San Benedetto, patrono di Norcia e riconosciuto anche come patrono d’Europa (11 luglio), viene celebrato nel corso di tutto il mese di Marzo, definito infatti Marzo Benedettino e insignito dell’alto patrocinio del Parlamento Europeo. L’apice della manifestazione sono comunque le giornate del 20 e 21 Marzo 2019, con quest’ultima in particolare riconosciuta anche come “Giornata della Bandiera Europea”.
I festeggiamenti in onore del santo si caricano di un significato speciale grazie ai messaggi di solidarietà e apertura al dialogo che da Norcia si diffondono ogni anno in tutta Europa. Non a caso, le celebrazioni si aprono con la “Fiaccola Benedettina Pro Pace et Europa Una”, accesa ogni anno in una diversa località.
La città di Norcia organizza varie iniziative che rievocano le cerimonie della tradizione locale: a partire dal XII secolo, il comune di Nursia organizzava ben 4 giornate di festeggiamenti in onore del santo.
Negli anni più recenti, la Festa di San Benedetto è stata legata alla Fiaccola Benedettina che quest’anno verrà eccezionalmente riaccesa all’interno della Basilica di San Benedetto sabato 23 Febbraio alle ore 16:30. Dopo la benedizione papale in Piazza San Pietro a Roma il 27 Febbraio, la fiaccola inizierà il suo cammino in giro per l’Europa, prima di fare nuovamente ritorno a Norcia proprio il 20 e 21 Marzo.
Il particolare per questo 2019 la fiaccola si accompagnerà alla celebrazione del 75° anniversario della fine della seconda Guerra Mondiale. Illuminerà dunque prima la Polonia e la città di Cracovia, raggiungendo anche il campo di concentramento di Auschwitz-Birkenau, luogo simbolo della tragedia umana di quegli anni, e poi illuminerà Montecassino e la sua abbazia, altro luogo simbolo della guerra e della resistenza al nazi-fascismo.
Naturalmente, i festeggiamenti in onore del santo comprendono celebrazioni religiose ma anche popolari, come la corsa al Pallio con i cavalli e la Fiera di San Benedetto.
Oltre alle celebrazioni liturgiche, infatti, Norcia è attraversata dal Corteo Storico Medievale, al quale partecipano i 6 rioni che costituiscono la città stessa. Si tratta di Porta Meggiana, Porta Massari, Porta Orientale, Porta Palatina, Porta Valledonna e Porta Narenula, rioni conosciute con l’appellativo di “Guaite”, che sfilano ognuna con le proprie rappresentanze.
Il Corteo Storico per onorare il Patrono avviene secondo le prescrizioni stabilite negli Statuti e nelle Riformanze del Comune di Norcia, conservati nell’Archivio Storico Comunale. Il Cancelliere, di fronte ai Consoli, al Capitano del Popolo, al clero ed alle confraternite, ai trombettieri ed ai tamburini, agli uomini delle Guaite con i loro Connestabili, ai componenti delle Arti ed ai rappresentanti dei Castelli limitrofi, dà inizio alla pubblica lettura degli Statuti, dove è accuratamente trascritto tutto lo svolgimento della festa. Vengono chiamati, ad uno ad uno, i rappresentanti dei Castelli e ciascuno porta il Palio con il proprio stemma che doveva essere di broccato di seta, d’oro o d’argento; o de seta colorata o di damasco. Seguono poi i rappresentanti delle Guaite, che giungono appunto nella Piazza principale dalle rispettive Guaite.
>> Ci sono offerte in scadenza per B&B nella zona di Norcia! Clicca e consultale subito
I festeggiamenti per San Benedetto sono una splendida occasione per organizzare una vacanza a Norcia, piccolo gioiello umbro. Da non perdere una visita al borgo con le tante botteghe gastronomiche e norcinerie, e all’affascinante piazza principale dominata dalla Statua del santo al centro dello spazio e dalla Chiesa di San Benedetto, attualmente puntellata e in ristrutturazione dopo gli eventi sismici degli anni recenti.
Dalla scoperta della città, alle escursioni nell’incontaminato scenario della Valnerina, alla degustazione dei prodotti più tipici e genuini… la città di Norcia offre davvero tutto per far vivere un’esperienza intensa e unica ai suoi visitatori.
E se vuoi saperne di più, leggi il nostro articolo su Cosa Vedere A Norcia in un Giorno con i nostri migliori suggerimenti!
Saint Benedict, patron of Norcia and also patron of Europe (11th July), is celebrated on all the month of March. Its highlight days are 20th and 21th March 2019.
The festivities in honor of this saint are loaded with a special meaning, in particular thanks to the messages of solidarity and openness to the dialogue that
are spreaded every year from Norcia across Europe. Not surprisingly, the celebrations will start with the “Benedicte Torch Pro Pace et Europa Una”, turned on every year in a different location.
