▌ Punti di interesse

Esposizione fotografica La Fioritura di Franco Arcangeli al CERP

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Giostra dell’Arme di San Gemini

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Sagrantino Cup, Mongolfiere a Gualdo Cattaneo

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PgCity Festival ’12, 2a edizione

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Ivano Fossati in concerto con Decadancing

Ivano Fossati, prima di ritirarsi dalle scene, terré0 un concerto anche al teatro Morlacchi di Perugia, dove presenteré0 il suo ultimo album ‘Decadancing’. Lunedì 16 Gennaio 2012, ore 21.
Ivano Fossati, before retiring from the stages, will held a concert at the Morlacchi theatre in Perugia, where he will present his latest album ‘Decadancing’. Monday, January 16th, 2012, at 21:00.
Ivano Fossati, before retiring from the stages, will held a concert at the Morlacchi theatre in Perugia, where he will present his latest album ‘Decadancing’. Monday, January 16th, 2012, at 21:00.
Ivano Fossati, before retiring from the stages, will held a concert at the Morlacchi theatre in Perugia, where he will present his latest album ‘Decadancing’. Monday, January 16th, 2012, at 21:00.
Ivano Fossati, before retiring from the stages, will held a concert at the Morlacchi theatre in Perugia, where he will present his latest album ‘Decadancing’. Monday, January 16th, 2012, at 21:00.
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