Cosa vedere a Todi? Ecco la miniguida per sapere cosa vedere, cosa fare e cosa mangiare a Todi!
Nota come “la città più vivibile del mondo” (anche se i tuderti preferiscono chiamarla “città ideale”!), Todi è una cittadina medievale di una bellezza ed eleganza unica, che sorge in cima ad una collina a dominare l’incantevole valle del Tevere.
Situata a pochi chilometri da Perugia e Orvieto, la cittadina è circoscritta tra tre cerchia di mura (etrusche, romane e medievali) che racchiudono innumerevoli tesori.
Cosa vedere a Todi dal centro storico ai dintorni

Tra le cose da vedere a Todi, una delle vedute più belle è sicuramente quella di Piazza del Popolo, cuore pulsante della cittadina. Sulla piazza si affacciano alcuni degli edifici più importanti del centro storico che si contrappongono, con un effetto suggestivo, al complesso religioso.
Qui potrete ammirare il complesso del Palazzo Comunale, nato dall’unione del Palazzo del Popolo in cui sono ospitati il Museo lapidario, la Pinacoteca Civica e il Museo Etrusco Romano, il duecentesco Palazzo del Capitano e il Palazzo dei Priori, forse il più bello dei tre e che fu terminato nel XIV secolo.
Il Duomo, eretto nel XII secolo sui resti di un tempio dedicato al dio Apollo, è caratterizzato da una lunga scalinata d’accesso e da una bella facciata romanica. Salendo le scale, dall’alto della gradinata, potrete scattare fantastiche foto dell’intera Piazza.
Poco distante, a circa 20 metri dalla piazza, si trova la Chiesa di san Fortunato dedicata al santo patrono della città ed edificata nel XIII secolo, che conserva nella cripta la tomba del poeta umanista Jacopone da Todi e presenta un bellissimo affresco di Masolino da Panicale.

Non tutti sanno che …
Il frate poeta Jacopone Da Todi, autore delle Laude, divenne frate a 48 anni passando da una vita libertina ad una condizione di totale penitenza. Venne poi scomunicato e incarcerato all’età di 67 anni, a causa della sua opposizione all’elezione a papa di Bonifacio VIII.
A distanza di secoli, Jacopone continua ad essere una figura discussa e piuttosto scomoda, al punto che sulla sua lapide fu volutamente anticipata di 10 anni la data della sua morte, così da stendere un velo sul periodo della sua scomunica
Tra i nostri suggerimenti su cosa vedere a Todi, non può mancare il celebre Tempio della Consolazione, eseguito nel XVI secolo su disegno di Bramante. Il particolare edificio presenta una struttura a pianta centrale sormontata da una bellissima cupola, e che ospita nell’altare al suo interno un’ antica immagine della Madonna, la quale, secondo la tradizione, era miracolosa.
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Cosa fare a Todi

Cosa fare a Todi? Per sperimentare davvero la bellezza di Todi vi suggeriamo una visita ai suoi tesori sotterranei: le Cisterne, costruite dai Romani, sono situate proprio sotto Piazza del Popolo e venivano utilizzate per raccogliere l’acqua piovana.
Un altro suggerimento su cosa fare a Todi è vivere un tuffo nel Medioevo: attraversate i tre borghi medioevali di Ulpiano, Nuovo e di Porta Fratta e la zona della Valle inferiore detta dei Pontigli; all’interno degli angusti vicoli si aprono frequentemente le porte a tutto sesto delle antiche botteghe artigiane, facenti capo, in epoca medioevale, alle ventitré corporazioni di arti e mestieri che dominavano l’intera vita economica cittadina; erano spesso le stesse corporazioni, oltre agli ordini monastici, a commissionare la costruzione delle numerose piccole chiese e degli oratori di cui sono ancora visibili le tracce.
Adiacente a Piazza del Popolo, Piazza Garibaldi offre una vista mozzafiato della campagna sottostante e per un’altro bel panorama vi suggeriamo di salire sul suo punto più alto, il campanile di San Fortunato, da cui è possibile intravedere persino Perugia.
Se il Medioevo vi affascina particolarmente, vi consigliamo approfittare di una visita a Todi e concedervi un po’ di tempo per esplorarne i dintorni, alla scoperta di quegli antichi castelli che ne costituivano il sistema difensivo del territorio. Scoprirete le architetture di difesa tipiche del tuderte, visibili in particolare in nei seguenti e suggestivi luoghi:
- il Castello di Frontignano, lungo la strada che da Ponte Rio sale verso San Terenziano
- il Castello di Speltara, maniero abbandonato del XIII secolo e set del celebre film di Pupi Avai Magnificat
- il Castello di Barattano del XIII secolo
- il borgo medievale di San Terenziano, dove si trovano le spoglie di Terenziano, martire e primo vescovo di Todi

