Il 6 Gennaio si celebra l’Epifania, festività religiosa e profana che nelle varie culture si accompagna a simboli e tradizioni diverse, di derivazioni antiche e moderne: la Stella Cometa che accompagna i Re Magi, le feste popolari, la tradizione dei regali e dei dolcetti ai bambini nella calza.
Il 6 Gennaio 2023 cade quest’anno di venerdì, ma si potrà comunque approfittare del primo fine settimana di Gennaio per chiudere le festività natalizie trascorrendo quale giorno di vacanza in Umbria.

Vivi la tua Epifania in Umbria
Dopo i pranzi con amici e parenti, dopo aver fatto e scambiato i regali, dopo il cenone e le ore piccole di Capodanno, approfitta dell’Epifania per immergerti nella tranquillità delle campagne umbre, passeggiare con tranquillità nel centro storico di una delle tante città d’arte della regione, rilassarti ammirando le ultime luminarie e i mercatini.
Goditi insomma tutta la bellezza degli ultimi sprazzi del Natale in Umbria, prima di riprendere i ritmi della vita di tutti i giorni.
Ci sono ancora tanti eventi previsti in vari borghi e città della regione in questi giorni, tra mercatini, fiere e centri storici ancora illuminati a festa.
L’Epifania in Umbria è da vivere in famiglia, si tratta infatti di un momento particolarmente adatto ai bambini, che potranno assistere all’arrivo della Befana e ricevere piccoli doni direttamente dalle sue mani

Tutti ad Orvieto per l’Epifania!
Orvieto, una delle città umbre più belle, è perfetta per una gita in famiglia durante l’Epifania. Potrete non solo approfittare per visitare la Rocca Albornoz e il suggestivo Pozzo di San Patrizio, per passeggiare nel centro storico con le sue affascinanti luminarie fin nel cuore della città, al celebre Duomo di Orvieto, per attendere l’arrivo in piazza della Befana che planerà sopra le teste dei bambini in trepidazione.
Scopri tutto quello che ti consigliamo di fare un 1 giorno a Orvieto durante l’Epifania, abbiamo preparato un articolo con tutti i nostri suggerimenti e tutte le informazioni utili per la tua Epifania a Orvieto

Le altre città umbre non sono da meno!
Assisi si conferma come sempre un luogo unico, con la splendida Basilica di San Francesco, i siti di culto e l’aura spirituale che sempre accompagna i visitatori che vi si recano.
Ma Assisi ha anche molto altro da offrire: tra i punti di interesse più particolari, suggeriamo una passeggiata nella Rocca Maggiore, imponente e dalla superba vista sulla valle, e il Museo e Foro Romano, un suggestivo percorso alla scoperte dell’antica città romana e dei resti sui quali è stata poi edificata l’Assisi attuale.
Per vivere appieno l’atmosfera natalizia, non perdete invece alcuni speciali eventi nella zona assisana:
– “La Befana vien dal cielo” a Rivotorto di Assisi, il 6 Gennaio 2023
Tanti stand lungo le vie del paese per il tradizionale Fierone della Befana, con degustazioni di prodotti tipici del luogo e intrattenimento per grandi e piccoli per tutta la giornata. Il momento clou della manifestazione sarà alle 15:00, quando la Befana planerà in parapendio dal Monte Subasio al campo-parcheggio della Pro Loco con doni e calze da distribuire a tutti i bambini.
– “Il Presepe Vivente” di San Gregorio D’Assisi, il 6 Gennaio 2023
Bellissima rappresentazione conclusiva dal celebre presepe, con sfilata di tutti i figuranti e dei Re Magi, alle ore 17.00 all’interno delle mura castellane del borgo di San Gregorio. Uno scenario unico, dove essere trasportati nello splendore medievale del castello e nel fascino di quell’antica epoca.
E infine, grande attesa nella stessa Piazza del Comune ad Assisi: alle 16:30, la Befana si calerà dalla Torre Campanara per distribuire giochi, dolcetti e caramelle a tutti i bambini.

