Il Consorzio Tutela Vini di Montefalco e il Comune di Montefalco organizzano anche in questo 2015 dal 18 al 20 Settembre Enologica35, il più importante evento dedicato al Sagrantino.
Da sempre si tratta di una straordinaria serie di eventi dedicati ad una delle DOCG (Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita) più importanti d’Italia, che riveste un ruolo di primo piano nel panorama dei grandi vini rossi dell’Italia.

Partecipa a Enologica 35, ti suggeriamo le migliori soluzioni di soggiorno a Montefalco! 


Il programma, ancora in via di definizione, sarà ricco di appuntamenti che daranno l’opportunità di conoscere da vicino le terre, i borghi e tutto quello che ruota intorno ai vini della zona, e ospiterà spazi e approfondimenti per agli addetti ai lavori, gli appassionati, i curiosi!
Degustazioni, convegni, musica, esposizioni e cooking show incentrati sul Sagrantino.

Scopri ora tutte le offerte di soggiorno proposte, consulta le strutture nei dintorni di Montefalco e trova quella giusta per te!


The “Consorzio Tutela Vini di Montefalco” and the “Comune di Montefalco” organized also in this 2015, from September 18 to 20 Enologica35, the most important event dedicated to Sagrantino.
Always it is an extraordinary series of events dedicated to one of the DOCG (Denomination of Origin Controlled and Guaranteed) the most important in Italy, which plays a leading role in the panorama of the great red wines of Italy.

What are you waiting to participate? Enological 35 is coming! We suggest the best solutions to stay in Montefalco!

The program, still under development, will be full of events that will give the opportunity to get to know the lands, villages and all that revolves around the wines of the area, and will house spaces and insights to insiders, enthusiasts, curious!
Tastings, conferences, music, exhibitions and cooking show focused on the Sagrantino.

Discover now all the offers of accommodation proposals, see the accommodations around Montefalco and find the right one for you!


The “Consorzio Tutela Vini di Montefalco” and the “Comune di Montefalco” organized also in this 2015, from September 18 to 20 Enologica35, the most important event dedicated to Sagrantino.
Always it is an extraordinary series of events dedicated to one of the DOCG (Denomination of Origin Controlled and Guaranteed) the most important in Italy, which plays a leading role in the panorama of the great red wines of Italy.

What are you waiting to participate? Enological 35 is coming! We suggest the best solutions to stay in Montefalco!

The program, still under development, will be full of events that will give the opportunity to get to know the lands, villages and all that revolves around the wines of the area, and will house spaces and insights to insiders, enthusiasts, curious!
Tastings, conferences, music, exhibitions and cooking show focused on the Sagrantino.

Discover now all the offers of accommodation proposals, see the accommodations around Montefalco and find the right one for you!



The “Consorzio Tutela Vini di Montefalco” and the “Comune di Montefalco” organized also in this 2015, from September 18 to 20 Enologica35, the most important event dedicated to Sagrantino.
Always it is an extraordinary series of events dedicated to one of the DOCG (Denomination of Origin Controlled and Guaranteed) the most important in Italy, which plays a leading role in the panorama of the great red wines of Italy.

What are you waiting to participate? Enological 35 is coming! We suggest the best solutions to stay in Montefalco!

The program, still under development, will be full of events that will give the opportunity to get to know the lands, villages and all that revolves around the wines of the area, and will house spaces and insights to insiders, enthusiasts, curious!
Tastings, conferences, music, exhibitions and cooking show focused on the Sagrantino.

Discover now all the offers of accommodation proposals, see the accommodations around Montefalco and find the right one for you!


The “Consorzio Tutela Vini di Montefalco” and the “Comune di Montefalco” organized also in this 2015, from September 18 to 20 Enologica35, the most important event dedicated to Sagrantino.
Always it is an extraordinary series of events dedicated to one of the DOCG (Denomination of Origin Controlled and Guaranteed) the most important in Italy, which plays a leading role in the panorama of the great red wines of Italy.

What are you waiting to participate? Enological 35 is coming! We suggest the best solutions to stay in Montefalco!

The program, still under development, will be full of events that will give the opportunity to get to know the lands, villages and all that revolves around the wines of the area, and will house spaces and insights to insiders, enthusiasts, curious!
Tastings, conferences, music, exhibitions and cooking show focused on the Sagrantino.

Discover now all the offers of accommodation proposals, see the accommodations around Montefalco and find the right one for you!