La Funivia Colle Eletto collega la città con il Monte Ingino dove si trova la Basilica di Sant’Ubaldo, nella quale è conservata l’urna che custodisce le spoglie del Santo Patrono (qui trasportato nel 1194) e dove riposano i Tre Ceri durante tutto l’anno, sulla cima dell’albero di Natale più alto del mondo.
> Vuoi visitare la Funivia Colle Eletto? Contatta ora i migliori agriturismi di Gubbio e scopri le offerte!

Nel 1959, in occasione dell’VIII Centenario della morte di Sant’Ubaldo, un gruppo di volenterosi eugubini, sostenuti da tutta la cittadinanza e coordinati da Zeno Cipriciani, decisero di dotate il monte Ingino di una funivia per rendere più agevole ai pellegrini la visita del Santuario del Santo.
Il 3 dicembre 1960 l’impianto entrò in servizio a dimostrazione del lodevole spirito creativo e aggregante della popolazione locale, sempre attenta a dimostrare l’amore per la propria cittadina e S. Ubaldo.
Venne chiamata Funivia “Colle Eletto” poiché Dante Alighieri in persona la definì così nei versi dell’ XI canto del Paradiso, dove scrive:
Intra Tupino e l’acqua che discende
del Colle Eletto del Beato Ubaldo,
fertile costa…
> Ci sono offerte in scadenza! Clicca e consulta la lista dei migliori hotel nella zona di Gubbio!

Completamente ammodernata nel 1999, la Funivia Colle Eletto rappresenta uno degli impianti di risalita più suggestivi. Dalla stazione di partenza situata nel cuore di Gubbio (532 metri s.l.m.), in via S. Girolamo, conduce in circa 6 minuti alla vetta del Monte Ingino (908 metri s.l.m.), dal quale si può ammirare il suggestivo panorama dell’Appennino Umbro-Marchigiano.
>>Se hai deciso di visitare Funivia Colle Eletto di Gubbio ti consigliamo di contattare ora gli agriturismi nelle sue vicinanze >> clicca questo link
The Colle Eletto Cable Car connects the town of Gubbio with Mount Ingino, where the Basilica of St. Ubaldo stands and where the body of St. Ubaldo is kept.
It was built in honour of the eight hundredth anniversary of the death of St. Ubaldo, the patron of Gubbio.

It is called the “Colle Eletto” (chosen hill) Cable Car because Dante gave the hill that name in Canto XI of the Paradiso, where he wrote:
Between Tupino and the water than descends from
the Chosen Hill of the Blessed Ubaldo,
fertile slope…

Completely modernised in 1999, the cable car is great fun. It takes about six minutes from the starting station to the top of the Mount Ingino (about 900 mt.). From the top of the mountain, there are wonderful views of the town and the surrounding countyside.
The Colle Eletto Cable Car connects the town of Gubbio with Mount Ingino, where the Basilica of St. Ubaldo stands and where the body of St. Ubaldo is kept.
It was built in honour of the eight hundredth anniversary of the death of St. Ubaldo, the patron of Gubbio.

It is called the “Colle Eletto” (chosen hill) Cable Car because Dante gave the hill that name in Canto XI of the Paradiso, where he wrote:
Between Tupino and the water than descends from
the Chosen Hill of the Blessed Ubaldo,
fertile slope…

Completely modernised in 1999, the cable car is great fun. It takes about six minutes from the starting station to the top of the Mount Ingino (about 900 mt.). From the top of the mountain, there are wonderful views of the town and the surrounding countyside.
The Colle Eletto Cable Car connects the town of Gubbio with Mount Ingino, where the Basilica of St. Ubaldo stands and where the body of St. Ubaldo is kept.
It was built in honour of the eight hundredth anniversary of the death of St. Ubaldo, the patron of Gubbio.

It is called the “Colle Eletto” (chosen hill) Cable Car because Dante gave the hill that name in Canto XI of the Paradiso, where he wrote:
Between Tupino and the water than descends from
the Chosen Hill of the Blessed Ubaldo,
fertile slope…

Completely modernised in 1999, the cable car is great fun. It takes about six minutes from the starting station to the top of the Mount Ingino (about 900 mt.). From the top of the mountain, there are wonderful views of the town and the surrounding countyside.
The Colle Eletto Cable Car connects the town of Gubbio with Mount Ingino, where the Basilica of St. Ubaldo stands and where the body of St. Ubaldo is kept.
It was built in honour of the eight hundredth anniversary of the death of St. Ubaldo, the patron of Gubbio.

It is called the “Colle Eletto” (chosen hill) Cable Car because Dante gave the hill that name in Canto XI of the Paradiso, where he wrote:
Between Tupino and the water than descends from
the Chosen Hill of the Blessed Ubaldo,
fertile slope…

Completely modernised in 1999, the cable car is great fun. It takes about six minutes from the starting station to the top of the Mount Ingino (about 900 mt.). From the top of the mountain, there are wonderful views of the town and the surrounding countyside.
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