Non tutti sanno che …
A Todi si trova la casa dipinta di Patrick Ireland (alias Brian O’Doherty) e di Barbara Novack, una vera e propria opera d’arte contemporanea che nasconde profondi significati simbolici. La chiave per sciogliere l’enigma è l’OGHAM, una lingua estinta da oltre 1200 anni, con cui gli antichi Irlandesi tradussero l’alfabeto romano in linee. Così, quelli che apparentemente sembrano rigorismi geometrici fini a se stessi si rivelano essere delle lettere. E le sorprese continuano quando si scopre che dietro ad una simile scelta, come a quella del nome d’arte Patrick Ireland, c’è il Bloody Sunday del 1972, e la volontà di ricordare le vittime innocenti di quella domenica sanguinosa.
>> Ci sono offerte in scadenza! Clicca e consulta la lista dei migliori agriturismi nella zona di Todi!
Cosa mangiare a Todi

Se dopo aver seguito i nostri suggerimenti su cosa vedere a Todi vi è venuto un certo languorino abbiamo qualche consiglio da darvi su cosa mangiare a Todi.
Sulle tavole tuderti accanto al tradizionale pane troverete sicuramente il pan caciato (o nociato), un panetto tondo di piccole dimensioni con noci, formaggio e uvetta. Ma tra i nostri consigli su cosa mangiare a Todi non può mancare la palomba alla ghiotta, il piatto tuderte per antonomasia. Nei mesi invernali non c’è casa o ristorante in cui non facciano la loro comparsa i piccioni, che devono cuocere lentamente, infilzati allo spiedo, “con buon carbone, ma senza fiamma”.
Per accompagnare la palomba vi consigliamo un buon bicchiere di Grechetto di Todi DOC, un bianco dal tipico colore giallo paglierino intenso, ricco di delicate note floreali e fruttate, talmente buono da essere stato citato addirittura da Plinio il Vecchio nel primo secolo dopo Cristo.
Consulta i migliori ristoranti nella zona di Todi! >> Clicca e prenota
The best things to do in Todi. Our mini-guide is here to suggest you things to do and the best things to…eat to discover Todi’s authentic flavors!
The beautiful and elegant medieval town of Todi stands on the top of the hill overlooking the beautiful Tevere Valley. Located just a few kilometres from Perugia and Orvieto, the town is limited by three rings of walls (Etruscan, Roman and medieval) that contain countless treasures.
Let’s begin our Todi tour from Piazza del Popolo, the heart of the city, overlooked by some of the most important buildings of the historic center that contrast the religious ones. Take a picture from the Cathedral’s stairs is definitely one of the best things to do in Todi! Here you can see the whole of the Town Hall, born from the union of the People’s Palace that hosts the Lapidary Museum, the Art Gallery and the Museum of Roman Etruscan, the thirteenth-century Captain Palace and the Priori Palace, perhaps the most beautiful, which was completed in the fourteenth century.
The Cathedral, built in the twelfth century on the ruins of a temple dedicated to the god Apollo, is characterized by a long flight of steps and a beautiful Romanesque façade. Going up the stairs, from the top of the stairs, you can take fantastic photos of the entire Square.
Not far away, about 20 meters from the square you will meet with St. Fortunato Church, dedicated to the saint patron of the city and built in the thirteenth century, which houses the tomb in the crypt of the humanist poet Jacopone da Todi and has a beautiful fresco by Masolino da Panicale.
>> Do you want to visit Todi? Check it out now of the best hotels in Todi Italy
Perhaps you did not know that … >> Jacopone da Todi became a monk when he was 48 years old and was excommunicated and jailed when he was 67 for opposing the election of Pope Boniface VIII . Centuries later he is still a discussed figure, uncomfortable to the point that on his tombstone the date of his death was intentionally brought forward by ten years, to not show the period of his excommunication.
You must see also the marvelous Consolazione Temple, built in the sixteenth century and designed by Bramante, who has a structure with a central plan and is surmounted by a beautiful dome.

