▌ Alla scoperta di Lisciano Niccone
{“translation”:[{“lang”:”it”,”content”:”Il piccolo borgo di Lisciano Niccone che sorge lungo la valle dell’omonimo torrente, il “Niccone”, conta oggi meno di mille abitanti la cui attività principale è di tipo agricolo.
Dopo aver fatto parte durante il medioevo dei domini di Perugia, è passato nel ‘500 sotto il controllo dello Stato Pontificio e ne ha seguito poi la lenta decadenza. Oggi conserva ancora i ruderi del castello dell’ XI secolo che sono i testimoni delle antiche origini e di un prestigio ormai perso derivato da una posizione importante all’interno dello scacchiere strategico dell’alta valle del Tevere.
“},{“lang”:”en”,”content”:”The small town of Lisciano Niccone, which is to be found in the valley of the “Niccone” stream, nowadays has less than a thousand inhabitants, whose main activity is agriculture.
After having been part of the dominion of Perugia during the Middle Ages, the town passed under the rule of the Papal State in the 16th century and followed that State’s slow decay. Nowadays, it still preserves the ruins of the 11th century Castle which testifies to its ancient origins and to the importance which it has now lost, and which formerly was due to its important strategic position in the upper Tiber valley.
“},{“lang”:”es”,”content”:”The small town of Lisciano Niccone, which is to be found in the valley of the “Niccone” stream, nowadays has less than a thousand inhabitants, whose main activity is agriculture.
After having been part of the dominion of Perugia during the Middle Ages, the town passed under the rule of the Papal State in the 16th century and followed that State’s slow decay. Nowadays, it still preserves the ruins of the 11th century Castle which testifies to its ancient origins and to the importance which it has now lost, and which formerly was due to its important strategic position in the upper Tiber valley.
“},{“lang”:”de”,”content”:”The small town of Lisciano Niccone, which is to be found in the valley of the “Niccone” stream, nowadays has less than a thousand inhabitants, whose main activity is agriculture.
After having been part of the dominion of Perugia during the Middle Ages, the town passed under the rule of the Papal State in the 16th century and followed that State’s slow decay. Nowadays, it still preserves the ruins of the 11th century Castle which testifies to its ancient origins and to the importance which it has now lost, and which formerly was due to its important strategic position in the upper Tiber valley.
“},{“lang”:”fr”,”content”:”Le petit bourg de Lisciano Niccone, qui surgit le long de la vallée du torrent qui porte le même nom, le “Niccone”, compte aujourd’hui moins de mille habitants dont l’activité principale est de type agricole.
Après avoir fait partie pendant le Moyen-Âge des comtés de Pérouse, il est passé au XVIème siècle sous le contrôle de l’Etat Pontificale t ne a suivi ensuite la lente décadence. Il conserve aujourd’hui encore les ruines du château du XIème siècle qui sont les témoins des antiques origines et d’un prestige désormais perdu dérivant d’une position importante au sein de l’échiquier stratégique de la haute vallée du Tevere.