deeper. ENDOTYMPANIC INSUFFLATION used for the care of deafness. HUMAGE consist of the diffusion of substances emanating from the sulphurous water. NASAL DOUCHE OR MICRONIZED NASAL DOUCHE: cleansing with mucosal decongestion action. BALNEOTHERAPY SPA: It operates for the treatment of ailments of arthro-rheumatic diseases and how the activation system of circulation. It is practiced in swimming pools or individual pools. HYDROMASSAGES: They’re indicated both as diseases of musculoskeletal system as chronic inflammatory rheumatism, articular rheumatism, motor rehabilitation and diseases of the circulatory system as syndromes post phlebitic varices and artereoterapie obliterans. SHOWER: They’re used as stimulators of the circulatory system for the treatment of diseases dermatologic and in the aesthetic medicine (aestheticisms, cellulitis, etc.) PATHS VASCULAR: from which they benefit the disease characterized by reduction of arterial flow and slowing of venous circulation. DERMATOLOGICAL TREATMENTS SPA: They using the action of sulphurous water for the treatment of diseases of the dermis such as psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, acne etc. DRINKING CURE SPA: take this type of water as a drink helps the digestive processes and has a protective action against liver.
>>If you’ve decided to visit Spello and to visit the Franciscan Baths, you should contact now farmhouses in its vicinity >>click this link
In the heart of Umbria, near Assisi you will find the Franciscan Baths in Spello, an ideal place to spend moments of absolute tranquility in contact with nature. The spa park is open all year round and fed by springs of sulfur water, used for centuries for the treatment of various diseases thanks to the numerous indoor and outdoor pools (summer season), the spa and the terapeutic treatments area.
>> Do you want to visit the Franciscan Baths? Contact now the best b&b in Spello and discover their offers!
The Franciscan Baths in Spello are powered by mediomineral cold water (13.5 ° C) from the source of San Felice and have a chemical composition typical of sulphurous waters, calcium bicarbonate, alkaline-earth.
This water was used for centuries for therapeutic purposes and it’s still used for the treatments of many pathologies as: ear, nose, throat, respiratory, cardiovascular, gynecological, rheumatic and dermatologic diseases.
Currently at Franciscan Baths these types of treatments are provided: APPARATUS – OTHORINOLARYNGOLOGIST SPA: INHALATIONS used for treatment of the upper airways. AEROSOL used for treatment of airway deeper. ENDOTYMPANIC INSUFFLATION used for the care of deafness. HUMAGE consist of the diffusion of substances emanating from the sulphurous water. NASAL DOUCHE OR MICRONIZED NASAL DOUCHE: cleansing with mucosal decongestion action. BALNEOTHERAPY SPA: It operates for the treatment of ailments of arthro-rheumatic diseases and how the activation system of circulation. It is practiced in swimming pools or individual pools. HYDROMASSAGES: They’re indicated both as diseases of musculoskeletal system as chronic inflammatory rheumatism, articular rheumatism, motor rehabilitation and diseases of the circulatory system as syndromes post phlebitic varices and artereoterapie obliterans. SHOWER: They’re used as stimulators of the circulatory system for the treatment of diseases dermatologic and in the aesthetic medicine (aestheticisms, cellulitis, etc.) PATHS VASCULAR: from which they benefit the disease characterized by reduction of arterial flow and slowing of venous circulation. DERMATOLOGICAL TREATMENTS SPA: They using the action of sulphurous water for the treatment of diseases of the dermis such as psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, acne etc. DRINKING CURE SPA: take this type of water as a drink helps the digestive processes and has a protective action against liver.
>>If you’ve decided to visit Spello and to visit the Franciscan Baths, you should contact now farmhouses in its vicinity >>click this link
In the heart of Umbria, near Assisi you will find the Franciscan Baths in Spello, an ideal place to spend moments of absolute tranquility in contact with nature. The spa park is open all year round and fed by springs of sulfur water, used for centuries for the treatment of various diseases thanks to the numerous indoor and outdoor pools (summer season), the spa and the terapeutic treatments area.
>> Do you want to visit the Franciscan Baths? Contact now the best b&b in Spello and discover their offers!
The Franciscan Baths in Spello are powered by mediomineral cold water (13.5 ° C) from the source of San Felice and have a chemical composition typical of sulphurous waters, calcium bicarbonate, alkaline-earth.
This water was used for centuries for therapeutic purposes and it’s still used for the treatments of many pathologies as: ear, nose, throat, respiratory, cardiovascular, gynecological, rheumatic and dermatologic diseases.
Currently at Franciscan Baths these types of treatments are provided: APPARATUS – OTHORINOLARYNGOLOGIST SPA: INHALATIONS used for treatment of the upper airways. AEROSOL used for treatment of airway deeper. ENDOTYMPANIC INSUFFLATION used for the care of deafness. HUMAGE consist of the diffusion of substances emanating from the sulphurous water. NASAL DOUCHE OR MICRONIZED NASAL DOUCHE: cleansing with mucosal decongestion action. BALNEOTHERAPY SPA: It operates for the treatment of ailments of arthro-rheumatic diseases and how the activation system of circulation. It is practiced in swimming pools or individual pools. HYDROMASSAGES: They’re indicated both as diseases of musculoskeletal system as chronic inflammatory rheumatism, articular rheumatism, motor rehabilitation and diseases of the circulatory system as syndromes post phlebitic varices and artereoterapie obliterans. SHOWER: They’re used as stimulators of the circulatory system for the treatment of diseases dermatologic and in the aesthetic medicine (aestheticisms, cellulitis, etc.) PATHS VASCULAR: from which they benefit the disease characterized by reduction of arterial flow and slowing of venous circulation. DERMATOLOGICAL TREATMENTS SPA: They using the action of sulphurous water for the treatment of diseases of the dermis such as psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, acne etc. DRINKING CURE SPA: take this type of water as a drink helps the digestive processes and has a protective action against liver.
>>If you’ve decided to visit Spello and to visit the Franciscan Baths, you should contact now farmhouses in its vicinity >>click this link
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