Things to do in Todi
To truly experience the beauty of Todi, we suggest you to visit its underground treasures, the cisterns. Built by the Romans, are located just below the Piazza del Popolo and were used to collect rainwater.
One of the best things to do in Todi is surely immerse yourself in the Middle Ages through the medieval districts; within the narrow lanes frequently opening the doors to all sixth of the ancient craft shops, belonging, during the medieval ages, to the twenty-three corporations of arts and crafts that dominated the economic lifetime of town.
Situated next to Piazza del Popolo, Piazza Garibaldi offers a breathtaking view of the countryside below, and to find another beautiful view we suggest you get on its highest point, the bell tower of San Fortunato, from which you can even see Perugia.
>> Do you want to discover Todi’s medieval treasures? Check it out now of the best farmhouses in Todi.
Perhaps you did not know that … >> In Todi there is the painted house of Patrick Ireland (aka Brian O’Doherty) and Barbara Novack, a real work of contemporary art that hides deep symbolic meanings. The key to solve the riddle is the Ogham, an extinct language for over 1,200 years by the ancient Irish translated lines in the Roman alphabet. So, those which seem rigors geometric ends in themselves turn out to be the letters. And the surprises continue when you discover that behind such a choice, as to that the name Patrick Ireland was choosen to remember the innocent victims of 1972 Bloody Sunday.
There are offers for vacation rentals and hotels in the areas of Todi! Click and Consult them immediately.
Todi’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
If after all this walks you deserve to take a culinary stop here is some suggestion about what to eat in Todi.

See the best restaurants in the area of Todi! >> Click here and book.
On the tables of Todi next to the traditional bread you will certainly find the pan caciato (or nociato), a small round loaf with walnuts, cheese and raisins. But the Todi typical culinary specialty is called “palomba alla ghiotta”, that is pigeon cooked slowly, skewered on a spit, “with good coal, but without flame.”
We recommend you also a good glass of Grechetto di Todi DOC, a white wine with a typical intense straw yellow color, rich in delicate floral and fruity notes, perferct to accompany Todi’s food.
If you’ve decided to visit Todi and taste Umbrian cuisine you should contact now farmhouses near Todi >> click this link.
The best things to do in Todi. Our mini-guide is here to suggest you things to do and the best things to…eat to discover Todi’s authentic flavors!
The beautiful and elegant medieval town of Todi stands on the top of the hill overlooking the beautiful Tevere Valley. Located just a few kilometres from Perugia and Orvieto, the town is limited by three rings of walls (Etruscan, Roman and medieval) that contain countless treasures.
Let’s begin our Todi tour from Piazza del Popolo, the heart of the city, overlooked by some of the most important buildings of the historic center that contrast the religious ones. Take a picture from the Cathedral’s stairs is definitely one of the best things to do in Todi! Here you can see the whole of the Town Hall, born from the union of the People’s Palace that hosts the Lapidary Museum, the Art Gallery and the Museum of Roman Etruscan, the thirteenth-century Captain Palace and the Priori Palace, perhaps the most beautiful, which was completed in the fourteenth century.
The Cathedral, built in the twelfth century on the ruins of a temple dedicated to the god Apollo, is characterized by a long flight of steps and a beautiful Romanesque façade. Going up the stairs, from the top of the stairs, you can take fantastic photos of the entire Square.
Not far away, about 20 meters from the square you will meet with St. Fortunato Church, dedicated to the saint patron of the city and built in the thirteenth century, which houses the tomb in the crypt of the humanist poet Jacopone da Todi and has a beautiful fresco by Masolino da Panicale.
>> Do you want to visit Todi? Check it out now of the best hotels in Todi Italy
Perhaps you did not know that … >> Jacopone da Todi became a monk when he was 48 years old and was excommunicated and jailed when he was 67 for opposing the election of Pope Boniface VIII . Centuries later he is still a discussed figure, uncomfortable to the point that on his tombstone the date of his death was intentionally brought forward by ten years, to not show the period of his excommunication.
You must see also the marvelous Consolazione Temple, built in the sixteenth century and designed by Bramante, who has a structure with a central plan and is surmounted by a beautiful dome.

