Il 22 Maggio ricorre la Festa di Santa Rita da Cascia, evento atteso da milioni di devoti in tutto il mondo. Per l’occasione, Cascia inaugura le intense e profonde giornate delle Celebrazioni Ritiane.
I molti appuntamenti vedono ogni anno la partecipazione di numerosi pellegrini, che si recano a rendere omaggio alla Santa nella sua città natale e che con la loro fede fanno di questa festa “una rosa vivente”.
Il cammino dei fedeli in visita all’urna di Santa Rita è una testimonianza forte e sentita della fede e dell’amore per la Santa, che contribuisce a creare quell’atmosfera emozionante e mistica che si respira a Cascia.

>> Partecipa alla celebrazioni e rendi omaggio a Santa Rita da Cascia, noi ti suggeriamo i migliori hotel, b&b e agriturismi in cui alloggiare a Cascia e nella zona della Valnerina
Festa di Santa Rita: Programma 2019 dei festeggiamenti
I tre giorni di Celebrazioni Ritiane di Cascia, curate dalla Famiglia Agostiniana e dal Comune di Cascia, hanno inizio la sera del 20 maggio per culminare nella giornata del 22. Al Corteo Storico e alla Processione che trasporta la statua di Santa Rita, seguono la solenne Celebrazione presso la Basilica di Santa Rita e la Benedizione delle Rose, momento intenso di devozione e omaggio alla Santa.
Programma Lunedì 20 Maggio 2019
Sala della Pace
ore 21:00 Presentazione del Riconoscimento Internazionale Santa Rita 2019. Sono presentate alla comunità casciana le “Donne di Rita 2019”, le quali potranno ritirare la Pergamena del prestigioso riconoscimento nel corso delle celebrazioni del 21 maggio – Vi aggiorneremo sui nomi delle “Donne di Rita” scelte quest’anno, la cui vita è ritenuta vicina nell’esperienza concreta a quella della santa di Cascia
Programma Martedì 21 Maggio 2019
Basilica di Santa Rita
ore 16.30 – Solenne Concelebrazione Eucaristica della Famiglia Agostiniana, presieduta da Padre Alejandro Moral Antón, Priore Generale dell’Ordine Agostiniano
ore 17.30 – Consegna del Riconoscimento Internazionale Santa Rita 2018. Padre Moral consegna la pergamena alle “Donne di Rita” scelte per il 2019 la Pergamena simbolo del prestigioso riconoscimento
ore 18.30 – Solenne Celebrazione del Transito di Santa Rita. La Celebrazione, particolarmente sentita, richiama il passaggio della Santa dalla vita terrena al paradiso.
Sagrato della Basilica di Santa Rita
ore 20.45 – Intrattenimento musicale con la Banda “Giovanni e Donato da Cascia”, gli Sbandieratori e i Tamburini medievali di Cascia, che sfileranno sul sagrato incorniciati dalle luminarie accese in tutto il paese
ore 21.30 – Arrivo della Fiaccola della Pace, simbolo del 61° Gemellaggio di fede e di pace che quest’anno unisce nel nome di Santa Rita la città di Cascia alla città di Matera, capitale europea della cultura 2019. Simbolo dell’amore ardente per la Santa, la Fiaccola suggella il legame tra le due realtà.
Programma Mercoledì 22 Maggio 2019, FESTA DI SANTA RITA DA CASCIA
Sala della Pace
ore 5.00: inizio delle Ss. Messe, con il suono festoso di tutte le campane di Cascia per onorare il giorno della Solennità di Santa Rita. Le Messe saranno celebrate anche alle ore 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00.
Sagrato della Basilica di Santa Rita
ore 10.00 – Arrivo del Corteo Storico in costumi quattrocenteschi e della Processione che porta la statua di Santa Rita. Partiti alle ore 8.30 da Roccaporena, città natale di Rita, i due cortei si uniscono a quello di Cascia ai piedi della città (ore 9.30) per giungere insieme sul Sagrato della Basilica
ore 11.00 – Supplica a Santa Rita seguita dal Solenne Pontificale.
ore 12:30 – Benedizione delle Rose, tradizionale rito di chiusura delle celebrazioni ritiane
Basilica di Santa Rita
ore 18.00 – Concelebrazione Eucaristica per i Benefattori del Santuario, presieduta dal Rettore della Basilica, P. Bernardino Pinciaroli, e animata dal coro delle monache agostiniane

>> Ci sono tante offerte in scadenza in Umbria, consultale ora e trova quella più adatta per recarti a Cascia durante le celebrazioni in onore di Santa Rita
Per saperne di più sulle Celebrazioni Ritiane, sui singoli momenti che caratterizzano le giornate dedicate alla Festa di Santa Rita da Cascia e sulla loro storia, leggi il nostro articolo!
Clicca qui –> Festa di S. Rita da Cascia, Celebrazioni Ritiane
22th May is the feast of Saint Rita from Cascia, an event waited by millions of devoted people all over the world. For the occasion, Cascia is organising the “Ritiane” Celebrations, intense and important days.
Every year, numerous pilgrims are coming to Cascia to participate at the events and to celebrate Saint Rita in her native city. With their faith, this feast appears as “a living rose”.
The pilgrimage to visit the urn of Saint Rita is a deep testimony of faith and love for her, that contributes to create the touching and mystic atmosphere you can find in Cascia.

