Il Museo Diocesano di Gubbio si trova all’interno dell’antico Palazzo dei Canonici (XII sec), nel cuore della città di Gubbio, a pochi passi dalla Cattedrale sorge.
Il Museo ospita una mirabile raccolta di reperti artistici che ripercorrono la storia di Gubbio così come di tutta la Diocesi eugubina, le cui prime testimonianze sono presenti già nei primissimi secoli dell’Era Cristiana. L’itinerario si articola in dodici sale disposte su due livelli. Per lo più, in queste sale sono conservate le opere provenienti dalla Cattedrale di San Mariano e San Giacomo e dalle altre chiese del territorio diocesano.
Il piano terra ospita la Botte dei Canonici, enorme contenitore quattrocentesco, autentica rarità per tutti gli appassionati di storia dell’enologia oltre ad un fornito bookshop ed un luogo di ristoro. L’imponente botte è con ogni probabilità la più grande d’Europa, ed arrivava a contenere 387 barili, per un totale di 20.124 litri di vino.
La sezione archeologica del museo offre testimonianze di epoca romana ed altomedioevale, mentre nelle sale attigue sono ospitati esempi di pittura e scultura del ‘200 e ’300 tra cui spiccano la splendide tavole dipinte dall’eugubino Mello. La pittura quattrocentesca è rappresentata da opere della bottega di Ottaviano Nelli, di Taddeo di Bartolo e da uno splendido ciclo di affreschi con scene della Passione di Cristo.
Accedendo al piano superiore del museo, si attraversare il chiostro della Cattedrale e si entra nel refettorio dei canonici (XIII secolo), dove sono visibili diverse opere tra le quali Crocifissione di Gesù (metà del XV secolo), del Maestro di Santa Maria dei Laici, e la Madonna in adorazione di Gesù Bambino dormiente (metà del XVII secolo) della bottega del Giovanni Battista Salvi detto Sassoferrato. La visita del piano superiore termina con la visione delle tre sale dette del “Tesoro della Cattedrale“, dove sono esposte preziose oreficerie ed argenterie.
Giugno-settembre: dal Martedì alla Domenica e festivi 10.00-18.00
Ottobre-Maggio: dal Giovedì alla Domenica e festivi 10.00-18.00
Chiuso il 25 dicembre, il 15 maggio e per la pausa invernale dal 10 gennaio al 29 febbraio di ogni anno (gli orari potrebbero subire delle variazioni in base ad iniziative, mostre o altri eventi).
5,00 € intero – 3,00 € ridotto
Le riduzioni sono considerate per ragazzi dai 6 ai 18 anni,giornalisti, tesserati Icom, TuringClub, TuristiCard, studenti universitari con tesserino, over 65.
L’ingresso è gratuito per diversamente abili, bambini fino a 6 anni, guide turistiche.
Con l’acquisto del biglietto unico al costo di €6,00 si potrà accedere a: Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Laici, Memorie Ubaldiane, Palazzo del Bargello.
The Diocesan Museum of Gubbio is housed in the Palais des Canons (XIIcentury), in the heart of the city of Gubbio, a short walk from the cathedral stands.
The Museum houses a wonderful collection of art exhibits that trace the two thousand year history of Gubbio as well as through out the Diocese of Gubbio, already living in the earliest centuries of the Christian Era. The ground floor houses the “Cask of Canons”, huge container century, a true rarity for lovers of winemaking history in addition to a well-stocked bookshop and a resting place.
The archaeological section of the museum offers evidence of Roman and early medieval art, while in the adjacent rooms are hosted examples of painting and sculpture of the ‘200 and ‘300, among which the splendid painted panels from eugubino Mello. The painting is represented by works of the fifteenth workshop Ottaviano Nelli, Taddeo di Bartolo and a splendid cycle of frescoes depicting scenes from the Passion of Christ.
The flagship of the collection is represented by a flemish renaissance cope finely decorated part of the collection of liturgical vestments and furnishings.
