Castel Giorgio

▌ Alla scoperta di Castel Giorgio



Castel Giorgio situato sulla sommità di un altopiano, si erge sopra il vicino Lago di Bolsena. I primi insediamenti della zona risalgono al VI secolo a.C. e successivamente queste terre furono terra di passaggio per i romani che risiedevano in Orvieto. Come per tutti i comuni del comprensorio orvietano, il periodo di massima crescita fu proprio il Medioevo: è infatti in questo periodo che il Vescovo di Orvieto, Giorgio Della Rovere, fece costruire un castello che porta ora il suo nome. E’ proprio il castello suddetto, la principale meta turistica di Castel Giorgio. Costruito nel 1478, fu in seguito distrutto durante le lotte tra i Della Rovere ed i Valenti. Fu poi ristrutturato ed adibito a sede vescovile.

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Sono da visitare: Chiesa Parrocchiale XVII sec.; Castello di Montalfina VIII sec. (proprietà dei Monaldeschi della Cervara dal XV sec.); Borgo Pecorone (del XII sec., fu dogana pontificia con la fam. Alberici nella seconda metà del XIX sec.); Palazzo di Montiolo XIX sec. dal conte Claudio Faina; poggio del Torrone, 690 m.slm si affaccia sul Lago di Bolsena ed inoltre la villa di Fagiolo e la villa di Casa Pisana.

Nel sottosuolo di un’ampia parte del territorio comunale è riscontrabile un notevole dinamismo endogeno, di natura vulcanica che si palesa con soffioni in superficie (es. località Monte Landra). Tra i numerosi siti archeologici dell’orvietano sono da segnalare la vasta necropoli etrusca del Lauscello (III-II secolo a.C.) nel territorio del location di Castel Giorgio e la necropoli di Casa Perrazza.

>>Se hai deciso di vedere Castel Giorgio ti consigliamo di contattare ora gli agriturismi nelle sue vicinanze >> clicca questo link.


“},{“lang”:”fr”,”content”:”Castel Giorgio situé sur le sommet d’un haut plateau, surgit au-dessus du Lac de Bolsena. Les premiers campements de la zone remontent au VIème siècle avant Jésus-Christ et ensuite ces terres furent es terres de passage pour les romains qui résidaient à Orvieto. Comme pour toutes les communes de la région d’Orvieto, la période de croissance maximale fût justement le Moyen-Âge: c’est en effet au cours de cette période que l’Evêque d’Orvieto, Giorgio Della Rovere, fît construire un château qui porte aujourd’hui son nom. C’est justement le château en question qui constitue la principale destination touristique de Castel Giorgio. Construit en 1478, il fût ensuite détruit pendant les luttes entre les Della Rovere et les Valenti. Il fût ensuite reconstruit et consacré au siège du vescovat.

“},{“lang”:”en”,”content”:”Castel Giorgio, located on the summit of a high plateau, rises above the nearby Lake of Bolsena. The first settlements date back to the 6th century B.C. then it became access land for the Romans that lived in Orvieto. As with all municipalities of the Orvietano Region, the period of greatest growth was during the Medieval Period: it was in fact during this period that the Bishop of Orvieto, Giorgio Della Rovere, had a castle built which now bears his name. The same aforementioned castle is today the main tourist attraction of Castel Giorigio. Built in 1478, it was later destroyed during the battles between the Della Roveres and the Valentis. It was later restored and inhabited as a bishops’ residence.


“},{“lang”:”es”,”content”:”Castel Giorgio, located on the summit of a high plateau, rises above the nearby Lake of Bolsena. The first settlements date back to the 6th century B.C. then it became access land for the Romans that lived in Orvieto. As with all municipalities of the Orvietano Region, the period of greatest growth was during the Medieval Period: it was in fact during this period that the Bishop of Orvieto, Giorgio Della Rovere, had a castle built which now bears his name. The same aforementioned castle is today the main tourist attraction of Castel Giorigio. Built in 1478, it was later destroyed during the battles between the Della Roveres and the Valentis. It was later restored and inhabited as a bishops’ residence.


“},{“lang”:”de”,”content”:”Castel Giorgio, located on the summit of a high plateau, rises above the nearby Lake of Bolsena. The first settlements date back to the 6th century B.C. then it became access land for the Romans that lived in Orvieto. As with all municipalities of the Orvietano Region, the period of greatest growth was during the Medieval Period: it was in fact during this period that the Bishop of Orvieto, Giorgio Della Rovere, had a castle built which now bears his name. The same aforementioned castle is today the main tourist attraction of Castel Giorigio. Built in 1478, it was later destroyed during the battles between the Della Roveres and the Valentis. It was later restored and inhabited as a bishops’ residence.





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