L’Accensione dell’Albero di Gubbio avviene puntuale nella stessa sera di ogni anno, fin dalla prima volta in cui l’Albero di Natale più grande del mondo venne illuminato, nel 1981.
Il 7 dicembre è dunque da allora una data particolarmente importante per Gubbio e per i cosiddetti alberaioli, celebrata grazie alla partecipazione speciale di un’organizzazione, un ente o una personalità d’eccellenza appositamente chiamata per la prima accensione dell’albero di Gubbio.

Accensione Albero di Gubbio: un’accensione tricolore!
Dopo Papa Francesco nel 2014, l’Organizzazione Umanitaria Medici Senza Frontiere nel 2015 e Save The Children nel 2016, l’edizione dello scorso anno aveva visto una particolare accensione spaziale grazie alla collaborazione con l’Agenzia Spaziale Europea e l’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, nella persona dell’astronauta Paolo Nespoli a bordo dell’Iss, che attraversò i cieli umbri orbitando alla velocità di 37.000 km/h a 400 km di altezza.
Restiamo in cielo anche per questa 38esima edizione, con un’accensione che avrà testimonial i Piloti delle Frecce Tricolore, che ci regalano sempre grandi emozioni disegnando fantasiosi tracciati verdi, bianchi e rossi con le loro acrobazie.
Ecco le parole dell’organizzazione sull’Accensione dell’Albero 2018:
«La Pattuglia Acrobatica Nazionale – Frecce Tricolori – rappresenta l’inesauribile desiderio di elevare il volo all’ennesima potenza, esaltando la componente umana nella sua essenzialità, nonché la sintesi di una squadra tenuta saldamente unita dai forti valori che contraddistinguono ogni suo elemento. Allo stesso tempo, viene riconosciuto il valore del singolo all’interno del Gruppo, nel rispetto della professionalità di ognuno, che risulta essere indispensabile al raggiungimento della missione.».
La cerimonia ufficiale di accensione avrà luogo a Piazza Martiri, in centro città, a partire dalle ore 18:00 di venerdì 7 Dicembre.
L’Albero di Gubbio rimarrà acceso dal tramonto a tarda notte per tutto il periodo natalizio, fino al 6 Gennaio successivo.

Albero di Gubbio: l’albero di Natale da record
Creato ed acceso per la prima volta nel 1981, l’Albero di Natale di Gubbio è ormai entrato nel Guinnes dei Primati come l’albero più grande del mondo. L’immenso albero è realizzato disponendo una varietà di luminarie di vario tipo e colore lungo le pendici del Monte Ingino, che sovrasta la splendida città medievale di Gubbio.
Ed i numeri sono effettivamente impressionanti: una base di 450 metri che sfuma nelle mura medievali della città, per oltre 750 metri di altezza, fino a lambire la Basilica del patrono Sant’Ubaldo, situata in cima alla montagna (per dare un’idea, si tratta all’incirca dello spazio occupato da 30 campi da calcio).
Uno spettacolo emozionante, di fronte al quale è impossibile rimanere indifferenti!

Le luci dell’Albero di Gubbio: adotta una luce
L’Albero di Natale di Gubbio è promotore di una bellissima iniziativa specialmente dedicata a tutti voi: Adotta Una Luce! Le luci sono adottate per il tempo di accensione annuale dell’albero: per quest’anno le luci sono state tutte adottate, e saranno di nuovo libere per una nuova adozione nella prossima edizione.
Ciascuno di voi può adottare una delle luci dell’albero ad un prezzo simbolico di € 10.00 e dedicarla a chi più gli sta a cuore. La dedica “Una Luce per…” sarà pubblica e sarà un piccola ma significativa dimostrazione del vostro affetto e dei vostri sentimenti. La fotografia della sagoma luminosa dell’Albero di Gubbio disegnata sul versante sud del monte Ingino è riprodotta nell’apposita pagina del sito: si anima con le stelle luminose e multicolori che man mano si accendono, grazie alle offerte di eugubini e non.
Si può inserire un breve testo, una dedica, un nome o un messaggio di vario genere. C’è anche chi approfitta per messaggi davvero speciali, come chi lo scorso anno utilizzò proprio la luce dell’Albero di Gubbio per la domanda più importante della propria vita: per chiedere alla propria fidanzata di sposarlo! In una delle luci accese nella parte centrale della sagoma, si leggeva infatti la dedica: “Antonella mi vuoi sposare?”.
Scopri come adottare una luce e lascia la tua dedica speciale nella pagina ufficiale
Lighting of Gubbio Christmas Tree is coming: 7th December has been a very special day in Gubbio since 1981, when the largest Christmas Tree in the world lighted for the first time.
Every 7th December is celebrated by the participation of an organization or a celebrity that is especially called to turn on the famous Tree and light it.

