Da oltre un secolo la Famiglia Fortunelli si tramanda di padre in figlio la passione per l’olivo: dalla sua nascita alla fioritura, alla raccolta e spremitura delle sue drupe. Le piante di Leccino, Morello, Frantoio producono un olio extra vergine tipico umbro che unito all’amore per la terra e per le tradizioni ne fanno un prodotto di altissima qualità, base della dieta mediterranea. L’estrazione avviene a freddo lasciando così inalterate le proprietà organolettiche del prodotto, offrendovi ogni giorno il sapore e il profumo di questo inconfondibile olio, condimento ideale per ogni vostra portata.

For over a century the Family Fortunelli handed down from father to son’s passion for the olive tree, from its inception to flowering, harvesting and pressing its drupes. The plants of Leccino, Morello, an oil mill produces extra virgin Umbrian typical oilthat together with love for the land and traditions make it a top quality product, the Mediterranean diet. Extraction is cold leaving unaltered the organoleptic properties of the product, giving you every day flavor and unmistakable aroma of this oil, perfect seasoning for all of your meals.

For over a century the Family Fortunelli handed down from father to son’s passion for the olive tree, from its inception to flowering, harvesting and pressing its drupes. The plants of Leccino, Morello, an oil mill produces extra virgin Umbrian typical oilthat together with love for the land and traditions make it a top quality product, the Mediterranean diet. Extraction is cold leaving unaltered the organoleptic properties of the product, giving you every day flavor and unmistakable aroma of this oil, perfect seasoning for all of your meals.

For over a century the Family Fortunelli handed down from father to son’s passion for the olive tree, from its inception to flowering, harvesting and pressing its drupes. The plants of Leccino, Morello, an oil mill produces extra virgin Umbrian typical oilthat together with love for the land and traditions make it a top quality product, the Mediterranean diet. Extraction is cold leaving unaltered the organoleptic properties of the product, giving you every day flavor and unmistakable aroma of this oil, perfect seasoning for all of your meals.

For over a century the Family Fortunelli handed down from father to son’s passion for the olive tree, from its inception to flowering, harvesting and pressing its drupes. The plants of Leccino, Morello, an oil mill produces extra virgin Umbrian typical oilthat together with love for the land and traditions make it a top quality product, the Mediterranean diet. Extraction is cold leaving unaltered the organoleptic properties of the product, giving you every day flavor and unmistakable aroma of this oil, perfect seasoning for all of your meals.