>> Do you want to visit the places of St. Benedict? Look at the best farmhouses in Norcia
The town of Norcia will organize many initiatives that evoke the ceremonies of the local tradition: in the XII century, the ancient Nursia organized 4 days of festivities for the saint.
In more recent years, the Feast of St. Benedict has been linked to the Benedictine Torch that will be exceptionally rekindled this year inside the Basilica of San Benedetto on Saturday 23rd February at 4.30 pm. After the papal blessing in Saint Peter’s Square in Rome on February 27th, the torch will begin its journey around Europe, before returning to Norcia on March 20th and 21st.
The particular for this 2019 the torch will accompany the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. First of all, it will illuminate Poland and the city of Krakow, also reaching the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, a symbol of the human tragedy of those years, and then it will illuminate Montecassino and its abbey, another symbol of war and resistance to the Nazi -fascism.
The celebrations includes religious but also people’s manifestations, such as the Pallio, a running with the horses, and the Fair of St. Benedict.
Norcia is then crossed by the Historical Medieval Parade, attended by the 6 districts that make up the city itself. They are Porta Meggiana, Porta Massari, Porta Orientale, Porta Palatina, Porta Valledonna e Porta Narenula, districts known with the name of “Guaite”, that parade with their own representatives.
The Historical Parade in honor of the patron, takes place according to the rules laid down in the statutes and in the Riformanze of Norcia, stored in Historical Archives. The Chancellor, in front of the Consuls, the Captain of the People, the clergy and the brotherhoods, to the trumpeters and the drummers, to the Men of the “Guaite”, to the Members of Arts and to the representatives of the neighboring castels, will begin the public reading of the Statutes, where has been accurately transcribed the whole course of the festival. The representatives of the castles are called one by one, each of them with its own coat of arms that should be of silk brocade, gold or silver, colored silk or damask. Then, there will be the arrival of the representatives of the “Guaite”, who come in the main square from the respective “Guaite”.
>> Look at the hotels in the area of Norcia and discover all the offers
The celebrations of St. Benedict are a wonderful occasion to organize an holiday in Norcia, precious jewel of Umbria.
Do not miss a visit of historical city center with its picturesque “norcinerie” (gastronomic shops) and the charming main square with the statue of St. Benedict and its Church, today under renovation.
From the discover of the city, to the excursions in the uncontaminated scenery of the Valnerina, to the tasting of the most typical and genuine products… the city of Norcia really offers all to the visitors for living an intense and unique experience.
And if you want to know more, read our article about What to see in Norcia, with our best suggestions!
>> Explore Norcia and the Valnerina, we suggest you the best farmhouses to stay in this area
Saint Benedict, patron of Norcia and also patron of Europe (11th July), is celebrated on 20th and 21th March. But this year, in reason of the Easter Holiday, celebrations will be scheduled in Norcia on 4th and 5th April 2016.
The festivities in honor of this saint are loaded with a special meaning, in particular thanks to the messages of solidarity and openness to the dialogue that are spreaded every year from Norcia across Europe. Not surprisingly, the celebrations will start with the “Benedicte Torch Pro Pace et Europa Una”, turned on every year in a different location.
The town of Norcia will organize many initiatives that evoke the ceremonies of the local tradition: in the XII century, the ancient Nursia organized 4 days of festivities for the saint. They included religious but also people’s celebrations, such as the Pallio, a running with the horses, and the Fair of St. Benedict.
In fact, Norcia is then crossed by the Historical Medieval Parade, attended by the 6 districts that make up the city itself. They are Porta Meggiana, Porta Massari, Porta Orientale, Porta Palatina, Porta Valledonna e Porta Narenula, districts known with the name of “Guaite”, that parade with their own representatives.
The Historical Parade in honor of the patron, takes place according to the rules laid down in the statutes and in the Riformanze of Norcia, stored in Historical Archives. The Chancellor, in front of the Consuls, the Captain of the People, the clergy and the bro
therhoods, to the trumpeters and the drummers, to the Men of the “Guaite”, to the Members of Arts and to the representatives of the neighboring castels, will begin the public reading of the Statutes, where has been accurately transcribed the whole course of the festival. The representatives of the castles are called one by one, each of them with its own coat of arms that should be of silk brocade, gold or silver, colored silk or damask. Then, there will be the arrival of the representatives of the “Guaite”, who come in the main square from the respective “Guaite”.
The celebrations of St. Benedict are a wonderful occasion to organize an holiday in Norcia, precious jewel of Umbria.
Do not miss a visit to the Church of St. Benedict, located in the charming main square, that is built just above the ancient home of the Saint.
From the discover of the city, to the excursions in the uncontaminated scenery of the Valnerina, to the tasting of the most typical and genuine products… the city of Norcia really offers all to the visitors for living an intense and unique experience.
