Foligno si prepara a festeggiare la 20esima edizione del Festival Primi d’Italia, l’unica e rinomata manifestazione che celebra la cultura dei primi piatti in tavola.
Dal 26 al 29 Settembre 2019, l’intero centro storico di Foligno sarà coinvolto e animato dalle numerose iniziative legate al festival, per quattro giorni di degustazioni, lezioni di cucina, dimostrazioni di grandi Chef, ma anche momenti di spettacolo e di intrattenimento.
Se la pasta è certamente regina della kermesse, spazio anche a riso, gnocchi, ravioli, zuppe, polenta e a tutti quei prodotti agroalimentari comunque indispensabili per la creazione di gustosi e ricchi primi piatti.

Dopo 20 anni di sapori, gusto ed eccellenze, il festival ripropone le esperienze più riuscite delle passate edizioni, arricchite con vari eventi ed appuntamenti tutti da scoprire per la gioia di mente e palato! Un universo di degustazioni continuative e di cultura alimentare, dove tutte le vie portano al gusto promuovendo a tutto tondo la cultura del primo piatto in tavola.
Foligno si riscopre in veste di Villaggio dei Primi, con un percorso enogastronomico pedonale che attraversa i suggestivi luoghi del centro storico passando dai tanti vari punti di degustazione appositamente organizzati. Sono proposte oltre cento ricette per degustazioni o menu’ di primi, con piatti per tutti i gusti serviti no-stop in modo continuo. Cucine a cielo aperto per cuochi e chef stellati che saranno coinvolti in cooking class e lezioni dimostrative, con proposte di menu’ di primi piatti in abbinamento a vini tutti da scoprire, per il piacere di occhi e palato.
Non mancherà l’allestimento di mostre-mercato e luoghi a tema, tutti a ingresso libero:
- La Boutique della Pasta nel cortile di Palazzo Trinci, con esposizione e vendita delle migliori paste artigianali di qualità;
- Le Bontà del Mediterraneo a Piazza Matteotti con i migliori prodotto enogastronomici tipici della penisola;
- Atelier del Gusto nella Corte di Palazzo Trinci dedicata ai prodotti alimentari a marchio protetto;
- Mercato Tipicità Locali prodotti gastronomici tipici nel Chiostro di Palazzo Candiotti;
- Odori e Sapori con il Chiostro di San Giacomo dedicato a spezie e piante aromatiche;
- Cose di Cucina nell’ex Teatro Piermarini con complementi e accessori per la cucina e la casa;
- lo spazio Gluten Free al Villaggio Gluten Free dove trovare e acquistare tantissimi prodotti senza glutine, tra gusto e salute.

Il Festival Primi d’Italia è davvero un evento a 360 gradi: grazie al filo conduttore della cultura dei primi piatti, infatti, investe anche realtà che vanno ben oltre l’ambito culinario.
Lo sport, ad esempio, con la Mezza Maratona Primi d’Italia – in data da aggiornare, evento promosso dall’Atletica Winner Foligno con lo slogan “Corri, Ammira, Degusta”. O la moda e l’arte, come dimostrano le creazioni, le vere e proprie sculture e addirittura gli abiti realizzati attraverso i mille differenti formati di pasta per la Food Fashion.
Infine, Primi d’Italia è un evento pensato a dimensione delle famiglie. Con Primi d’Italia Junior, numerosi sono gli spazi esclusivamente dedicati ai bambini, degli spazi “baby” con attività ludiche, laboratori, mini corsi dove far divertire e, allo stesso tempo, promuovere tra i più piccoli le abitudini alimentari migliori e più sane. Previste anche momenti speciali per i genitori, in particolare incontri e lezioni interattive con esperti, educatori e consulenti in tema di aspetti pedagogici e nutrizionali.

Ecco allora gli orari di apertura della quattro giorni del festival:
giovedì 26 settembre: ore 16.00 – 23.00
venerdì 27 settembre: ore 16.00 – 23.00
sabato 28 settembre: ore 10.00 – 23.00
domenica 29 settembre: ore 10.00 – 22.00
Per effettuare le degustazioni potrete acquistare i ticket disponibili presso l’Info Point o alle biglietterie dei singoli villaggi. Le degustazioni singole hanno un costo di € 3,oo mentre il menu’ dei primi ha un costo di € 8,00
Per maggiori informazioni visita il sito ufficiale dell’evento
PROGRAMMA 2019 IN VIA DI DEFINIZIONE, vi aggiorneremo appena disponibile!
Foligno is ready to host the 21° Edition of Primi d’Italia Festival, the famous and unique manifestation that celebrates the culture of first dishes served to the table.
From 26th September to 29th October 2019, the whole city center of Foligno will be involved in many initiatives linked to the festival, for four days of tasting, cooking classes, lessons of important chef and also moments of show and entertainment.
If the pasta is surely the queen of this kermesse, there is also space to rice, gnocchi, ravioli, soups, polenta and all the food farming products that are anyway essential to create delicious and rich first dishes.