A Tricolur Lighting from Umbrian skies
In 2014, Gubbio hosted Pope Francesco to turn on the its Tree. In 2015, it was the humanitarian organisation of Medici Senza Frontiere and in 2016 the city had Save The Children as testimonial.
At the edition of last year, there was a special lighting from space with the collaboration of the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency, thanks to the astronaut Paolo Nespoli who was above the Umbrian skies orbiting at 37.000 km/h at 400 km of height.
We will look up to the skies also for this 38° edition: the lighting will have as protagonist the green, white and red drawn by the acrobaticts of the Frecce Tricolore Pilots.
Here the President Lucio Costantini’s words about the 2018 lighting of the Tree:
« The National Aerobatic Team – Frecce Tricolori – represents the inexhaustible desire to elevate the flight to the nth degree, exalting the human component in its essentiality, as well as the synthesis of a team firmly united by the strong values that distinguish each element. At the same time, the value of the individual within the Group is recognized, respecting everyone’s professionalism, which is essential for achieving the mission».
The official ceremony is being in Piazza Martiri, in the city center of Gubbio, from 6 pm of Friday 7th December.
The Tree of Gubbio will turn on every evening during the Christmas time, until next 6th January.

Christmas Tree of Gubbio: a record tree
Created and turned on for the first time in 1981, the Chirstmas Tree of Gubbio has entered in the Guinnes Book of World Records as the largest Christmas Tree in the world. The immense tree is achieved by placing some series of illuminations of various types and colors along the slopes of the Ingino Mount, overlooking the beautiful medieval town of Gubbio.
The numbers are indeed impressive: a base of 450 m fading in the medieval walls of the city for more than 750 m of height, until the Cathedral of the Saint Patron Ubaldo, located on the top of the mountain (to give an idea of this, it is approximately the same space occupied by 30 football fields).
An exciting show, in front of which it is impossible to remain indifferent!

The best hotels and farm houses in tha area of Gubbio, selected for you
The lights of the Tree of Gubbio: adopt a light!
The Christmas Tree of Gubbio is the promoter of a wonderful initiative especially dedicated to all of you: adopt a light!
By participating in the initiative, each of you can adopt one of the light of the tree at the symbolic price of € 10.00. So, you can dedicated your light to those who are closest to your heart thanks to the dedication “A Light For…”. Your dedication will be public and it will be a little but significant demostration of your affection and your feelings. The lights shall be adopted for the annual lighting time of the tree: when they have been all adopted, they will be free again next year for a new adoption.
You can choose the dedication that you prefer, a name or a message. Someone last year used his light of the Tree of Gubbio for the most important request of his life: in one of the central lights of the tree, you read “Antonella, do your want to marry me?”.
Discover how adopt a light and write your special inscription in the official page
Lighting of Gubbio Christmas Tree is coming: 7th December has been a very special day in Gubbio since 1981, when the largest Christmas Tree in the world lighted for the first time.
Every 7th December is celebrated by the participation of an organization or a celebrity that is especially called to turn on the famous Tree and light it.