Up to 13/06 Open Thursday to Sunday
HOURS: 10:30 am to 17:00 pm
From 14/06 to 30/09 Open daily except Monday
HOURS: 10:30 am to 18:00 pm
Closing days of museums:
15/05, 20/05, 02/06
Full € 5.00 – € 3.00 reduced
The Diocesan Museum of Gubbio is housed in the Palais des Canons (XIIcentury), in the heart of the city of Gubbio, a short walk from the cathedral stands.
The Museum houses a wonderful collection of art exhibits that trace the two thousand year history of Gubbio as well as through out the Diocese of Gubbio, already living in the earliest centuries of the Christian Era. The ground floor houses the “Cask of Canons”, huge container century, a true rarity for lovers of winemaking history in addition to a well-stocked bookshop and a resting place.
The archaeological section of the museum offers evidence of Roman and early medieval art, while in the adjacent rooms are hosted examples of painting and sculpture of the ‘200 and ‘300, among which the splendid painted panels from eugubino Mello. The painting is represented by works of the fifteenth workshop Ottaviano Nelli, Taddeo di Bartolo and a splendid cycle of frescoes depicting scenes from the Passion of Christ.
The flagship of the collection is represented by a flemish renaissance cope finely decorated part of the collection of liturgical vestments and furnishings.
Up to 13/06 Open Thursday to Sunday
HOURS: 10:30 am to 17:00 pm
From 14/06 to 30/09 Open daily except Monday
HOURS: 10:30 am to 18:00 pm
Closing days of museums:
15/05, 20/05, 02/06
Full € 5.00 – € 3.00 reduced
The Diocesan Museum of Gubbio is housed in the Palais des Canons (XIIcentury), in the heart of the city of Gubbio, a short walk from the cathedral stands.
The Museum houses a wonderful collection of art exhibits that trace the two thousand year history of Gubbio as well as through out the Diocese of Gubbio, already living in the earliest centuries of the Christian Era. The ground floor houses the “Cask of Canons”, huge container century, a true rarity for lovers of winemaking history in addition to a well-stocked bookshop and a resting place.
The archaeological section of the museum offers evidence of Roman and early medieval art, while in the adjacent rooms are hosted examples of painting and sculpture of the ‘200 and ‘300, among which the splendid painted panels from eugubino Mello. The painting is represented by works of the fifteenth workshop Ottaviano Nelli, Taddeo di Bartolo and a splendid cycle of frescoes depicting scenes from the Passion of Christ.
The flagship of the collection is represented by a flemish renaissance cope finely decorated part of the collection of liturgical vestments and furnishings.
Up to 13/06 Open Thursday to Sunday
HOURS: 10:30 am to 17:00 pm
From 14/06 to 30/09 Open daily except Monday
HOURS: 10:30 am to 18:00 pm
Closing days of museums:
15/05, 20/05, 02/06
Full € 5.00 – € 3.00 reduced
The Diocesan Museum of Gubbio is housed in the Palais des Canons (XIIcentury), in the heart of the city of Gubbio, a short walk from the cathedral stands.
The Museum houses a wonderful collection of art exhibits that trace the two thousand year history of Gubbio as well as through out the Diocese of Gubbio, already living in the earliest centuries of the Christian Era. The ground floor houses the “Cask of Canons”, huge container century, a true rarity for lovers of winemaking history in addition to a well-stocked bookshop and a resting place.
The archaeological section of the museum offers evidence of Roman and early medieval art, while in the adjacent rooms are hosted examples of painting and sculpture of the ‘200 and ‘300, among which the splendid painted panels from eugubino Mello. The painting is represented by works of the fifteenth workshop Ottaviano Nelli, Taddeo di Bartolo and a splendid cycle of frescoes depicting scenes from the Passion of Christ.
The flagship of the collection is represented by a flemish renaissance cope finely decorated part of the collection of liturgical vestments and furnishings.
Up to 13/06 Open Thursday to Sunday
HOURS: 10:30 am to 17:00 pm
From 14/06 to 30/09 Open daily except Monday
HOURS: 10:30 am to 18:00 pm
Closing days of museums:
15/05, 20/05, 02/06
Full € 5.00 – € 3.00 reduced
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