▌ Punti di interesse

'Sensational Umbria' di Steve McCurry

100 immagini di Steve McCurry in mostra a Perugia
100 images by Steve McCurry exhibition in Perugia
100 images by Steve McCurry exhibition in Perugia
100 images by Steve McCurry exhibition in Perugia
100 images by Steve McCurry exhibition in Perugia
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Festa di San Benedetto

La primavera arriva a Norcia portando con sé9 una delle feste più importanti e più sentite: la festa di San Benedetto. Le solenni Celebrazioni si svolgono ogni anno nelle giornate del 20 e 21 Marzo
Spring comes in Norcia bringing with it one of the deepest and most important festivals: the feast of St. Benedict. The solemn celebrations are held every year on 20th and 21th March
Spring comes in Norcia bringing with it one of the deepest and most important festivals: the feast of St. Benedict. The solemn celebrations are held every year on 20th and 21th March
Spring comes in Norcia bringing with it one of the deepest and most important festivals: the feast of St. Benedict. The solemn celebrations are held every year on 20th and 21th March
Spring comes in Norcia bringing with it one of the deepest and most important festivals: the feast of St. Benedict. The solemn celebrations are held every year on 20th and 21th March
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Perugia: ultima tappa per "L'arrivo di un treno"

Ultima tappa del viaggio del documentario, che torna a ?casa? per presentarsi al pubblico in una proiezione presentata dal team di #UmbriaNascosta .
Last leg of the journey of the documentary, which comes back “home” to present to the public in a projection produced ??by Umbria Nascosta .
Last leg of the journey of the documentary, which comes back “home” to present to the public in a projection produced ??by Umbria Nascosta .
Last leg of the journey of the documentary, which comes back “home” to present to the public in a projection produced ??by Umbria Nascosta .
Last leg of the journey of the documentary, which comes back “home” to present to the public in a projection produced ??by Umbria Nascosta .
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INSTAWALK + APERITIVO "Sulle tracce della #SpoletoNorcia "

partecipa alla Instawalk e vieni con noi a scoprire le meraviglie segrete della Valnerina lungo il percorso della vecchia ferrovia #SpoletoNorcia con una guida, il gruppo invasioni digitali e Instagrammers.
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Spoleto, proiezione de ‘L’arrivo di un treno – Sulle tracce della #SpoletoNorcia’

A Spoleto secondo appuntamento per assistere alla proiezione del documentario a cura di Umbria Nascosta
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