Things to do in Todi
To truly experience the beauty of Todi, we suggest you to visit its underground treasures, the cisterns. Built by the Romans, are located just below the Piazza del Popolo and were used to collect rainwater.
One of the best things to do in Todi is surely immerse yourself in the Middle Ages through the medieval districts; within the narrow lanes frequently opening the doors to all sixth of the ancient craft shops, belonging, during the medieval ages, to the twenty-three corporations of arts and crafts that dominated the economic lifetime of town.
Situated next to Piazza del Popolo, Piazza Garibaldi offers a breathtaking view of the countryside below, and to find another beautiful view we suggest you get on its highest point, the bell tower of San Fortunato, from which you can even see Perugia.
>> Do you want to discover Todi’s medieval treasures? Check it out now of the best farmhouses in Todi.
Perhaps you did not know that … >> In Todi there is the painted house of Patrick Ireland (aka Brian O’Doherty) and Barbara Novack, a real work of contemporary art that hides deep symbolic meanings. The key to solve the riddle is the Ogham, an extinct language for over 1,200 years by the ancient Irish translated lines in the Roman alphabet. So, those which seem rigors geometric ends in themselves turn out to be the letters. And the surprises continue when you discover that behind such a choice, as to that the name Patrick Ireland was choosen to remember the innocent victims of 1972 Bloody Sunday.
There are offers for vacation rentals and hotels in the areas of Todi! Click and Consult them immediately.
Todi’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
If after all this walks you deserve to take a culinary stop here is some suggestion about what to eat in Todi.