Epifania in Umbria, da Perugia a Terni
Per chi preferisce una passeggiata a Perugia, nel suggestivo centro storico reso ancora più bello dalle luminarie e dalle decorazioni natalizie. Consigliamo anche una visita alla “Città della Domenica”, storico parco giochi umbro e primo Family Park d’Italia. Divertimento con le tante attrazioni del parco, amore per la natura con le numerose specie che vivono in libertà nel parco, spettacoli speciali e ambientazioni a tema. Mentre a Palazzo dei Priori, in Piazza della Repubblica a cura del Corpo nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco avrà luogo la discesa della befana dal cielo che successivamente consegnerà ai più piccini le calze offerte dall’ azienda Nestle’ Perugina.
Si terrà un appuntamento a scopo beneficiario con “Motobefana 2023” giunto alla 26° edizione, un vero e proprio spettacolo motociclistico che partirà da Piazza della Repubblica a Perugia alle ore 9:00, con arrivo previsto alle 12:30 ad Agello, per la consegna dono e l’incontro con gli ospiti della residenza “Nuova Alba“.
La Befana arriverà in calesse a Gubbio, in piazza Quaranta Martiri dalle 16.30 alle 19.30 si potrà fare un giro sul magnifico calesse della Befana trainato da stupendi cavalli.
Infine, per chi ancora non avesse avuto la possibilità di ammirarli, suggeriamo Gubbio per una visita al suo splendido Albero di Natale che illumina il versante del monte proprio alle spalle della città, e Terni per la magnifica Stella di Miranda che domina la conca ternana.

Buona Epifania in Umbria da tutto lo staff!
On 6th January we celebrate Epiphany, religious and profane feast accompanied by various symbols and traditions of ancient and modern origins in the different cultures: the Star of Bethlehem with the “Three Wise Men”, the local folk festivals, the tradition of gifts and sweets to the children inside the Christmas stocking….
The 6th of January 2019 is a Sunday, anyway the first week end of January is perfect to conclude Christmas holiday with some free days in Umbria.
After lunches with relatives and friends, after exchanging of gifts, after the great dinner and the night of New Year’s Eve, enjoy Epiphany and immerse yourself in the serenity of Umbrian countryside, to walk in tranquillity through the historic center of one of the charming cities of art of the region, to relax yourself watching lights, decorations and Christmas markets. Therefore, enjoy the beauty of the last Christmas moments, before coming back to the everyday life.

>> There are many offers for staying in Umbria, discover them now!
Come to Orvieto for Epiphany!
The so-called “Città della Rupe” is ideal, in fact, for a trip with your family, starting from the arrival in the city: after parking in the large parking area of the train station, the adventure will begin with the historical funicular that goes up to the historic center of Orvieto, on the top of a hill.
In only two minutes, the cable car covers 600 meters of rail to reach Piazza Cahen, close to the Albornoz Fortress. Today, you can see only a part of the original fortification, built in 1364, with the walls and the suggestive defensive towers, but inside the area there is a public garden where you can quietly walk, enjoying a moment into the green and looking the wonderful landscape of the valley. A few meters from the fortress, there is also the particular Well of San Patrizio and its underground, not to be missed.
Then you can head towards the center: walking 15-20 minutes, you can cross the main streets of the historic center, admiring the lights that decore the city, eating in one of the various taverns, warming yourself with a coffee or an hot chocolate. Continuing, you can reach the Well of the Cave, which is also really particular, especially during Christmas when it hosts the famous “Crib of the Well”.
Can not be forgot the very well-known Dome of Orvieto, one of the most wonderful places to visit in all Umbrian region, and then at 6 pm the appointment is in Piazza della Repubblica, where young and old will wait the arrival of the traditional Befana !

>> There are many hotels and farmhouses in the area of Orvieto, look at them here and organize your holiday
And about the other Umbrian cities…
Assisi is always a unique place, with the charming Cathedral of St. Francis, the religious sites and the spiritual atmosphere that accompanies guests and visitors. But Assisi has much more to offer: among the most interesting places, we suggest you a walk in the fortress Rocca Maggiore, with its magnificient view of the valley, and the Roman “Foro” Museum, a suggestive visit to discover the ancient roman town and the ruins on which was built the present Assisi.
To completely live the Christmas atmosphere, do not miss two special events of the area of Assisi:
– “La Fiera della Befana” in Rivotorto di Assisi, on 6th January 2019
Many stands along the streets of the village, with taste of typical local products and entertainment for young and old. At 2:30 pm, top moment of the day with the traditional Befana who comes from the sky with gifts for all children.
– “Il Presepe Vivente” of San Gregorio D’Assisi, on 6th January 2019
Beautiful Nativity Scenes with Three Wise Men and all the characters, from 5 pm to 7.30 pm in the village of San Gregorio