After 18 years of taste, savours and excellences, the festival proposes the most successful experiences from the past editions, enriched by many events and appointments to discover, for the joy of mind and palate ! A universe of continuous tastings and food culture, where all the ways go to taste, promoting the culture of first dishes all around.
Foligno finds again itself as a Village of Taste, with a gastronomic path that goes through the suggestive places of the historical city center, along many points of tasting expecially organised by the festival. More then one hundred recipes for tasting or special menus of first dishes, with proposals for all served no-stop. Open air kitchen for cooks and starry chefs who will be involved in cooking classes and demostrative lessons, with proposals of menus based on first dishes and combination of wines all to discover, for the pleasure of eyes and palate.
There will be also the themed market-shows: The Boutique of Pasta in Piazza della Repubblica, The Excellences of Taste in Piazza Matteotti with the best typical local gastronomic products, Flavours & Delights in the court of Palazzo Trinci dedicated to aromatic plants and spices, the Gluten Free space inside the Gluten Free Village where you can find and buy many and many products without gluten, between taste and health.

The Primi d’italia Festival is really a 360 degrees event: thanks to the common thread of the culture of first dishes, in fact, it concerns also some realities that are beyond the culinary area.
The sport, for example, with the Primi d’Italia Half Marathon organised on Sunday 2nd October, an event promoted by Atletica Winner Foligno with the slogan “Run, Admire, Taste”. Or art and fashion, as showed by the creations, the real sculptures and even the gowns realized by the thousand different forms of pasta in occasion of the Food Fashion.
Finally, Primi d’Italia is an event thought for the dimensions of families. There will be many spaces exclusively dedicated to the children, with recreational activities, laboratories, little courses where enjoy themselves and, at the same time, promote between the youngest the best behaviours and the more healthy habits referred to the food. There will be also some special moments for parents, in particular with meeting and interactive lessons together with experts, educators and consultants about pedagogical and nutritional aspects.

For more informations visit the official site of the event!
Waiting for the 2019 PROGRAM!
Foligno is ready to host the 18° Edition of Primi d’Italia Festival, the famous and unique manifestation that celebrates the culture of first dishes served to the table.
From 29th September to 2nd October 2016, the whole city center of Foligno will be involved in many initiatives linked to the festival, for four days of tasting, cooking classes, lessons of important chef and also moments of show and entertainment.
If the pasta is surely the queen of this kermesse, there is also space to rice, gnocchi, ravioli, soups, polenta and all the food farming products that are anyway essential to create delicious and rich first dishes.

After 18 years of taste, savours and excellences, the festival proposes the most successful experiences from the past editions, enriched by many events and appointments to discover, for the joy of mind and palate ! A universe of continuous tastings and food culture, where all the ways go to taste, promoting the culture of first dishes all around.
Foligno finds again itself as a Village of Taste, with a gastronomic path that goes through the suggestive places of the historical city center, along many points of tasting expecially organised by the festival. More then one hundred recipes for tasting or special menus of first dishes, with proposals for all served no-stop. Open air kitchen for cooks and starry chefs who will be involved in cooking classes and demostrative lessons, with proposals of menus based on first dishes and combination of wines all to discover, for the pleasure of eyes and palate.
There will be also the themed market-shows: The Boutique of Pasta in Piazza della Repubblica, The Excellences of Taste in Piazza Matteotti with the best typical local gastronomic products, Flavours & Delights in the court of Palazzo Trinci dedicated to aromatic plants and spices, the Gluten Free space inside the Gluten Free Village where you can find and buy many and many products without gluten, between taste and health.

The Primi d’italia Festival is really a 360 degrees event: thanks to the common thread of the culture of first dishes, in fact, it concerns also some realities that are beyond the culinary area.
The sport, for example, with the Primi d’Italia Half Marathon organised on Sunday 2nd October, an event promoted by Atletica Winner Foligno with the slogan “Run, Admire, Taste”. Or art and fashion, as showed by the creations, the real sculptures and even the gowns realized by the thousand different forms of pasta in occasion of the Food Fashion.
Finally, Primi d’Italia is an event thought for the dimensions of families. There will be many spaces exclusively dedicated to the children, with recreational activities, laboratories, little courses where enjoy themselves and, at the same time, promote between the youngest the best behaviours and the more healthy habits referred to the food. There will be also some special moments for parents, in particular with meeting and interactive lessons together with experts, educators and consultants about pedagogical and nutritional aspects.