See the best restaurants in the area of Todi! >> Click here and book.
On the tables of Todi next to the traditional bread you will certainly find the pan caciato (or nociato), a small round loaf with walnuts, cheese and raisins. But the Todi typical culinary specialty is called “palomba alla ghiotta”, that is pigeon cooked slowly, skewered on a spit, “with good coal, but without flame.”
We recommend you also a good glass of Grechetto di Todi DOC, a white wine with a typical intense straw yellow color, rich in delicate floral and fruity notes, perferct to accompany Todi’s food.
If you’ve decided to visit Todi and taste Umbrian cuisine you should contact now farmhouses near Todi >> click this link.
The best things to do in Todi. Our mini-guide is here to suggest you things to do and the best things to…eat to discover Todi’s authentic flavors!
The beautiful and elegant medieval town of Todi stands on the top of the hill overlooking the beautiful Tevere Valley. Located just a few kilometres from Perugia and Orvieto, the town is limited by three rings of walls (Etruscan, Roman and medieval) that contain countless treasures.
Let’s begin our Todi tour from Piazza del Popolo, the heart of the city, overlooked by some of the most important buildings of the historic center that contrast the religious ones. Take a picture from the Cathedral’s stairs is definitely one of the best things to do in Todi! Here you can see the whole of the Town Hall, born from the union of the People’s Palace that hosts the Lapidary Museum, the Art Gallery and the Museum of Roman Etruscan, the thirteenth-century Captain Palace and the Priori Palace, perhaps the most beautiful, which was completed in the fourteenth century.
The Cathedral, built in the twelfth century on the ruins of a temple dedicated to the god Apollo, is characterized by a long flight of steps and a beautiful Romanesque façade. Going up the stairs, from the top of the stairs, you can take fantastic photos of the entire Square.
Not far away, about 20 meters from the square you will meet with St. Fortunato Church, dedicated to the saint patron of the city and built in the thirteenth century, which houses the tomb in the crypt of the humanist poet Jacopone da Todi and has a beautiful fresco by Masolino da Panicale.
>> Do you want to visit Todi? Check it out now of the best hotels in Todi Italy
Perhaps you did not know that … >> Jacopone da Todi became a monk when he was 48 years old and was excommunicated and jailed when he was 67 for opposing the election of Pope Boniface VIII . Centuries later he is still a discussed figure, uncomfortable to the point that on his tombstone the date of his death was intentionally brought forward by ten years, to not show the period of his excommunication.
You must see also the marvelous Consolazione Temple, built in the sixteenth century and designed by Bramante, who has a structure with a central plan and is surmounted by a beautiful dome.

Things to do in Todi
To truly experience the beauty of Todi, we suggest you to visit its underground treasures, the cisterns. Built by the Romans, are located just below the Piazza del Popolo and were used to collect rainwater.
One of the best things to do in Todi is surely immerse yourself in the Middle Ages through the medieval districts; within the narrow lanes frequently opening the doors to all sixth of the ancient craft shops, belonging, during the medieval ages, to the twenty-three corporations of arts and crafts that dominated the economic lifetime of town.
Situated next to Piazza del Popolo, Piazza Garibaldi offers a breathtaking view of the countryside below, and to find another beautiful view we suggest you get on its highest point, the bell tower of San Fortunato, from which you can even see Perugia.
>> Do you want to discover Todi’s medieval treasures? Check it out now of the best farmhouses in Todi.
Perhaps you did not know that … >> In Todi there is the painted house of Patrick Ireland (aka Brian O’Doherty) and Barbara Novack, a real work of contemporary art that hides deep symbolic meanings. The key to solve the riddle is the Ogham, an extinct language for over 1,200 years by the ancient Irish translated lines in the Roman alphabet. So, those which seem rigors geometric ends in themselves turn out to be the letters. And the surprises continue when you discover that behind such a choice, as to that the name Patrick Ireland was choosen to remember the innocent victims of 1972 Bloody Sunday.
There are offers for vacation rentals and hotels in the areas of Todi! Click and Consult them immediately.
Todi’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
If after all this walks you deserve to take a culinary stop here is some suggestion about what to eat in Todi.

