Festeggiare il Capodanno in Umbria è sicuramente un’ottima idea perché il cuore verde d’Italia offre tantissime attività per un fine anno spumeggiante, da vivere con la vostra dolce metà, o in compagnia degli amici di sempre o della vostra famiglia.
Le piazze ballano in occasione del Capodanno 2022 in Umbria! Nelle piazze centrali dei due capoluoghi di provincia, Perugia e Terni, a cavallo della mezzanotte musica e ballo si accenderanno e si festeggerà l’arrivo del nuovo anno con concerti e fuochi d’artificio.
Capodanno a Perugia
Nella notte di San Lorenzo è stata scelta la città di Perugia per il consueto Concertone in diretta di Rai 1, con lo show ” L’anno che verrà” condotto da Amadeus, saranno presenti noti cantanti e personaggi dello spettacolo. La serata si svolgerà in Piazza IV Novembre per tutti coloro che vorranno dare il benvenuto al 2023, i primi festeggiamenti avranno inizio alle 21:00 circa dopo il messaggio di fine anno del Presidente della Repubblica.

>> Se desideri festeggiare il tuo Capodanno al Concertone, contatta ora gli hotel nella zona di Perugia!
Capodanno a Orvieto
Se siete amanti della musica, ad Orvieto avrete la possibilità di vivere un Capodanno sicuramente unico grazie agli eventi organizzati in occasione di Umbria Jazz Winter che vedrà artisti di fama internazionale esibirsi nei luoghi più suggestivi della città. I concerti hanno per sede due edifici strategici nel patrimonio architettonico della città: il palazzo del Capitano del Popolo, con la sala dei 400, e il teatro Mancinelli. Gli appuntamenti principali sono poco prima della mezzanotte in Piazza IV Novembre per accogliere il nuovo anno insieme, e successivamente alle 01.00 il tradizionale concerto gospel al teatro Mancinelli.

>> Vuoi festeggiare Capodanno 2022 a ritmo di Jazz con Umbria Jazz Winter? Contatta ora i migliori hotel a Orvieto e dintorni!
Capodanno nelle piazze
Nelle piazze centrali dei principali centri umbri si festeggerà l’arrivo del nuovo anno con concerti e fuochi d’artificio
Un fine anno assolutamente speciale si garantisce ad Assisi, in Piazza del Comune in cui oltre alla possibilità di terminare l’anno in Basilica, tutto il centro storico è animato da una serie di concerti che si susseguiranno fino a notte tarda.
Anche Spoleto festeggia il Capodanno in centro con numerosi appuntamenti previsti a fine anno; dalle mostre e grandi concerti, ai meravigliosi fuochi d’artificio. Mentre a Gubbio, l’arrivo del nuovo anno sarà accompagnato dai fuochi d’artificio e dal tradizionale suono del Campanone di Palazzo dei Consoli.
Capodanno gustando la gastronomia umbra

Per chi ama l’enogastronomia ed il buon mangiare le migliori occasioni si trovano negli agriturismi dell’Umbria che in occasione dell’ultimo giorno dell’anno propongono suggestivi menù tematici che spaziano dai percorsi enogastronomici a base di prodotti tipici umbri fino a piatti di pesce di lago e di mare rivisitati con tartufo e abbinati a vini della tradizione umbra.
Non solo a Capodanno…
Ricordiamo che a Perugia fino al 6 Gennaio 2023 sarà possibile visitare i bellissimi mercatini di Natale della Rocca Paolina, una vera e propria mostra mercato delle produzioni artigianali di qualità, dei mestieri d’arte, della creatività e delle specialità enogastronomiche di tutta Italia. Inoltre a Gubbio è presente fino all’8 Gennaio 2023 il Christmas Land, dove vi aspettano attrazioni natalizie per i più piccoli e non solo.
Due enormi installazioni luminose meritano di essere ammirate: l’Albero di Natale più Grande del Mondo di Gubbio, alto oltre 650 metri con con più di 250 punti luminosi e la Stella di Miranda che con i suoi 105 metri di diametro e 350 metri di coda, per una superficie complessiva occupata di 30.000 metri quadri, illumina Terni e il suo territorio.
Vi aspettiamo in Umbria per la notte più lunga dell’anno!
Buon Capodanno 2022 da Bella Umbria!
Why Celebrate 2014 New Year’s Day in Umbria? Because Umbria, the green heart of Italy offers many activities for a sparkling New Year’s Day!
If you love music, experience a unique 2014 New Year’s Day in Orvieto thanks to 2013 Umbria Jazz Winter, which will see international artists perform in the most beautiful places of the city. Passignano sul Trasimeno will sing Gospel music on the occasion of 2013 Soul Christmas – Umbria Gospel Festival that this year will celebrate the memory of the great Nelson Mandela. On December 29th , at 9.30 pm, Auditorium Urbani will host the prestigious choir of the Atlanta Inspirational Gospel Choir, directed by Sonya McGuire.
>> Do you want to celebrate 2014 New Year’s Day with Umbria Jazz Winter? Find now the best farmhouses in Orvieto.