>> Do not miss the wonderful city of Assisi during Christmas, find now your hotel or farmhouse in the area
For those who prefer a walk in Perugia, in the suggestive historic center that is more beautiful with all Christmas lights and decorations, we suggest also a visit in “Città della Domenica”, Umbrian park and first Family Park of Italy. Fun with all the attractions of the park, love for nature with the various animals that live free in the natural area of the park, special shows and thematic setting.
Particular appointment then with “La Befana sui Pattini”, a real show of skating with the champions of the Italian federation, at Pala Barton of Pian di Massiano (PG).
Finally, for those who still had not had the chance to admire them, we suggest Gubbio with its wonderful Christmas Tree along the mount behind the town, and Terni with its beautiful Miranda Star that dominates the valley.

>> Do you want to live the magic atmosphere of Perugia during Epiphany? Look at the best hotels, b&b and farmhouses of the area
On 6th January we celebrate Epiphany, religious and profane feast accompanied by various symbols and traditions of ancient and modern origins in the different cultures: the Star of Bethlehem with the “Three Wise Men”, the local folk festivals, the tradition of gifts and sweets to the children inside the Christmas stocking….
This 2017 will start giving us some days of holidays for Epiphany: the 6th of January 2017 is in fact on Friday, and so the first week end of January is perfect to conclude Christmas holiday with some free days in Umbria.
After lunches with relatives and friends, after exchanging of gifts, after the great dinner and the night of New Year’s Eve, enjoy Epiphany and immerse yourself in the serenity of Umbrian countryside, to walk in tranquillity through the historic center of one of the charming cities of art of the region, to relax yourself watching lights, decorations and Christmas markets. Therefore, enjoy the beauty of the last Christmas moments, before coming back to the everyday life.

Come to Orvieto for Epiphany !
The so-called “Città della Rupe” is ideal, in fact, for a trip with your family, starting from the arrival in the city: after parking in the large parking area of the train station, the adventure will begin with the historical funicular that goes up to the historic center of Orvieto, on the top of a hill.
In only two minutes, the cable car covers 600 meters of rail to reach Piazza Cahen, close to the Albornoz Fortress. Today, you can see only a part of the original fortification, built in 1364, with the walls and the suggestive defensive towers, but inside the area there is a public garden where you can quietly walk, enjoying a moment into the green and looking the wonderful landscape of the valley. A few meters from the fortress, there is also the particular Well of San Patrizio and its underground, not to be missed.
Then you can head towards the center: walking 15-20 minutes, you can cross the main streets of the historic center, admiring the lights that decore the city, eating in one of the various taverns, warming yourself with a coffee or an hot chocolate. Continuing, you can reach the Well of the Cave, which is also really particular, especially during Christmas when it hosts the famous “Crib of the Well”.
Can not be forgot the very well-known Dome of Orvieto, one of the most wonderful places to visit in all Umbrian region, and then at 6 pm the appointment is in Piazza della Repubblica, where young and old will wait the arrival of the traditional Befana !

And about the other Umbrian cities…
Assisi is always a unique place, with the charming Cathedral of St. Francis, the religious sites and the spiritual atmosphere that accompanies guests and visitors. But Assisi has much more to offer: among the most interesting places, we suggest you a walk in the fortress Rocca Maggiore, with its magnificient view of the valley, and the Roman “Foro” Museum, a suggestive visit to discover the ancient roman town and the ruins on which was built the present Assisi.
To completely live the Christmas atmosphere, do not miss two special events of the area of Assisi:
– “La Fiera della Befana” in Rivotorto di Assisi, on 6th January 2017
Many stands along the streets of the village, with taste of typical local products and entertainment for young and old. At 3 pm, top moment of the day with the traditional Befana who comes from the sky with gifts for all children, and then jugglers show (at 4 pm) and a fire show (at 6 pm)
– “Il Presepe Vivente” of San Gregorio D’Assisi, on 6th January 2017
Beautiful Nativity Scenes with Three Wise Men and all the characters, from 5 pm to 7.30 pm in the village of San Gregorio