And if you want to know more, read our article about What to see in Norcia, with our best suggestions!
The official 2016 program of the celebration of St. Benedict is coming soon!
Saint Benedict, patron of Norcia and also patron of Europe (11th July), is celebrated on 20th and 21th March. But this year, in reason of the Easter Holiday, celebrations will be scheduled in Norcia on 4th and 5th April 2016.
The festivities in honor of this saint are loaded with a special meaning, in particular thanks to the messages of solidarity and openness to the dialogue that are spreaded every year from Norcia across Europe. Not surprisingly, the celebrations will start with the “Benedicte Torch Pro Pace et Europa Una”, turned on every year in a different location.
The town of Norcia will organize many initiatives that evoke the ceremonies of the local tradition: in the XII century, the ancient Nursia organized 4 days of festivities for the saint. They included religious but also people’s celebrations, such as the Pallio, a running with the horses, and the Fair of St. Benedict.
In fact, Norcia is then crossed by the Historical Medieval Parade, attended by the 6 districts that make up the city itself. They are Porta Meggiana, Porta Massari, Porta Orientale, Porta Palatina, Porta Valledonna e Porta Narenula, districts known with the name of “Guaite”, that parade with their own representatives.
The Historical Parade in honor of the patron, takes place according to the rules laid down in the statutes and in the Riformanze of Norcia, stored in Historical Archives. The Chancellor, in front of the Consuls, the Captain of the People, the clergy and the brotherhoods, to the trumpeters and the drummers, to the Men of the “Guaite”, to the Members of Arts and to the representatives of the neighboring castels, will begin the public reading of the Statutes, where has been accurately transcribed the whole course of the festival. The representatives of the castles are called one by one, each of them with its own coat of arms that should be of silk brocade, gold or silver, colored silk or damask. Then, there will be the arrival of the representatives of the “Guaite”, who come in the main square from the respective “Guaite”.
The celebrations of St. Benedict are a wonderful occasion to organize an holiday in Norcia, precious jewel of Umbria.
Do not miss a visit to the Church of St. Benedict, located in the charming main square, that is built just above the ancient home of the Saint.
From the discover of the city, to the excursions in the uncontaminated scenery of the Valnerina, to the tasting of the most typical and genuine products… the city of Norcia really offers all to the visitors for living an intense and unique experience.
And if you want to know more, read our article about What to see in Norcia, with our best suggestions!
The official 2016 program of the celebration of St. Benedict is coming soon!
Saint Benedict, patron of Norcia and also patron of Eu
rope (11th July), is celebrated on 20th and 21th March. But this year, in reason of the Easter Holiday, celebrations will be scheduled in Norcia on 4th and 5th April 2016.
The festivities in honor of this saint are loaded with a special meaning, in particular thanks to the messages of solidarity and openness to the dialogue that are spreaded every year from Norcia across Europe. Not surprisingly, the celebrations will start with the “Benedicte Torch Pro Pace et Europa Una”, turned on every year in a different location.
The town of Norcia will organize many initiatives that evoke the ceremonies of the local tradition: in the XII century, the ancient Nursia organized 4 days of festivities for the saint. They included religious but also people’s celebrations, such as the Pallio, a running with the horses, and the Fair of St. Benedict.
In fact, Norcia is then crossed by the Historical Medieval Parade, attended by the 6 districts that make up the city itself. They are Porta Meggiana, Porta Massari, Porta Orientale, Porta Palatina, Porta Valledonna e Porta Narenula, districts known with the name of “Guaite”, that parade with their own representatives.
The Historical Parade in honor of the patron, takes place according to the rules laid down in the statutes and in the Riformanze of Norcia, stored in Historical Archives. The Chancellor, in front of the Consuls, the Captain of the People, the clergy and the brotherhoods, to the trumpeters and the drummers, to the Men of the “Guaite”, to the Members of Arts and to the representatives of the neighboring castels, will begin the public reading of the Statutes, where has been accurately transcribed the whole course of the festival. The representatives of the castles are called one by one, each of them with its own coat of arms that should be of silk brocade, gold or silver, colored silk or damask. Then, there will be the arrival of the representatives of the “Guaite”, who come in the main square from the respective “Guaite”.
The celebrations of St. Benedict are a wonderful occasion to organize an holiday in Norcia, precious jewel of Umbria.
Do not miss a visit to the Church of St. Benedict, located in the charming main square, that is built just above the ancient home of the Saint.
From the discover of the city, to the excursions in the uncontaminated scenery of the Valnerina, to the tasting of the most typical and genuine products… the city of Norcia really offers all to the visitors for living an intense and unique experience.
And if you want to know more, read our article about What to see in Norcia, with our best suggestions!
The official 2016 program of the celebration of St. Benedict is coming soon!
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