>> Take part at the celebrations in honor of Saint Rita of Cascia, we suggest you the best hotels, b&b and farmhouses to stay in Cascia and in the area of Valnerina
Here the details of 2019 Saint Rita Celebrations
The three days of “Ritiane” Celebrations in Cascia, organized by Famiglia Agostiniana and Municipality of Cascia, is starting on 20th May in the evening. They will culminate during the day of 22th May, with the Historical Parade, the Procession that is transporting the statue of Saint Rita, the solemn Celebration at the Saint Rita’s Cathedral and the Benediction of Roses, intense moment of devotion in honor of Rita.
On Monday 20th May 2019
Sala della Pace
9:00 p.m. – Presentation of the International Prize Saint Rita 2019. Ceremony of introducing the “Women of Rita 2019”, that are receiving the parchment during the celebrations of 21th May. Soon we will know the names of Women of Rita 2018, whose lives are considered close to the example of Saint Rita
On Tuesday 21th May 2019
Basilica di Santa Rita
4:30 p.m. – Solemn Celebration of Famiglia Agostiniana, with Padre Alejandro Moral Antón
5:30 p.m. – Delivering of the International Prize Saint Rita 2019. Padre Moral is delivering the parchment to the Women of Rita 2018
6:30 p.m. – Solemn Celebration of “Passage” of Saint Rita. This touching celebration remembers the passage of Saint Rita to the Paradise.
Sagrato della Basilica di Santa Rita
8:45 p.m. – Live Music with Banda “Giovanni e Donato da Cascia”, Sbandieratori and Tamburini medievali di Cascia
9:30 p.m. – Arrival of “Torch of Pace” symbol of 61° Twinning of faith and peace, that this year joins Cascia and Matera, the European Capital city of Culture 2019 in the name of Saint Rita. Symbol of the love for the Saint, the torch represents the relation between both the realities
On Wednesday 22th May 2019, FEAST OF SAINT RITA OF CASCIA
Sala della Pace
5:00 a.m. Masses, with the festive sound of the bells of Cascia to honor this day of Saint Rita. Masses are taking place at 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 a.m.
Sagrato della Basilica di Santa Rita
10:00 a.m. – Arrival of the Historical Parade and Procession that transports the statue of Saint Rita. Both of them, left the native village of Rita (Roccaporena) at 8:30, are joining the one of Cascia at the entrance of the city (9:30 a.m.) to reach together the Sagrato della Basilica
11:00 a.m. – Solemn Celebration and “Supplica” to Saint Rita.
12:30 a.m. Benediction of Roses
Basilica di Santa Rita
6:00p.m. – Celebration to the “Benefattori del Santuario”, with P. Bernardino Pinciaroli and with the Choir of St. Augustine Nuns

>> There are many offers in Umbria, look at them and find the best one to come to Cascia during the Celebrations of Saint Rita
To know more about the “Ritiane” Celebrations, about the events dedicated to Saint Rita and so on, read our article!
Click Here –> Feast of St. Rita of Cascia, Ritiane Celebrations
22th May is the feast of Saint Rita from Cascia, an event waited by millions of devoted people all over the world. For the occasion, Cascia is organising the “Ritiane” Celebrations, intense and important days.
Every year, numerous pilgrims are coming to Cascia to participate at the events and to celebrate Saint Rita in her native city. With their faith, this feast appears as “a living rose”.
The pilgrimage to visit the urn of Saint Rita is a deep testimony of faith and love for her, that contributes to create the touching and mystic atmosphere you can find in Cascia.