For those who prefer a walk in Perugia, in the suggestive historic center that is more beautiful with all Christmas lights and decorations, we suggest also a visit in “Città della Domenica”, Umbrian park and first Family Park of Italy. Fun with all the attractions of the park, love for nature with the various animals that live free in the natural area of the park, special shows and thematic setting.
Particular appointment then with “La Befana sui Pattini”, a real show of roller skating with the champions of the Italian federation, at 3 pm at Palaevangelisti of Perugia.
Finally, for those who still had not had the chance to admire them, we suggest Gubbio with its wonderful Christmas Tree along the mount behind the town, and Terni with its beautiful Miranda Star that dominates the valley.

On 6th January we celebrate Epiphany, religious and profane feast accompanied by various symbols and traditions of ancient and modern origins in the different cultures: the Star of Bethlehem with the “Three Wise Men”, the local folk festivals, the tradition of gifts and sweets to the children inside the Christmas stocking….
This 2017 will start giving us some days of holidays for Epiphany: the 6th of January 2017 is in fact on Friday, and so the first week end of January is perfect to conclude Christmas holiday with some free days in Umbria.
After lunches with relatives and friends, after exchanging of gifts, after the great dinner and the night of New Year’s Eve, enjoy Epiphany and immerse yourself in the serenity of Umbrian countryside, to walk in tranquillity through the historic center of one of the charming cities of art of the region, to relax yourself watching lights, decorations and Christmas markets. Therefore, enjoy the beauty of the last Christmas moments, before coming back to the everyday life.

Come to Orvieto for Epiphany !
The so-called “Città della Rupe” is ideal, in fact, for a trip with your family, starting from the arrival in the city: after parking in the large parking area of the train station, the adventure will begin with the historical funicular that goes up to the historic center of Orvieto, on the top of a hill.
In only two minutes, the cable car covers 600 meters of rail to reach Piazza Cahen, close to the Albornoz Fortress. Today, you can see only a part of the original fortification, built in 1364, with the walls and the suggestive defensive towers, but inside the area there is a public garden where you can quietly walk, enjoying a moment into the green and looking the wonderful landscape of the valley. A few meters from the fortress, there is also the particular Well of San Patrizio and its underground, not to be missed.
Then you can head towards the center: walking 15-20 minutes, you can cross the main streets of the historic center, admiring the lights that decore the city, eating in one of the various taverns, warming yourself with a coffee or an hot chocolate. Continuing, you can reach the Well of the Cave, which is also really particular, especially during Christmas when it hosts the famous “Crib of the Well”.
Can not be forgot the very well-known Dome of Orvieto, one of the most wonderful places to visit in all Umbrian region, and then at 6 pm the appointment is in Piazza della Repubblica, where young and old will wait the arrival of the traditional Befana !

And about the other Umbrian cities…
Assisi is always a unique place, with the charming Cathedral of St. Francis, the religious sites and the spiritual atmosphere that accompanies guests and visitors. But Assisi has much more to offer: among the most interesting places, we suggest you a walk in the fortress Rocca Maggiore, with its magnificient view of the valley, and the Roman “Foro” Museum, a suggestive visit to discover the ancient roman town and the ruins on which was built the present Assisi.
To completely live the Christmas atmosphere, do not miss two special events of the area of Assisi:
– “La Fiera della Befana” in Rivotorto di Assisi, on 6th January 2017
Many stands along the streets of the village, with taste of typical local products and entertainment for young and old. At 3 pm, top moment of the day with the traditional Befana who comes from the sky with gifts for all children, and then jugglers show (at 4 pm) and a fire show (at 6 pm)
– “Il Presepe Vivente” of San Gregorio D’Assisi, on 6th January 2017
Beautiful Nativity Scenes with Three Wise Men and all the characters, from 5 pm to 7.30 pm in the village of San Gregorio

For those who prefer a walk in Perugia, in the suggestive historic center that is more beautiful with all Christmas lights and decorations, we suggest also a visit in “Città della Domenica”, Umbrian park and first Family Park of Italy. Fun with all the attractions of the park, love for nature with the various animals that live free in the natural area of the park, special shows and thematic setting.
Particular appointment then with “La Befana sui Pattini”, a real show of roller skating with the champions of the Italian federation, at 3 pm at Palaevangelisti of Perugia.
Finally, for those who still had not had the chance to admire them, we suggest Gubbio with its wonderful Christmas Tree along the mount behind the town, and Terni with its beautiful Miranda Star that dominates the valley.