2014 New Year’s Day in Umbria will see al city’s squares dance! The central squares of the main towns of Umbria will celebrate the arrival of the new year with concerts and fireworks. Assisi will be enlivened by a series of concerts that are taking place until late at night. Spoleto center celebrates has numerous events planned at the end of the year, as well as Citta di Castello, Cerreto di Spoleto, Umbertide and of course Perugia and Terni. In the squares of the historic center of Perugia will be held the traditional New Year’s concerts ( Carducci Gardens , Piazza IV Novembre and many other locations ). Concerts and performances will liven up even the squares of Terni from Piazza della Repubblica to Piazza Tacito guests with events in many clubs and pubs.
In Gubbio the arrival of the new year will be accompanied by the sound of the bells while Monte Castello di Vibio will choose the magical atmosphere of Teatro della Concordia, the smallest theater in the world, for the traditional New Year’s Concert.
>> To celebrate your 2014 New Year’s Day in Umbria click here and check out the list of the best hotels in Assisi

In Perugia until January 6th you can take a look at the Rocca Paolina beautiful Christmas markets, an exhibition of craft products that show creativity and culinary specialties from all Italy. If you have decided to celebrate 2014 New Year’s Day in Umbria do not miss the Animated nativity scene with beautiful lighting and music effects created by the electrician Divo Pettorossi in Penna in Teverina.
Two huge light installations deserve to be admired: Gubbio Christmas Tree, the biggest Christmas Tree in the world, up over 650 meters with over 250 points of light, and the Star of Miranda with its 105 meters in diameter and 350 meters from the queue , for a total area of 30,000 square meters occupied.

Discover Umbria Food and Wine for 2014 New Year’s Day >> Look at the list of the best Farmhouses in Perugia
Umbria is the paradise for those who love good food and wine. Taste a tipycal New Years’ Day Dinner in one of the farmhouses in Umbria. You will eat typical Umbrian products, ake and sea fish, truffles and the good wines from the Umbrian tradition.
Why Celebrate 2014 New Year’s Day in Umbria? Because Umbria, the green heart of Italy offers many activities for a sparkling New Year’s Day!
If you love music, experience a unique 2014 New Year’s Day in Orvieto thanks to 2013 Umbria Jazz Winter, which will see international artists perform in the most beautiful places of the city. Passignano sul Trasimeno will sing Gospel music on the occasion of 2013 Soul Christmas – Umbria Gospel Festival that this year will celebrate the memory of the great Nelson Mandela. On December 29th , at 9.30 pm, Auditorium Urbani will host the prestigious choir of the Atlanta Inspirational Gospel Choir, directed by Sonya McGuire.
>> Do you want to celebrate 2014 New Year’s Day with Umbria Jazz Winter? Find now the best farmhouses in Orvieto.

2014 New Year’s Day in Umbria will see al city’s squares dance! The central squares of the main towns of Umbria will celebrate the arrival of the new year with concerts and fireworks. Assisi will be enlivened by a series of concerts that are taking place until late at night. Spoleto center celebrates has numerous events planned at the end of the year, as well as Citta di Castello, Cerreto di Spoleto, Umbertide and of course Perugia and Terni. In the squares of the historic center of Perugia will be held the traditional New Year’s concerts ( Carducci Gardens , Piazza IV Novembre and many other locations ). Concerts and performances will liven up even the squares of Terni from Piazza della Repubblica to Piazza Tacito guests with events in many clubs and pubs.
In Gubbio the arrival of the new year will be accompanied by the sound of the bells while Monte Castello di Vibio will choose the magical atmosphere of Teatro della Concordia, the smallest theater in the world, for the traditional New Year’s Concert.
>> To celebrate your 2014 New Year’s Day in Umbria click here and check out the list of the best hotels in Assisi

In Perugia until January 6th you can take a look at the Rocca Paolina beautiful Christmas markets, an exhibition of craft products that show creativity and culinary specialties from all Italy. If you have decided to celebrate 2014 New Year’s Day in Umbria do not miss the Animated nativity scene with beautiful lighting and music effects created by the electrician Divo Pettorossi in Penna in Teverina.
Two huge light installations deserve to be admired: Gubbio Christmas Tree, the biggest Christmas Tree in the world, up over 650 meters with over 250 points of light, and the Star of Miranda with its 105 meters in diameter and 350 meters from the queue , for a total area of 30,000 square meters occupied.

Discover Umbria Food and Wine for 2014 New Year’s Day >> Look at the list of the best Farmhouses in Perugia
Umbria is the paradise for those who love good food and wine. Taste a tipycal New Years’ Day Dinner in one of the farmhouses in Umbria. You will eat typical Umbrian products, ake and sea fish, truffles and the good wines from the Umbrian tradition.
Why Celebrate 2014 New Year’s Day in Umbria? Because Umbria, the green heart of Italy offers many activities for a sparkling New Year’s Day!
If you love music, experience a unique 2014 New Year’s Day in Orvieto thanks to 2013 Umbria Jazz Winter, which will see international artists perform in the most beautiful places of the city. Passignano sul Trasimeno will sing Gospel music on the occasion of 2013 Soul Christmas – Umbria Gospel Festival that this year will celebrate the memory of the great Nelson Mandela. On December 29th , at 9.30 pm, Auditorium Urbani will host the prestigious choir of the Atlanta Inspirational Gospel Choir, directed by Sonya McGuire.
>> Do you want to celebrate 2014 New Year’s Day with Umbria Jazz Winter? Find now the best farmhouses in Orvieto.

