Questo particolarissimo crocifisso portatile, tempera su tavola di 39×49 cm, fu realizzato dal Maestro di Sant’Alò e si può ammirare nella Pinacoteca Comunale di Spoleto.
La storia di quest’oggetto è così ricostruibile: Gregorio IX, fu eletto papa nel 1227, nutrì particolare affetto per le suore benedettine di S.Paolo; riconsacrò la loro chiesa nel 1234 e fece loro dono di preziose reliquie, che furono costudite nelle incassature di questo reliquario del quale le monache ebbero sempre estrema cura. Il Crocefisso è dipinto sulle due facce; sul recto il Cristo è circondato dai soldati, nelle tabelle laterali sono raffigurati la Madonna e S. Giovanni; ai piedi del Cristo è S.Chiara, la cimasa è occupata da una lunga iscrizione, che prosegue contornando l’elemento di protezione dell’incasso destinato a custodire una piccola croce d’argento. Sul verso Cristo è raffigurato crollante dalla croce, S. Paolo, S. Pietro e S. Giovanni Battista; nelle tabelle sono ancora raffigurati la Madonna e S. Giovanni; ai piedi di Cristo è posto S.Francesco; nella cimasa due Angeli con delle fiaccole sorvegliano le reliquie conservate nell’apposita incassatura. Sull’orlo dell’oggetto corre una punzonatura costituita da una doppia fila di punti racchiudenti stellette.
Bella Umbria ringrazia il Sig. Massimo Eugenio Micanti, del Centro Restauro Terni, per la collaborazione nella realizzazione di questo articolo.
This very particular portable crucifix, tempera on a table of 39×49 cm, was realized by the Maestro of St.Alò and can be admired in the Pinacoteca Comunale in Spoleto. The history of this object can be built as follows: Gregory IX, was elected Pope in 1227, he was nourishing a particular affection for the Benedictine Sisters of St. Paolo; he consecrated again their church in 1234 and gave them precious relics, that were kept in the recesses of this reliquary of which the Sisters always took good care. The Crucifix is painted on two sides; on the front the Christ is surrounded by soldiers, on the lateral tables are represented the Madonna and St. Giovanni; at the feet of the Christ there is St. Claire, the ogee moulding has a long inscription, that continues going around the protection element of the recess aimed at keeping a small silver cross. On the back the Christ is presented collapsing from the cross, St.Paolo, St.Pietro and St.Giovanni Battista; on the tables are also represented the Madonna and St.Giovanni; at the feet of the Christ there is St.Francesco; on the ogee moulding two Angels with some torches are watching over the relics kept in the apposite recess. On the border of the object there is a stamping made of a double line of points with small stars inside.
This very particular portable crucifix, tempera on a table of 39×49 cm, was realized by the Maestro of St.Alò and can be admired in the Pinacoteca Comunale in Spoleto. The history of this object can be built as follows: Gregory IX, was elected Pope in 1227, he was nourishing a particular affection for the Benedictine Sisters of St. Paolo; he consecrated again their church in 1234 and gave them precious relics, that were kept in the recesses of this reliquary of which the Sisters always took good care. The Crucifix is painted on two sides; on the front the Christ is surrounded by soldiers, on the lateral tables are represented the Madonna and St. Giovanni; at the feet of the Christ there is St. Claire, the ogee moulding has a long inscription, that continues going around the protection element of the recess aimed at keeping a small silver cross. On the back the Christ is presented collapsing from the cross, St.Paolo, St.Pietro and St.Giovanni Battista; on the tables are also represented the Madonna and St.Giovanni; at the feet of the Christ there is St.Francesco; on the ogee moulding two Angels with some torches are watching over the relics kept in the apposite recess. On the border of the object there is a stamping made of a double line of points with small stars inside.
This very particular portable crucifix, tempera on a table of 39×49 cm, was realized by the Maestro of St.Alò and can be admired in the Pinacoteca Comunale in Spoleto. The history of this object can be built as follows: Gregory IX, was elected Pope in 1227, he was nourishing a particular affection for the Benedictine Sisters of St. Paolo; he consecrated again their church in 1234 and gave them precious relics, that were kept in the recesses of this reliquary of which the Sisters always took good care. The Crucifix is painted on two sides; on the front the Christ is surrounded by soldiers, on the lateral tables are represented the Madonna and St. Giovanni; at the feet of the Christ there is St. Claire, the ogee moulding has a long inscription, that continues going around the protection element of the recess aimed at keeping a small silver cross. On the back the Christ is presented collapsing from the cross, St.Paolo, St.Pietro and St.Giovanni Battista; on the tables are also represented the Madonna and St.Giovanni; at the feet of the Christ there is St.Francesco; on the ogee moulding two Angels with some torches are watching over the relics kept in the apposite recess. On the border of the object there is a stamping made of a double line of points with small stars inside.
This very particular portable crucifix, tempera on a table of 39×49 cm, was realized by the Maestro of St.Alò and can be admired in the Pinacoteca Comunale in Spoleto. The history of this object can be built as follows: Gregory IX, was elected Pope in 1227, he was nourishing a particular affection for the Benedictine Sisters of St. Paolo; he consecrated again their church in 1234 and gave them precious relics, that were kept in the recesses of this reliquary of which the Sisters always took good care. The Crucifix is painted on two sides; on the front the Christ is surrounded by soldiers, on the lateral tables are represented the Madonna and St. Giovanni; at the feet of the Christ there is St. Claire, the ogee moulding has a long inscription, that continues going around the protection element of the recess aimed at keeping a small silver cross. On the back the Christ is presented collapsing from the cross, St.Paolo, St.Pietro and St.Giovanni Battista; on the tables are also represented the Madonna and St.Giovanni; at the feet of the Christ there is St.Francesco; on the ogee moulding two Angels with some torches are watching over the relics kept in the apposite recess. On the border of the object there is a stamping made of a double line of points with small stars inside.
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