On 6th January we celebrate Epiphany, religious and profane feast accompanied by various symbols and traditions of ancient and modern origins in the different cultures: the Star of Bethlehem with the “Three Wise Men”, the local folk festivals, the tradition of gifts and sweets to the children inside the Christmas stocking….
This 2017 will start giving us some days of holidays for Epiphany: the 6th of January 2017 is in fact on Friday, and so the first week end of January is perfect to conclude Christmas holiday with some free days in Umbria.
After lunches with relatives and friends, after exchanging of gifts, after the great dinner and the night of New Year’s Eve, enjoy Epiphany and immerse yourself in the serenity of Umbrian countryside, to walk in tranquillity through the historic center of one of the charming cities of art of the region, to relax yourself watching lights, decorations and Christmas markets. Therefore, enjoy the beauty of the last Christmas moments, before coming back to the everyday life.

Come to Orvieto for Epiphany !
The so-called “Città della Rupe” is ideal, in fact, for a trip with your family, starting from the arrival in the city: after parking in the large parking area of the train station, the adventure will begin with the historical funicular that goes up to the historic center of Orvieto, on the top of a hill.
In only two minutes, the cable car covers 600 meters of rail to reach Piazza Cahen, close to the Albornoz Fortress. Today, you can see only a part of the original fortification, built in 1364, with the walls and the suggestive defensive towers, but inside the area there is a public garden where you can quietly walk, enjoying a moment into the green and looking the wonderful landscape of the valley. A few meters from the fortress, there is also the particular Well of San Patrizio and its underground, not to be missed.
Then you can head towards the center: walking 15-20 minutes, you can cross the main streets of the historic center, admiring the lights that decore the city, eating in one of the various taverns, warming yourself with a coffee or an hot chocolate. Continuing, you can reach the Well of the Cave, which is also really particular, especially during Christmas when it hosts the famous “Crib of the Well”.
Can not be forgot the very well-known Dome of Orvieto, one of the most wonderful places to visit in all Umbrian region, and then at 6 pm the appointment is in Piazza della Repubblica, where young and old will wait the arrival of the traditional Befana !

And about the other Umbrian cities…
Assisi is always a unique place, with the charming Cathedral of St. Francis, the religious sites and the spiritual atmosphere that accompanies guests and visitors. But Assisi has much more to offer: among the most interesting places, we suggest you a walk in the fortress Rocca Maggiore, with its magnificient view of the valley, and the Roman “Foro” Museum, a suggestive visit to discover the ancient roman town and the ruins on which was built the present Assisi.
To completely live the Christmas atmosphere, do not miss two special events of the area of Assisi:
– “La Fiera della Befana” in Rivotorto di Assisi, on 6th January 2017
Many stands along the streets of the village, with taste of typical local products and entertainment for young and old. At 3 pm, top moment of the day with the traditional Befana who comes from the sky with gifts for all children, and then jugglers show (at 4 pm) and a fire show (at 6 pm)
– “Il Presepe Vivente” of San Gregorio D’Assisi, on 6th January 2017
Beautiful Nativity Scenes with Three Wise Men and all the characters, from 5 pm to 7.30 pm in the village of San Gregorio

For those who prefer a walk in Perugia, in the suggestive historic center that is more beautiful with all Christmas lights and decorations, we suggest also a visit in “Città della Domenica”, Umbrian park and first Family Park of Italy. Fun with all the attractions of the park, love for nature with the various animals that live free in the natural area of the park, special shows and thematic setting.
Particular appointment then with “La Befana sui Pattini”, a real show of roller skating with the champions of the Italian federation, at 3 pm at Palaevangelisti of Perugia.
Finally, for those who still had not had the chance to admire them, we suggest Gubbio with its wonderful Christmas Tree along the mount behind the town, and Terni with its beautiful Miranda Star that dominates the valley.

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