A Tricolur Lighting from Umbrian skies
In 2014, Gubbio hosted Pope Francesco to turn on the its Tree. In 2015, it was the humanitarian organisation of Medici Senza Frontiere and in 2016 the city had Save The Children as testimonial.
At the edition of last year, there was a special lighting from space with the collaboration of the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency, thanks to the astronaut Paolo Nespoli who was above the Umbrian skies orbiting at 37.000 km/h at 400 km of height.
We will look up to the skies also for this 38° edition: the lighting will have as protagonist the green, white and red drawn by the acrobaticts of the Frecce Tricolore Pilots.
Here the President Lucio Costantini’s words about the 2018 lighting of the Tree:
« The National Aerobatic Team – Frecce Tricolori – represents the inexhaustible desire to elevate the flight to the nth degree, exalting the human component in its essentiality, as well as the synthesis of a team firmly united by the strong values that distinguish each element. At the same time, the value of the individual within the Group is recognized, respecting everyone’s professionalism, which is essential for achieving the mission».
The official ceremony is being in Piazza Martiri, in the city center of Gubbio, from 6 pm of Friday 7th December.
The Tree of Gubbio will turn on every evening during the Christmas time, until next 6th January.

Christmas Tree of Gubbio: a record tree
Created and turned on for the first time in 1981, the Chirstmas Tree of Gubbio has entered in the Guinnes Book of World Records as the largest Christmas Tree in the world. The immense tree is achieved by placing some series of illuminations of various types and colors along the slopes of the Ingino Mount, overlooking the beautiful medieval town of Gubbio.
The numbers are indeed impressive: a base of 450 m fading in the medieval walls of the city for more than 750 m of height, until the Cathedral of the Saint Patron Ubaldo, located on the top of the mountain (to give an idea of this, it is approximately the same space occupied by 30 football fields).
An exciting show, in front of which it is impossible to remain indifferent!

The best hotels and farm houses in tha area of Gubbio, selected for you
The lights of the Tree of Gubbio: adopt a light!
The Christmas Tree of Gubbio is the promoter of a wonderful initiative especially dedicated to all of you: adopt a light!
By participating in the initiative, each of you can adopt one of the light of the tree at the symbolic price of € 10.00. So, you can dedicated your light to those who are closest to your heart thanks to the dedication “A Light For…”. Your dedication will be public and it will be a little but significant demostration of your affection and your feelings. The lights shall be adopted for the annual lighting time of the tree: when they have been all adopted, they will be free again next year for a new adoption.
You can choose the dedication that you prefer, a name or a message. Someone last year used his light of the Tree of Gubbio for the most important request of his life: in one of the central lights of the tree, you read “Antonella, do your want to marry me?”.
Discover how adopt a light and write your special inscription in the official page
Lighting of Gubbio Christmas Tree is coming: 7th December has been a very special day in Gubbio since 1981, when the largest Christmas Tree in the world lighted for the first time.
Every 7th December is celebrated by the participation of an organization or a celebrity that is especially called to turn on the famous Tree and light it.

A Tricolur Lighting from Umbrian skies
In 2014, Gubbio hosted Pope Francesco to turn on the its Tree. In 2015, it was the humanitarian organisation of Medici Senza Frontiere and in 2016 the city had Save The Children as testimonial.
At the edition of last year, there was a special lighting from space with the collaboration of the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency, thanks to the astronaut Paolo Nespoli who was above the Umbrian skies orbiting at 37.000 km/h at 400 km of height.
We will look up to the skies also for this 38° edition: the lighting will have as protagonist the green, white and red drawn by the acrobaticts of the Frecce Tricolore Pilots.
Here the President Lucio Costantini’s words about the 2018 lighting of the Tree:
« The National Aerobatic Team – Frecce Tricolori – represents the inexhaustible desire to elevate the flight to the nth degree, exalting the human component in its essentiality, as well as the synthesis of a team firmly united by the strong values that distinguish each element. At the same time, the value of the individual within the Group is recognized, respecting everyone’s professionalism, which is essential for achieving the mission».
The official ceremony is being in Piazza Martiri, in the city center of Gubbio, from 6 pm of Friday 7th December.
The Tree of Gubbio will turn on every evening during the Christmas time, until next 6th January.

Christmas Tree of Gubbio: a record tree
Created and turned on for the first time in 1981, the Chirstmas Tree of Gubbio has entered in the Guinnes Book of World Records as the largest Christmas Tree in the world. The immense tree is achieved by placing some series of illuminations of various types and colors along the slopes of the Ingino Mount, overlooking the beautiful medieval town of Gubbio.
The numbers are indeed impressive: a base of 450 m fading in the medieval walls of the city for more than 750 m of height, until the Cathedral of the Saint Patron Ubaldo, located on the top of the mountain (to give an idea of this, it is approximately the same space occupied by 30 football fields).
An exciting show, in front of which it is impossible to remain indifferent!