For more informations visit the official site of the event!
For the 2016 PROGRAM, look at the file below !
Foligno is ready to host the 18° Edition of Primi d’Italia Festival, the famous and unique manifestation that celebrates the culture of first dishes served to the table.
From 29th September to 2nd October 2016, the whole city center of Foligno will be involved in many initiatives linked to the festival, for four days of tasting, cooking classes, lessons of important chef and also moments of show and entertainment.
If the pasta is surely the queen of this kermesse, there is also space to rice, gnocchi, ravioli, soups, polenta and all the food farming products that are anyway essential to create delicious and rich first dishes.

After 18 years of taste, savours and excellences, the festival proposes the most successful experiences from the past editions, enriched by many events and appointments to discover, for the joy of mind and palate ! A universe of continuous tastings and food culture, where all the ways go to taste, promoting the culture of first dishes all around.
Foligno finds again itself as a Village of Taste, with a gastronomic path that goes through the suggestive places of the historical city center, along many points of tasting expecially organised by the festival. More then one hundred recipes for tasting or special menus of first dishes, with proposals for all served no-stop. Open air kitchen for cooks and starry chefs who will be involved in cooking classes and demostrative lessons, with proposals of menus based on first dishes and combination of wines all to discover, for the pleasure of eyes and palate.
There will be also the themed market-shows: The Boutique of Pasta in Piazza della Repubblica, The Excellences of Taste in Piazza Matteotti with the best typical local gastronomic products, Flavours & Delights in the court of Palazzo Trinci dedicated to aromatic plants and spices, the Gluten Free space inside the Gluten Free Village where you can find and buy many and many products without gluten, between taste and health.

The Primi d’italia Festival is really a 360 degrees event: thanks to the common thread of the culture of first dishes, in fact, it concerns also some realities that are beyond the culinary area.
The sport, for example, with the Primi d’Italia Half Marathon organised on Sunday 2nd October, an event promoted by Atletica Winner Foligno with the slogan “Run, Admire, Taste”. Or art and fashion, as showed by the creations, the real sculptures and even the gowns realized by the thousand different forms of pasta in occasion of the Food Fashion.
Finally, Primi d’Italia is an event thought for the dimensions of families. There will be many spaces exclusively dedicated to the children, with recreational activities, laboratories, little courses where enjoy themselves and, at the same time, promote between the youngest the best behaviours and the more healthy habits referred to the food. There will be also some special moments for parents, in particular with meeting and interactive lessons together with experts, educators and consultants about pedagogical and nutritional aspects.

For more informations visit the official site of the event!
For the 2016 PROGRAM, look at the file below !
Foligno is ready to host the 18° Edition of Primi d’Italia Festival, the famous and unique manifestation that celebrates the culture of first dishes served to the table.
From 29th September to 2nd October 2016, the whole city center of Foligno will be involved in many initiatives linked to the festival, for four days of tasting, cooking classes, lessons of important chef and also moments of show and entertainment.
If the pasta is surely the queen of this kermesse, there is also space to rice, gnocchi, ravioli, soups, polenta and all the food farming products that are anyway essential to create delicious and rich first dishes.

After 18 years of taste, savours and excellences, the festival proposes the most successful experiences from the past editions, enriched by many events and appointments to discover, for the joy of mind and palate ! A universe of continuous tastings and food culture, where all the ways go to taste, promoting the culture of first dishes all around.
Foligno finds again itself as a Village of Taste, with a gastronomic path that goes through the suggestive places of the historical city center, along many points of tasting expecially organised by the festival. More then one hundred recipes for tasting or special menus of first dishes, with proposals for all served no-stop. Open air kitchen for cooks and starry chefs who will be involved in cooking classes and demostrative lessons, with proposals of menus based on first dishes and combination of wines all to discover, for the pleasure of eyes and palate.
There will be also the themed market-shows: The Boutique of Pasta in Piazza della Repubblica, The Excellences of Taste in Piazza Matteotti with the best typical local gastronomic products, Flavours & Delights in the court of Palazzo Trinci dedicated to aromatic plants and spices, the Gluten Free space inside the Gluten Free Village where you can find and buy many and many products without gluten, between taste and health.

The Primi d’italia Festival is really a 360 degrees event: thanks to the common thread of the culture of first dishes, in fact, it concerns also some realities that are beyond the culinary area.
The sport, for example, with the Primi d’Italia Half Marathon organised on Sunday 2nd October, an event promoted by Atletica Winner Foligno with the slogan “Run, Admire, Taste”. Or art and fashion, as showed by the creations, the real sculptures and even the gowns realized by the thousand different forms of pasta in occasion of the Food Fashion.
Finally, Primi d’Italia is an event thought for the dimensions of families. There will be many spaces exclusively dedicated to the children, with recreational activities, laboratories, little courses where enjoy themselves and, at the same time, promote between the youngest the best behaviours and the more healthy habits referred to the food. There will be also some special moments for parents, in particular with meeting and interactive lessons together with experts, educators and consultants about pedagogical and nutritional aspects.

For more informations visit the official site of the event!
For the 2016 PROGRAM, look at the file below !
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