Il Palazzo Papale nel centro storico di Orvieto ospita il Museo Archeologico Nazionale, che raccoglie nel suo spazio espositivo le due tombe etrusche rinvenute dal Golini con affreschi che illustrano scene del banchetto funebre, ceramiche etrusche a figure rosse, bronzi e corredi funebri.

Il Museo custodisce antichi reperti archeologici provenienti dalle necropoli circostanti Orvieto; tra i reperti più importanti sei segnalano le armature bronzee (elmi, corazze, scudi) e le ceramiche etrusche a figure rosse.

Orari di visita
Dal martedì alla domenica: 08:30 – 19:30 (ultimo ingresso alle 19:00)

Lunedì: chiuso

Intero: € 4,00
Ridotto € 2,00
Gratuito: per i cittadini U.E. sotto i 18 anni (fatte salve le agevolazioni previste dal regolamento di ingresso ai luoghi della cultura italiani, consultabili nel sito web del MiC).

The Papal Palace in the historic center of Orvieto is home to the National Archaeological Museum, which collects in its exhibition space the two Etruscan tombs found by Golini with frescoes depicting scenes of the funeral banquet,Etruscan ceramics with red figures, bronzes and funeral.

The Museum holds ancient archaeological finds from the cemeteries surroundingOrvieto, among the most important findings reported six bronze armor (helmets,breastplates, shields) and Etruscan ceramics with red figures.

Visiting Hours
Every day from 08:30 to 19:30

Full price: € 3.00
Reduced € 1.50 (18/25 years)
Free (under age kids, elderly and school groups)
Tickets for museum and archaeological Etruscan necropolis € 5.00

The Papal Palace in the historic center of Orvieto is home to the National Archaeological Museum, which collects in its exhibition space the two Etruscan tombs found by Golini with frescoes depicting scenes of the funeral banquet,Etruscan ceramics with red figures, bronzes and funeral.

The Museum holds ancient archaeological finds from the cemeteries surroundingOrvieto, among the most important findings reported six bronze armor (helmets,breastplates, shields) and Etruscan ceramics with red figures.

Visiting Hours
Every day from 08:30 to 19:30

Full price: € 3.00
Reduced € 1.50 (18/25 years)
Free (under age kids, elderly and school groups)
Tickets for museum and archaeological Etruscan necropolis € 5.00

The Papal Palace in the historic center of Orvieto is home to the National Archaeological Museum, which collects in its exhibition space the two Etruscan tombs found by Golini with frescoes depicting scenes of the funeral banquet,Etruscan ceramics with red figures, bronzes and funeral.

The Museum holds ancient archaeological finds from the cemeteries surroundingOrvieto, among the most important findings reported six bronze armor (helmets,breastplates, shields) and Etruscan ceramics with red figures.

Visiting Hours
Every day from 08:30 to 19:30

Full price: € 3.00
Reduced € 1.50 (18/25 years)
Free (under age kids, elderly and school groups)
Tickets for museum and archaeological Etruscan necropolis € 5.00

The Papal Palace in the historic center of Orvieto is home to the National Archaeological Museum, which collects in its exhibition space the two Etruscan tombs found by Golini with frescoes depicting scenes of the funeral banquet,Etruscan ceramics with red figures, bronzes and funeral.

The Museum holds ancient archaeological finds from the cemeteries surroundingOrvieto, among the most important findings reported six bronze armor (helmets,breastplates, shields) and Etruscan ceramics with red figures.

Visiting Hours
Every day from 08:30 to 19:30

Full price: € 3.00
Reduced € 1.50 (18/25 years)
Free (under age kids, elderly and school groups)
Tickets for museum and archaeological Etruscan necropolis € 5.00