The best hotels and farm houses in tha area of Gubbio, selected for you
The lights of the Tree of Gubbio: adopt a light!
The Christmas Tree of Gubbio is the promoter of a wonderful initiative especially dedicated to all of you: adopt a light!
By participating in the initiative, each of you can adopt one of the light of the tree at the symbolic price of € 10.00. So, you can dedicated your light to those who are closest to your heart thanks to the dedication “A Light For…”. Your dedication will be public and it will be a little but significant demostration of your affection and your feelings. The lights shall be adopted for the annual lighting time of the tree: when they have been all adopted, they will be free again next year for a new adoption.
You can choose the dedication that you prefer, a name or a message. Someone last year used his light of the Tree of Gubbio for the most important request of his life: in one of the central lights of the tree, you read “Antonella, do your want to marry me?”.
Discover how adopt a light and write your special inscription in the official page
Lighting of Gubbio Christmas Tree is coming: 7th December has been a very special day in Gubbio since 1981, when the largest Christmas Tree in the world lighted for the first time.
Every 7th December is celebrated by the participation of an organization or a celebrity that is especially called to turn on the famous Tree and light it.

A Tricolur Lighting from Umbrian skies
In 2014, Gubbio hosted Pope Francesco to turn on the its Tree. In 2015, it was the humanitarian organisation of Medici Senza Frontiere and in 2016 the city had Save The Children as testimonial.
At the edition of last year, there was a special lighting from space with the collaboration of the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency, thanks to the astronaut Paolo Nespoli who was above the Umbrian skies orbiting at 37.000 km/h at 400 km of height.
We will look up to the skies also for this 38° edition: the lighting will have as protagonist the green, white and red drawn by the acrobaticts of the Frecce Tricolore Pilots.
Here the President Lucio Costantini’s words about the 2018 lighting of the Tree:
« The National Aerobatic Team – Frecce Tricolori – represents the inexhaustible desire to elevate the flight to the nth degree, exalting the human component in its essentiality, as well as the synthesis of a team firmly united by the strong values that distinguish each element. At the same time, the value of the individual within the Group is recognized, respecting everyone’s professionalism, which is essential for achieving the mission».
The official ceremony is being in Piazza Martiri, in the city center of Gubbio, from 6 pm of Friday 7th December.
The Tree of Gubbio will turn on every evening during the Christmas time, until next 6th January.

Christmas Tree of Gubbio: a record tree
Created and turned on for the first time in 1981, the Chirstmas Tree of Gubbio has entered in the Guinnes Book of World Records as the largest Christmas Tree in the world. The immense tree is achieved by placing some series of illuminations of various types and colors along the slopes of the Ingino Mount, overlooking the beautiful medieval town of Gubbio.
The numbers are indeed impressive: a base of 450 m fading in the medieval walls of the city for more than 750 m of height, until the Cathedral of the Saint Patron Ubaldo, located on the top of the mountain (to give an idea of this, it is approximately the same space occupied by 30 football fields).
An exciting show, in front of which it is impossible to remain indifferent!

The best hotels and farm houses in tha area of Gubbio, selected for you
The lights of the Tree of Gubbio: adopt a light!
The Christmas Tree of Gubbio is the promoter of a wonderful initiative especially dedicated to all of you: adopt a light!
By participating in the initiative, each of you can adopt one of the light of the tree at the symbolic price of € 10.00. So, you can dedicated your light to those who are closest to your heart thanks to the dedication “A Light For…”. Your dedication will be public and it will be a little but significant demostration of your affection and your feelings. The lights shall be adopted for the annual lighting time of the tree: when they have been all adopted, they will be free again next year for a new adoption.
You can choose the dedication that you prefer, a name or a message. Someone last year used his light of the Tree of Gubbio for the most important request of his life: in one of the central lights of the tree, you read “Antonella, do your want to marry me?”.
Discover how adopt a light and write your special inscription in the official page
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