2014 New Year’s Day in Umbria will see al city’s squares dance! The central squares of the main towns of Umbria will celebrate the arrival of the new year with concerts and fireworks. Assisi will be enlivened by a series of concerts that are taking place until late at night. Spoleto center celebrates has numerous events planned at the end of the year, as well as Citta di Castello, Cerreto di Spoleto, Umbertide and of course Perugia and Terni. In the squares of the historic center of Perugia will be held the traditional New Year’s concerts ( Carducci Gardens , Piazza IV Novembre and many other locations ). Concerts and performances will liven up even the squares of Terni from Piazza della Repubblica to Piazza Tacito guests with events in many clubs and pubs.
In Gubbio the arrival of the new year will be accompanied by the sound of the bells while Monte Castello di Vibio will choose the magical atmosphere of Teatro della Concordia, the smallest theater in the world, for the traditional New Year’s Concert.
>> To celebrate your 2014 New Year’s Day in Umbria click here and check out the list of the best hotels in Assisi

In Perugia until January 6th you can take a look at the Rocca Paolina beautiful Christmas markets, an exhibition of craft products that show creativity and culinary specialties from all Italy. If you have decided to celebrate 2014 New Year’s Day in Umbria do not miss the Animated nativity scene with beautiful lighting and music effects created by the electrician Divo Pettorossi in Penna in Teverina.
Two huge light installations deserve to be admired: Gubbio Christmas Tree, the biggest Christmas Tree in the world, up over 650 meters with over 250 points of light, and the Star of Miranda with its 105 meters in diameter and 350 meters from the queue , for a total area of 30,000 square meters occupied.

Discover Umbria Food and Wine for 2014 New Year’s Day >> Look at the list of the best Farmhouses in Perugia
Umbria is the paradise for those who love good food and wine. Taste a tipycal New Years’ Day Dinner in one of the farmhouses in Umbria. You will eat typical Umbrian products, ake and sea fish, truffles and the good wines from the Umbrian tradition.
Why Celebrate 2014 New Year’s Day in Umbria? Because Umbria, the green heart of Italy offers many activities for a sparkling New Year’s Day!
If you love music, experience a unique 2014 New Year’s Day in Orvieto thanks to 2013 Umbria Jazz Winter, which will see international artists perform in the most beautiful places of the city. Passignano sul Trasimeno will sing Gospel music on the occasion of 2013 Soul Christmas – Umbria Gospel Festival that this year will celebrate the memory of the great Nelson Mandela. On December 29th , at 9.30 pm, Auditorium Urbani will host the prestigious choir of the Atlanta Inspirational Gospel Choir, directed by Sonya McGuire.
>> Do you want to celebrate 2014 New Year’s Day with Umbria Jazz Winter? Find now the best farmhouses in Orvieto.

2014 New Year’s Day in Umbria will see al city’s squares dance! The central squares of the main towns of Umbria will celebrate the arrival of the new year with concerts and fireworks. Assisi will be enlivened by a series of concerts that are taking place until late at night. Spoleto center celebrates has numerous events planned at the end of the year, as well as Citta di Castello, Cerreto di Spoleto, Umbertide and of course Perugia and Terni. In the squares of the historic center of Perugia will be held the traditional New Year’s concerts ( Carducci Gardens , Piazza IV Novembre and many other locations ). Concerts and performances will liven up even the squares of Terni from Piazza della Repubblica to Piazza Tacito guests with events in many clubs and pubs.
In Gubbio the arrival of the new year will be accompanied by the sound of the bells while Monte Castello di Vibio will choose the magical atmosphere of Teatro della Concordia, the smallest theater in the world, for the traditional New Year’s Concert.
>> To celebrate your 2014 New Year’s Day in Umbria click here and check out the list of the best hotels in Assisi

In Perugia until January 6th you can take a look at the Rocca Paolina beautiful Christmas markets, an exhibition of craft products that show creativity and culinary specialties from all Italy. If you have decided to celebrate 2014 New Year’s Day in Umbria do not miss the Animated nativity scene with beautiful lighting and music effects created by the electrician Divo Pettorossi in Penna in Teverina.
Two huge light installations deserve to be admired: Gubbio Christmas Tree, the biggest Christmas Tree in the world, up over 650 meters with over 250 points of light, and the Star of Miranda with its 105 meters in diameter and 350 meters from the queue , for a total area of 30,000 square meters occupied.

Discover Umbria Food and Wine for 2014 New Year’s Day >> Look at the list of the best Farmhouses in Perugia
Umbria is the paradise for those who love good food and wine. Taste a tipycal New Years’ Day Dinner in one of the farmhouses in Umbria. You will eat typical Umbrian products, ake and sea fish, truffles and the good wines from the Umbrian tradition.
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