>> Take part at the celebrations in honor of Saint Rita of Cascia, we suggest you the best hotels, b&b and farmhouses to stay in Cascia and in the area of Valnerina
Here the details of 2019 Saint Rita Celebrations
The three days of “Ritiane” Celebrations in Cascia, organized by Famiglia Agostiniana and Municipality of Cascia, is starting on 20th May in the evening. They will culminate during the day of 22th May, with the Historical Parade, the Procession that is transporting the statue of Saint Rita, the solemn Celebration at the Saint Rita’s Cathedral and the Benediction of Roses, intense moment of devotion in honor of Rita.
On Monday 20th May 2019
Sala della Pace
9:00 p.m. – Presentation of the International Prize Saint Rita 2019. Ceremony of introducing the “Women of Rita 2019”, that are receiving the parchment during the celebrations of 21th May. Soon we will know the names of Women of Rita 2018, whose lives are considered close to the example of Saint Rita
On Tuesday 21th May 2019
Basilica di Santa Rita
4:30 p.m. – Solemn Celebration of Famiglia Agostiniana, with Padre Alejandro Moral Antón
5:30 p.m. – Delivering of the International Prize Saint Rita 2019. Padre Moral is delivering the parchment to the Women of Rita 2018
6:30 p.m. – Solemn Celebration of “Passage” of Saint Rita. This touching celebration remembers the passage of Saint Rita to the Paradise.
Sagrato della Basilica di Santa Rita
8:45 p.m. – Live Music with Banda “Giovanni e Donato da Cascia”, Sbandieratori and Tamburini medievali di Cascia
9:30 p.m. – Arrival of “Torch of Pace” symbol of 61° Twinning of faith and peace, that this year joins Cascia and Matera, the European Capital city of Culture 2019 in the name of Saint Rita. Symbol of the love for the Saint, the torch represents the relation between both the realities
On Wednesday 22th May 2019, FEAST OF SAINT RITA OF CASCIA
Sala della Pace
5:00 a.m. Masses, with the festive sound of the bells of Cascia to honor this day of Saint Rita. Masses are taking place at 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 a.m.
Sagrato della Basilica di Santa Rita
10:00 a.m. – Arrival of the Historical Parade and Procession that transports the statue of Saint Rita. Both of them, left the native village of Rita (Roccaporena) at 8:30, are joining the one of Cascia at the entrance of the city (9:30 a.m.) to reach together the Sagrato della Basilica
11:00 a.m. – Solemn Celebration and “Supplica” to Saint Rita.
12:30 a.m. Benediction of Roses
Basilica di Santa Rita
6:00p.m. – Celebration to the “Benefattori del Santuario”, with P. Bernardino Pinciaroli and with the Choir of St. Augustine Nuns

>> There are many offers in Umbria, look at them and find the best one to come to Cascia during the Celebrations of Saint Rita
To know more about the “Ritiane” Celebrations, about the events dedicated to Saint Rita and so on, read our article!
Click Here –> Feast of St. Rita of Cascia, Ritiane Celebrations
22th May is the feast of Saint Rita from Cascia, an event waited by millions of devoted people all over the world. For the occasion, Cascia is organising the “Ritiane” Celebrations, intense and important days.
Every year, numerous pilgrims are coming to Cascia to participate at the events and to celebrate Saint Rita in her native city. With their faith, this feast appears as “a living rose”.
The pilgrimage to visit the urn of Saint Rita is a deep testimony of faith and love for her, that contributes to create the touching and mystic atmosphere you can find in Cascia.

>> Take part at the celebrations in honor of Saint Rita of Cascia, we suggest you the best hotels, b&b and farmhouses to stay in Cascia and in the area of Valnerina
Here the details of 2019 Saint Rita Celebrations
The three days of “Ritiane” Celebrations in Cascia, organized by Famiglia Agostiniana and Municipality of Cascia, is starting on 20th May in the evening. They will culminate during the day of 22th May, with the Historical Parade, the Procession that is transporting the statue of Saint Rita, the solemn Celebration at the Saint Rita’s Cathedral and the Benediction of Roses, intense moment of devotion in honor of Rita.
On Monday 20th May 2019
Sala della Pace
9:00 p.m. – Presentation of the International Prize Saint Rita 2019. Ceremony of introducing the “Women of Rita 2019”, that are receiving the parchment during the celebrations of 21th May. Soon we will know the names of Women of Rita 2018, whose lives are considered close to the example of Saint Rita
On Tuesday 21th May 2019
Basilica di Santa Rita
4:30 p.m. – Solemn Celebration of Famiglia Agostiniana, with Padre Alejandro Moral Antón
5:30 p.m. – Delivering of the International Prize Saint Rita 2019. Padre Moral is delivering the parchment to the Women of Rita 2018
6:30 p.m. – Solemn Celebration of “Passage” of Saint Rita. This touching celebration remembers the passage of Saint Rita to the Paradise.
Sagrato della Basilica di Santa Rita
8:45 p.m. – Live Music with Banda “Giovanni e Donato da Cascia”, Sbandieratori and Tamburini medievali di Cascia
9:30 p.m. – Arrival of “Torch of Pace” symbol of 61° Twinning of faith and peace, that this year joins Cascia and Matera, the European Capital city of Culture 2019 in the name of Saint Rita. Symbol of the love for the Saint, the torch represents the relation between both the realities
On Wednesday 22th May 2019, FEAST OF SAINT RITA OF CASCIA
Sala della Pace
5:00 a.m. Masses, with the festive sound of the bells of Cascia to honor this day of Saint Rita. Masses are taking place at 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 a.m.
Sagrato della Basilica di Santa Rita
10:00 a.m. – Arrival of the Historical Parade and Procession that transports the statue of Saint Rita. Both of them, left the native village of Rita (Roccaporena) at 8:30, are joining the one of Cascia at the entrance of the city (9:30 a.m.) to reach together the Sagrato della Basilica
11:00 a.m. – Solemn Celebration and “Supplica” to Saint Rita.
12:30 a.m. Benediction of Roses
Basilica di Santa Rita
6:00p.m. – Celebration to the “Benefattori del Santuario”, with P. Bernardino Pinciaroli and with the Choir of St. Augustine Nuns