See the best restaurants in the area of Todi! >> Click here and book.
On the tables of Todi next to the traditional bread you will certainly find the pan caciato (or nociato), a small round loaf with walnuts, cheese and raisins. But the Todi typical culinary specialty is called “palomba alla ghiotta”, that is pigeon cooked slowly, skewered on a spit, “with good coal, but without flame.”
We recommend you also a good glass of Grechetto di Todi DOC, a white wine with a typical intense straw yellow color, rich in delicate floral and fruity notes, perferct to accompany Todi’s food.
If you’ve decided to visit Todi and taste Umbrian cuisine you should contact now farmhouses near Todi >> click this link.
The best things to do in Todi. Our mini-guide is here to suggest you things to do and the best things to…eat to discover Todi’s authentic flavors!
The beautiful and elegant medieval town of Todi stands on the top of the hill overlooking the beautiful Tevere Valley. Located just a few kilometres from Perugia and Orvieto, the town is limited by three rings of walls (Etruscan, Roman and medieval) that contain countless treasures.
Let’s begin our Todi tour from Piazza del Popolo, the heart of the city, overlooked by some of the most important buildings of the historic center that contrast the religious ones. Take a picture from the Cathedral’s stairs is definitely one of the best things to do in Todi! Here you can see the whole of the Town Hall, born from the union of the People’s Palace that hosts the Lapidary Museum, the Art Gallery and the Museum of Roman Etruscan, the thirteenth-century Captain Palace and the Priori Palace, perhaps the most beautiful, which was completed in the fourteenth century.
The Cathedral, built in the twelfth century on the ruins of a temple dedicated to the god Apollo, is characterized by a long flight of steps and a beautiful Romanesque façade. Going up the stairs, from the top of the stairs, you can take fantastic photos of the entire Square.
Not far away, about 20 meters from the square you will meet with St. Fortunato Church, dedicated to the saint patron of the city and built in the thirteenth century, which houses the tomb in the crypt of the humanist poet Jacopone da Todi and has a beautiful fresco by Masolino da Panicale.
>> Do you want to visit Todi? Check it out now of the best hotels in Todi Italy
Perhaps you did not know that … >> Jacopone da Todi became a monk when he was 48 years old and was excommunicated and jailed when he was 67 for opposing the election of Pope Boniface VIII . Centuries later he is still a discussed figure, uncomfortable to the point that on his tombstone the date of his death was intentionally brought forward by ten years, to not show the period of his excommunication.
You must see also the marvelous Consolazione Temple, built in the sixteenth century and designed by Bramante, who has a structure with a central plan and is surmounted by a beautiful dome.

Things to do in Todi
To truly experience the beauty of Todi, we suggest you to visit its underground treasures, the cisterns. Built by the Romans, are located just below the Piazza del Popolo and were used to collect rainwater.
One of the best things to do in Todi is surely immerse yourself in the Middle Ages through the medieval districts; within the narrow lanes frequently opening the doors to all sixth of the ancient craft shops, belonging, during the medieval ages, to the twenty-three corporations of arts and crafts that dominated the economic lifetime of town.
Situated next to Piazza del Popolo, Piazza Garibaldi offers a breathtaking view of the countryside below, and to find another beautiful view we suggest you get on its highest point, the bell tower of San Fortunato, from which you can even see Perugia.
>> Do you want to discover Todi’s medieval treasures? Check it out now of the best farmhouses in Todi.
Perhaps you did not know that … >> In Todi there is the painted house of Patrick Ireland (aka Brian O’Doherty) and Barbara Novack, a real work of contemporary art that hides deep symbolic meanings. The key to solve the riddle is the Ogham, an extinct language for over 1,200 years by the ancient Irish translated lines in the Roman alphabet. So, those which seem rigors geometric ends in themselves turn out to be the letters. And the surprises continue when you discover that behind such a choice, as to that the name Patrick Ireland was choosen to remember the innocent victims of 1972 Bloody Sunday.
There are offers for vacation rentals and hotels in the areas of Todi! Click and Consult them immediately.
Todi’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
If after all this walks you deserve to take a culinary stop here is some suggestion about what to eat in Todi.

See the best restaurants in the area of Todi! >> Click here and book.
On the tables of Todi next to the traditional bread you will certainly find the pan caciato (or nociato), a small round loaf with walnuts, cheese and raisins. But the Todi typical culinary specialty is called “palomba alla ghiotta”, that is pigeon cooked slowly, skewered on a spit, “with good coal, but without flame.”
We recommend you also a good glass of Grechetto di Todi DOC, a white wine with a typical intense straw yellow color, rich in delicate floral and fruity notes, perferct to accompany Todi’s food.
If you’ve decided to visit Todi and taste Umbrian cuisine you should contact now farmhouses near Todi >> click this link.
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