La posizione, l’altitudine, il clima e la natura calcarea della fascia collinare, che sovrasta la conca ternana, hanno permesso lo sviluppo di una tipica varietà locale di ulivi detta “Moraiolo”, che producono un frutto piccolo ma di ottima qualità. Le olive raccolte ancora manualmente sulle piante, vengono lavorate con il tradizionale ed antico sistema di frantoio a macine in pietra di granito.

The location, altitude, climate and the nature of the limestone hills, overlooking thevalley of Terni, have enabled the development of a typical local variety of olive called “Moraiolo”, which produce a small fruit but of excellent quality. The olives are harvested by hand still on the plants, are processed with the traditional and ancient system of crusher granite millstones.

The location, altitude, climate and the nature of the limestone hills, overlooking thevalley of Terni, have enabled the development of a typical local variety of olive called “Moraiolo”, which produce a small fruit but of excellent quality. The olives are harvested by hand still on the plants, are processed with the traditional and ancient system of crusher granite millstones.

The location, altitude, climate and the nature of the limestone hills, overlooking thevalley of Terni, have enabled the development of a typical local variety of olive called “Moraiolo”, which produce a small fruit but of excellent quality. The olives are harvested by hand still on the plants, are processed with the traditional and ancient system of crusher granite millstones.

The location, altitude, climate and the nature of the limestone hills, overlooking thevalley of Terni, have enabled the development of a typical local variety of olive called “Moraiolo”, which produce a small fruit but of excellent quality. The olives are harvested by hand still on the plants, are processed with the traditional and ancient system of crusher granite millstones.