>> There are many offers in Umbria, look at them and find the best one to come to Cascia during the Celebrations of Saint Rita
To know more about the “Ritiane” Celebrations, about the events dedicated to Saint Rita and so on, read our article!
Click Here –> Feast of St. Rita of Cascia, Ritiane Celebrations
22th May is the feast of Saint Rita from Cascia, an event waited by millions of devoted people all over the world. For the occasion, Cascia is organising the “Ritiane” Celebrations, intense and important days.
Every year, numerous pilgrims are coming to Cascia to participate at the events and to celebrate Saint Rita in her native city. With their faith, this feast appears as “a living rose”.
The pilgrimage to visit the urn of Saint Rita is a deep testimony of faith and love for her, that contributes to create the touching and mystic atmosphere you can find in Cascia.

>> Take part at the celebrations in honor of Saint Rita of Cascia, we suggest you the best hotels, b&b and farmhouses to stay in Cascia and in the area of Valnerina
Here the details of 2019 Saint Rita Celebrations
The three days of “Ritiane” Celebrations in Cascia, organized by Famiglia Agostiniana and Municipality of Cascia, is starting on 20th May in the evening. They will culminate during the day of 22th May, with the Historical Parade, the Procession that is transporting the statue of Saint Rita, the solemn Celebration at the Saint Rita’s Cathedral and the Benediction of Roses, intense moment of devotion in honor of Rita.
On Monday 20th May 2019
Sala della Pace
9:00 p.m. – Presentation of the International Prize Saint Rita 2019. Ceremony of introducing the “Women of Rita 2019”, that are receiving the parchment during the celebrations of 21th May. Soon we will know the names of Women of Rita 2018, whose lives are considered close to the example of Saint Rita
On Tuesday 21th May 2019
Basilica di Santa Rita
4:30 p.m. – Solemn Celebration of Famiglia Agostiniana, with Padre Alejandro Moral Antón
5:30 p.m. – Delivering of the International Prize Saint Rita 2019. Padre Moral is delivering the parchment to the Women of Rita 2018
6:30 p.m. – Solemn Celebration of “Passage” of Saint Rita. This touching celebration remembers the passage of Saint Rita to the Paradise.
Sagrato della Basilica di Santa Rita
8:45 p.m. – Live Music with Banda “Giovanni e Donato da Cascia”, Sbandieratori and Tamburini medievali di Cascia
9:30 p.m. – Arrival of “Torch of Pace” symbol of 61° Twinning of faith and peace, that this year joins Cascia and Matera, the European Capital city of Culture 2019 in the name of Saint Rita. Symbol of the love for the Saint, the torch represents the relation between both the realities
On Wednesday 22th May 2019, FEAST OF SAINT RITA OF CASCIA
Sala della Pace
5:00 a.m. Masses, with the festive sound of the bells of Cascia to honor this day of Saint Rita. Masses are taking place at 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 a.m.
Sagrato della Basilica di Santa Rita
10:00 a.m. – Arrival of the Historical Parade and Procession that transports the statue of Saint Rita. Both of them, left the native village of Rita (Roccaporena) at 8:30, are joining the one of Cascia at the entrance of the city (9:30 a.m.) to reach together the Sagrato della Basilica
11:00 a.m. – Solemn Celebration and “Supplica” to Saint Rita.
12:30 a.m. Benediction of Roses
Basilica di Santa Rita
6:00p.m. – Celebration to the “Benefattori del Santuario”, with P. Bernardino Pinciaroli and with the Choir of St. Augustine Nuns

>> There are many offers in Umbria, look at them and find the best one to come to Cascia during the Celebrations of Saint Rita
To know more about the “Ritiane” Celebrations, about the events dedicated to Saint Rita and so on, read our article!
Click Here –> Feast of St. Rita of Cascia, Ritiane Celebrations
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